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Calina/IPB9 is a drought and disease-resistant variety, which is also dwarf with red-fleshed fruits. Variety is drought/disease resistant. Dwarf plants. Fruits are red fleshed. Fruits weigh between 1-2kgs Matures 8 months after transplanting. Stays productive for upto 4 years.
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Lal Pari F1 is a deep pink / red fleshed papaya with high fruit setting capabilities. excellent transportability and free from males. Maturity 8-9 months after transplanting Plant Height 5-6 feet at third year Fruit Set Av 50-60 fruits/plant. Suitable for long distance transport...
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Dark orange/red fleshed papaya. Fruit size 550-650 grams. Fruit uniformity and good smooth skin. Tolerance to viral and fungal diseases.
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A vigorous hybrid pawpaw with excellent setting ability. Characteristics:  A vigorous hybrid with evident dwarf plant habit Strong thick stems Good level of virus resistance Excellent setting ability Med-large size fruit with thick flesh Attractive red colour...
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A gynodioecious papaya hybrid   Characteristics: All plants bear fruits. Female fruits are round and hermaphrodite fruits are oblong Average fruit weight: approx. 2 Kgs Maturity: 270 days from transplanting Flesh is deep yellow, firm and sweet with 14% sugar content Plant...
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A vigorous hybrid papaya with semi-dwarf plant habit & good fruit setting ability. Characteristics:  A vigorous hybrid with semi-dwarf plant habit Good fruit setting ability  High yield potential  Medium fruit size with attractive red flesh  Firm fruits,...