
In stock
KSh. 7,241
(VAT inclusive)
A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns yellow at full physiological maturity. Admiral is a medium late to late variety producing blocky fruits. The fruits have thick walls and excellent quality. Admiral is suitable for greenhouse and open field production.        ...
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KSh. 5,396
(VAT inclusive)
A Blocky Hybrid Pepper Turning Red at Maturity. Balta is a Strong, Open Growth Habit Plant with Good Foliage Cover. Continuous Fruit Setting and Production. Balta is Aimed at Areas Where Virus Pressure Might Be A Problem and Suited for Culture Under Plastic Uniform Fruit Size and...
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KSh. 1,380
(VAT inclusive)
An early maturing and vigorous plant Characteristics: Vigorous,very productive and open plant Uniform blocky shaped fruits Maturity - 75 - 80 days from transplanting Fruit weight - 220 - 240g Fruit length - 10cm Fruit diameter - 8.5cm Good fruit setting with thick and compact fruit...
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A strong vigorous plant high adaptable to many growing areas producing bullet-like hot fruits. Plant: A strong vigorous plant high adaptable to many growing areas producing bullet-like hot fruits. Plant features: An open pollinated hot pepper which ripens from green to red. Excellent fruit...
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KSh. 3,422
(VAT inclusive)
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KSh. 1,400
(VAT inclusive)
Capsicum OPV
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KSh. ‍395‍
(VAT inclusive)
A standard open pollinated variety with continuous picking   Green blocky fruits  Maturity 80 days from transplanting  Fruit weight 100-120 grams  Yield potential 6 tonnes per acre  A very hardy, strong and vigorous plant  Deep green coloured fruits turning...
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KSh. ‍536‍
(VAT inclusive)
Standard bell pepper, 70 days to maturity. 60-70 cm with good foliage. Each plant produces 4-5 large glossy fruits. Average weight of 170. Disease resistance to Tobacco Moasic Virus.
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KSh. ‍440‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Ideal for Open field production • Very uniform fruits. • Blocky and medium-sized • Widely adaptable variety • Colour turns from green to red. • Average yield per acre(T) 6-7 • Maturity 80-90 Days
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KSh. 2,225
(VAT inclusive)
- Prolific large blocky green to red fruits. - Maturity 80-90 Days - Prolific large blocky green to red fruits. - Maturity 80-90 Days
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KSh. 6,993
(VAT inclusive)
A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns red at full physiological maturity. Commandant is a medium late variety producing blocky fruits. The fruits have  thick walls and excellent quality. Commandant is suitable for greenhouse and open field production.        ...
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KSh. 7,491
(VAT inclusive)
Compact plant with concentrated yield and large fruit for red and green picking. Size (WxL): 9 x10 cm Weight (gr.):  250-300 Maturity:  Early Fruit Walls:  Thick Plant Height & Habit:  Compact Growing System:  Bush or Spanish trellising for open...
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KSh. ‍180‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Ideal for open-field production • Large uniform blocky fruits • Green to Red colour • Intermediate resistance to Bacterial leaf spot. • Average yield per acre(T) 4-5 • Maturity 75-80 Days • Ideal for open-field production • Large uniform blocky fruits • Green to Red colour • Intermediate...
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KSh. 7,500
(VAT inclusive)
Compact plant with concentrated yield and large fruit for yellow and green picking. Crop Type Blocky Color at Harvest Yellow Resistances ToMV, PMMoV, TSWV
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Open pollinated variety suitable for outdoor production Fruits are glossy deep-green turning red at full maturity Plant: Open pollinated variety suitable for outdoor production Fruits are glossy deep-green turning red at full maturity Plant features: Medium tall, compact indeterminate...
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