
In stock
KSh. 1,783
(VAT inclusive)
Red Jewel is an early maturing onion variety with attractive deep red bulbs and good disease tolerance.
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KSh. 14,300
(VAT inclusive)
A superior Hybrid Red Onion. Characteristics: A short very strong plant with narrow neck Very uniform globe bulb shape Bright red-violet coloured skin with good pungency Dark/deep red scales and white flesh which develops into dark red rings once cured Excellent for fresh market and...
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KSh. 8,000
(VAT inclusive)
Red Maiden provides growers with a high quality, early maturing red variety. With strong tops and reliable bulb characteristics. Earliness leading to “first to market” High Yield Potential Flexibility during planting and harvest Features Strong Vigorous Tops and Roots ...
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KSh. 2,425
(VAT inclusive)
A very early maturing variety . A farmers' favourite. Characteristics: Well adapted onion to both rain fed and irrigation  Maturity only 90 days from transplanting  Strong pungency  Yield potential 25 - 30 tons per acre  Long shelf life of up to 6 months at...
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KSh. 11,205
(VAT inclusive)
RED SUMMIT F1                                                    
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KSh. 29,000
Early hybrid with excellent yield and storing ability. Widely adaptable variety. Round shaped bulbs with deep red internal colour, up to the center.
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KSh. 11,313
(VAT inclusive)
RUNAL F1 is an early harvest and market supply variety, overall very healthy, high yielding and large bulbs of good quality.  RUNAL F1 has strong foliage and field tolerances to foliar disease are most likely key for the consistency of performances. In addition to the bulb quality,...
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KSh. 21,228
(VAT inclusive)
Russet F1 is an onion variety that is very firm, red flesh color and strong plant vigor. SKIN: Red  SHAPE: Granex round  RELATIVE MATURITY: Early  MONTHS STORAGE: 3 – 3.5. Resistant to pink rot.
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KSh. 15,000
(VAT inclusive)
Santire F1 is a short day onion with attractive red coloured uniform bulbs. Variety Maturity (Days) Bulb Uniformity Shape Color Fruit Weight (Gms) Yield Sowing Season Santire 130-145 Very High Globe Attractive Red Color 80-150  Good Rabi...
In stock
KSh. 13,920
(VAT inclusive)
A white/yellowish early maturing hybrid onion variety. High yielding Early maturity Very firm, white/yellowish bulbs Good pungency  Extended shelf life SKIN: White/ yellowish SHAPE: Globe RELATIVE MATURITY: Early Resistances; Pink root
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KSh. 9,000
(VAT inclusive)
Early-main season round short day red onion . • Excellent red Early short-day • High yield, High reliable performances.  • Shape: globe  • Ripening: early maturity (110-120 days).  • Growing system: Direct sowing or transplanting • Skin color:...
In stock
KSh. 3,500
(VAT inclusive)
Strong roots; this variety yields excellent size, quality and vigour. Flexible in a wide range of conditions. Good globe shape and nice light brown skin colour. A high yielding variety with strong foliage. Crop Onion Crop Type Short Day Subtype Mid Storability 2 - 3...
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SV7030NS is a mid-maturing, short day, red onion variety. SV7030NS produces firm, uniform, globe-shaped bulbs with neat, thin necks. SV7030NS’s bulbs have two tough outers scale leaves each with an attractive shiny, deep red to purple colour. SV7030NS is a vigorous grower with high yield...
In stock
KSh. ‍700‍
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent white onion with mild pungency. Characteristics:   A high yielding variety well adapted for the tropics  Maturity 120 days from transplanting  Very popular white onion with farmers and the market  Yield potential 21 tonnes per acre  Excellent shelf...
In stock
KSh. 1,425
(VAT inclusive)
• Large straw-yellow and globular shaped bulbs • Maturing 150-165 days. • Average yield per acre (T) 21-22 • Large straw-yellow and globular shaped bulbs • Maturing 150-165 days. • Average yield per acre (T) 21-22
In stock
KSh. ‍805‍
(VAT inclusive)
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