Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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A curative fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in roses and rust in carnations. Contains;   azoxystrobin 250g/l + flutriafol 250g/l   A curative fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in roses and rust in carnations. Contains;   azoxystrobin 250g/l +...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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Aflasafe is a very effective natural product for minimizing aflatoxin contamination.
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Insecticide for the control of aphids, thrips, whiteflies and leaf miners on French beans. Alpha-cypermethrin 100g/L  Application Dose                      250ml/1000ml or 5-10ml/20L
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ALGALIV is a concentrated solution of a natural extract of seaweed ( Ascophyllum nodosum ) and phosphorus, potassium and microelements. The seaweed extract is rich in plant growth hormones such as cytokinins, gibberellins and auxins, and natural organic molecules including betaines, manitol,...
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High Concentration Of Boron And Zinc With Hormones. Increases flower formation. Prevents Flower Abortion And Prevents Fruit Drops Application Rates:  20-30MLS /20LTR OF WATER
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Contains Soluble Copper In Liquid Form. Prevents Bacterial Spots And Diseases. A Must Use In Wheat And Barley COPPER 50gm/L +STIMULANT Application Rates:  20-50MLS /20LTR OF WATER
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High Conentrated Nitrogen 42% With Humic Acid And Hormones. For Increased Size, Height, tillering, branching and vigorous Vegetative Growth.  NITROGEN 42%+ HUMIC ACID 3%+ STIMULANTS + TE Application Rates:  40-50MLS /20LTR OF WATER
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Highly concentrated calcium, magnesium, nitrogen and trace boron with hormones. Prevent blossom end rot of tomatoes, rots of melon and other fruits.for firm fruit, better storage and transportation N-8%+Ca-18%, Mg-3%,Bo-1% +STIMULANTS Application Rates:  20-50MLS/20LTR OF WATER
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Highly concentrated Zinc and Copper with hormones. For increased seed production, Uniform germination and growth. For instant correction of copper and zinc deficiencies. ZINC + COPPER +BORON + STIMULANTS55-18 - 1(%W/W) Application Rates:  30-50MLS /20LTR OF WATER 
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Highly concentrated potassium with hormones for all fruiting crops. For Big Fruits, good colour, sweetness, good shelf life, storability for Tomatoes, Water Melons, Potatoes, all fruits etc. Good for more and proper Grain Filling. N.P.K. 6:0:42+TE+STIMULANT Application Rates: ...
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Total nutrients for all crops. Good for heavy feeding crops with heavy yield. NPK 24:24:18+TE+STIMULANT Application Rates:  20-30MLS/20LTR of Water 
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A fully systemic fungicide formulated as a water dispersible granule, for the control of the following Phytophthora diseases:Root and collar rot in citrusRoot and base rot in pineapplesRoot rot in grapevines, avocados and proteas Active Ingredients            ...
ALONZE ® 50EC is an insecticide/miticide/nematicide highly effective via contact and trans-laminar activities which is used to control spider mites in roses and carnations, leaf miners and thrips on runner beans, snow peas and broccoli, thrips in chi ALONZE® 50EC is an...
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Broad spectrum pyrethroid based insecticide for control of bean thrips in french beans. 100g/l alpha-cypermethrin
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A broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of a wide range of insect pests in ornamentals, vegetables, field crops, cereals and fruit trees. Alphasin 100EC™ Properties Alphasin 100EC™ is a contact insecticide with quick know-down effect. Suitable against both sucking and chewing...
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Alston F1 is an indeterminate saladette tomato with suitable bacterial wilt tolerance. Has high vigour with good fruit setting capabilities producing beautiful saladette fruits suited for the fresh market. Shelf life days Over 14 days Fruit shape Angular Fruit weight 130 -...
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ALTO® is a fungicide with systemic and curative properties for the control of leaf rust in coffee. Fungicide with systemic and curative properties for the control of leaf rust in coffee. Active ingredient 100g/l Cyproconazole Formulation SL (Slurry Liquid) WHO Classification...
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Amanda F1 is an early maturing squash with excellent disease tolerance. This variety performs well in the open field.
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• A highly nutritious vegetable • Easy to grow and fast-maturing • Widely adaptable • High leaf yield
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• Good tolerance to heat and common diseases • Vigorous variety with high yields. • Highly nutritious grains • Widely adaptable. • Good tolerance to heat and common diseases • Vigorous variety with high yields. • Highly nutritious grains • Widely adaptable.
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• Attractive, compact white curd  • Curd Size 0.5 - 0.7Kgs • Maturity – 65 – 70 days  • Uniform maturity                               &n • Attractive, compact white...
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Ambar 480SC is a systemic selective herbicide for the control of a variety of annual broad leaf weeds and grasses in potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, sugarcane and maize. Ambar 480SC Benefits A broad spectrum of efficacy It’s reliable activity via root and leaf with a quick penetration...
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Copper based fungicide. This product has been discontinued and replaced with Dorado . Copper based fungicide. This product has been discontinued and replaced with Dorado . MODE/ RATE OF USE:  Foliar Spray: 50g/20L  CBD - 7.7Kg/Ha(140g/20Lt),  CLR - 3.8Kg/Ha(70g/20L...
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