
In stock
KSh. ‍720‍
INDOKING 300SC is a Indoxacarb-based insecticide for control of destructive larval stages of Lepidopterans such as Fall Armyworms, Bollworms, Diamondback moth, False Codling moth, Tuta absoluta and leafminers among other pests on a wide range of crops.&n (Indoxacarb 300 g/L) Highly effective...
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KSh. 1,273
A crop protection product for false coddling moth in fruit trees, potato tuber moth in potatoes, Fall Army Worm and caterpillars. MODE / RATE OF USE; 10ml/20L, 0.25L/Ha ACTIVE INGREDIENT; Indoxacarb 150g/L
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KSh. 2,321
JACKPOT 50EC is a broad-spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting and sucking insect pests in crops. It has a quick knock-down and repellency effect through contact, residual and stomach activity and therefore stopping pest damage to crops immediately. JACKPOT 50EC...
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KSh. 4,840
A broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting, chewing and sucking insect pests in French Beans, Peas and Ornamental Flowers. Active Ingredient 50 g/L lambda-cyhalothrin Formulation Aqueous suspension of microcapsules. WHO Classification 11 Packaging...
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KSh. 1,009
Insecticide for control of aphids, thrips and whiteflies in french beans and roses. KATRIN is a fast acting, non-systemic, pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action against a wide range of insects such as aphids, thrips and whiteflies. KATRIN has a knockdown, repellant and...
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KSh. 2,730
KINGCODE ELITE ® 50EC is a highly systemic and contact insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for contro MODE OF ACTION Lambda-cyhalothrin...
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KSh. ‍598‍
KOHINOR 200 SL is a systemic insecticide used to control whiteflies, aphids, thrips, leaf miners, termites and mealy bugs. Target pests/pathogens                                          ...
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KSh. ‍689‍
KONZANO is a thick formulation, highly efficacious product for the control of Nematodes, Leaf-miners and Spider-mites in vegetables. Abamectin 50g/L Application rate; Spidermites, leafminers - Foliar spray 3ml/20L Nematodes - Drench 50-80ml/20L
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KSh. ‍498‍
LAMBDEX 5 EC disrupts the functioning of the nervous system in the target pests. It eventually causes paralysis or death. RATE: 35ml/ 100L of water  STAGE OF USE: At the onset of the first signs of infestation.  Target pests/pathogens            ...
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KSh. 7,980
Insecticide for the Control of Aphids, Thrips & Whiteflies on French beans.  Lambda-cyhalothrin 250g/L
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KSh. 1,108
Lecatech WP is a biological insecticide used to control whiteflies. MODE OF ACTION The infection process is as follows Attachment –  Spores of L.lecanii  attach to the insect body. Germination –  Spores germinate and form an appressorium. Invasion –  The...
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KSh. 3,210
LEVO 2.4 SL is a contact insecticide used to white flies, thrips, aphids,leaf miner,diamond black moth. Target pests/pathogens                                              ...
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KSh. ‍590‍
Lexus® 247SC is broad spectrum systemic insecticide for control of Aphids, Whiteflies and thrips on Roses, Capsicum, French beans, Onions and tomatoes, Diamond back moth and aphids on cabbages and Aphids, thrips and caterpillars on broccoli. MODE OF ACTION Lambda cyhalothrin is a...
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KSh. ‍70‍
Loyalty® 700WDG is a highly effective, systemic insecticide with high residual effect for controlling sucking and piercing insects in a wide range of agricultural crops during nursery and growing stage. Mode of Action Imidacloprid has contact and stomach poison action and works by...
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KSh. 1,052
MAGESTIK 700 WDG is a broad-spectrum insecticide that acts against sucking and chewing pests.  Acetamiprid 700g/kg It reacts with nicotinic acetyl choline receptors causing hyperactivity and muscle spasms leading to death of insect pests. Targets: Thrips, Aphids, whiteflies. Rate of...
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KSh. 3,886
It reacts with nicotinic acetyl choline receptors causing hyperactivity and muscle spasms leading to death of insect pests. Rates of use: 5mls/20L of water (250mls/ 1000L of water/ha)  Targets: Thrips, Aphids, whiteflies.  Acetamiprid 200g/L
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KSh. ‍947‍
MARSHAL contains carbosulfan as an active ingredient that acts by contact and stomach is also used as a drench through irrigation to control nematodes and other soil borne pests, at the same time  control foliar pests through systemic action in the plant. Carbosulfan 250g/l....
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KSh. ‍430‍
For excellent control of Diamond-back moth, other caterpillars and thrips in Brassica and Ornamental crops. Match works by interrupting the life cycle of caterpillars. Active ingredient 50g/L Lufenuron Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) WHO Classification III...
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Mesurol SC 200 is an insecticide for the control of thrips on French beans and onions.   Methiocarb 200 gm/lt Timing of application. French Beans- Apply as soon as the pest are noticed. Repeat after 8-10 days. Maximum 3 times per season.  PHI: 14 days Onions- Apply as...
In stock
KSh. 9,300
Movento 100SC is a proven and highly effective solution for the control of thrips, mealybugs and mites in roses. Spirotetramat 100 g/l
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KSh. 3,665
NEEM RAJ SUPER 0.3EC is contact,anti moulting and repellant insecticide used in the control of white flies, thrips, aphids. Target pests/pathogens                                        ...
In stock
KSh. 5,297
NISSORUN 100 EC is an insecticide used in the control of spider mites. Target pests/pathogens                                                        ...
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KSh. 7,682
Nomax® 150 SC is a broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of fall armyworm in maize with an excelent knockdown and residual activity.  Teflubenzuron 75g/L + Alphacypermethrin 75g/L  200 ml/ha or 20 ml per 20L of water Use spray volume of 200 L per hectare. ...
In stock
KSh. 9,494
Insecticide for control of coffee leaf miner in Coffee, diamond black moth & aphids on Cabbages; bean flower thrips in French beans and thrips in carnations and roses Teflubenzuron 150g/L   Benefits  Excellent control of thrips in Roses and Carnations. Prevents maturity...
In stock
KSh. 1,168
Oberon Speed is a non-systemic foliar insecticide / acaricide that provides a new mode of action for whitefly and spider mite  control, and shows no cross-resistance to current acaricides and insecticides.   Spiromesifen 228.6 + Abamectin 11.4gm/lt 10ml/20L Oberon Speed is a...
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KSh. ‍630‍
OCCASION STAR® 200SC is broad spectrum, systemic with contact and stomach action insecticide for control of thrips, caterpillars and spider mites on roses, thrips and diamondback moth in broccoli and fall armyworm in maize and sweet corn. MODE OF ACTION:  Indoxacarb (Oxadiazine...
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KSh. ‍450‍
Insecticide for control of thrips in onions, beetles in peas & other difficult pests. Acephate 970g/Kg 0.5-1Kg/ha/1000L of water or 20g/20L 
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KSh. 1,015
OSHOTHION 50 EC is a broad spectrum, non-systemic insecticide used for the control of a wide range of insects like thrips, aphids, coleoptera, diptera, hemiptera, hymenoptera and lepidoptera in a wide range of crops, including cotton, fruit trees, potatoes, rice, coffee and vegetables....
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An insecticide for control of aphids, whiteflies, nymphs, thrips, caterpillars, fall army worm, scales, mealy bugs, melon fly & Bean flies.                             IMIDACLORIPID 200G/L + BETA-CYPERMENTHRIN 100G/L...
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KSh. ‍780‍
Insecticide for the control of Diamond backmoth, Cabbage butterfly, White butterfly and Cabbage moth Lesser armyworm in Cabbage,kales, Broccoli and Cauliflower. Also for control of thrips and black bean aphid in french beans and mites, whiteflies and aphids in roses and other...
In stock
KSh. 1,780
PENTAGON ® 50 EC is a highly active contact and ingestion insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling insect pests including aphids,...
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KSh. 7,000
PIRIMOR is a fast acting specific aphicide for use on a wide variety of agricultural crops. It has fumigant action, which aids its distribution within the crop. It does not harm bees and other beneficially useful insects and therefore very useful in integrated pest management (IPM). Active...
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KSh. 1,100
PRESENTO ® 200SP is a highly systemic insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against a range of insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling insect pests including aphid Crop Pest Rate Method of...
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A highly effective Translaminary-systemic insecticide for control of Tuta Absoluta, Fall Army-Worms, Thrips, Diamond Back Moth, Rice Caterpillars, Almost all types of Caterpillars and suppression of Spider Mites on crops EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 50g/L Application Rates:  5-10MLS /20LTRS OF...
In stock
KSh. 1,280
President Gold 20DP controls existing post-harvest infestations and gives long-term protection against re-infestation by larger grain borers, weevils, red flour beetles.    Targets:  Larger Grain Borer, Maize Weevil, Red Flour Beetle,  Active Ingredients: ...
In stock
KSh. 2,750
PROFILE ® 440EC is an enhanced contact and stomach action Insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking and chewing pests with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling pests including aphids, thrips, whiteflies,...
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KSh. ‍731‍
Highly effective insecticide for control of  the most notorious pest namely: Diamond back moth on cabbage, thrips on onions red spider mites tuta absoluta on tomatoes and fall army worm. Emamectin Benzoate 19.2g/L Rate; 15ml/20L
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KSh. 1,921
An organophosphate insecticide for the control of termites, beetles, cutworms and stem borers. Mode of action is contact. MODE OF ACTION: PYRINEX 48 EC is effective by contract, ingestion and fumigant action. It has little systemic activity but its fumigant action is sufficient to give good...
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KSh. 1,074
Pyrinex Quick 256 SC is a broad spectrum insecticide with contact, ingestion and fumigant action for the control of a wide range of pests in cabbages, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, carrots, onions, asparagus, potatoes and tobacco. Active ingredient(s)            ...
In stock
KSh. 2,006
Radiant ® SC insecticide delivers broad-spectrum control of tough-to-control insects and offers a valuable partner in a resistance management program. Target pests/pathogens ;  thrips, whitefly, bollworm, caterpillar, DBM                  ...
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KSh. 1,800
RANGER ® 480EC is a non-systemic contact and stomach insecticide for foliar and stem application that is active against a range of insects widely used in agriculture for controlling insect pests including aphids, thrips, and whiteflies on roses, thrips, and whiteflies on roses, thrips and...
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KSh. ‍667‍
A unique synergistic insecticide for the control of Tuta absoluta, fall army worm, thrips, aphids, white-flies, spider mites and diamond back moth. It has contact, systemic and trans-laminar action. Rates 10-15ml/20L  
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KSh. ‍820‍
It has multisite action through contact and stomach. Indoxacarb blocks neural sodium channels causing paralysis Targets: Caterpillars, Fall Armyworm Emamectin Benzoate 50g/l + Indoxacard 100g/l Rate of use: 2mls/20L(100mls/Ha)
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KSh. 8,266
Rimon Supra 100 SC is growth regulator insecticide based on benzoylphenyl urea compound for control of caterpillars at all stages on roses. Mode of Action Rimon Supra 100 SC has a strong stomach activity and slight contact activity. It does not have ovicidal activity, but gives a...
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KSh. ‍973‍
ROMECTIN is highly translaminar insecticide and has excellent performance on mites and leaf miners on flowers and vegetables. ROMECTIN activates arthropod species such as mites by stimulating the presynaptic release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GA-BA) binding to...
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KSh. 16,500
Insecticide for the control of mites, aphids, leaf miners & thrips on French beans, runner beans & Roses. Acrinathrin 75g/L
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KSh. 4,060
A suspension concentrate selective contact and stomach insecticide (moult accelerating compound) for the control of Diamond-Back Moth, Cabbage sawfly, Spodoptera spp. on cabbages and roses.  Runner® 240 SC is a molt accelerating compound (MAC) insecticide effective against Diamond-Back...
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KSh. 1,744
SAF-T-SIDE 800 EC is a suffocation insectide used in the control of spidermites,white flies,thrips,mealy bugs. Target pests/pathogens                                              ...
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KSh. 8,999
Secure® 240 SC is an insecticide, with mainly stomach and some contact activity. The mode of action of chlorfenapyr is unique among insecticides.   Chlorfenapyr 240g/L   Benefits  Quick knock down effect Long residual effect...
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KSh. ‍705‍
Oil based insecticide with ovicidal activity on the eggs and also acts by suffocation.
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KSh. ‍600‍
It reacts with nicotinic acetyl choline receptors causing hyperactivity and muscle spasms l eading to death of insect pests. Targets: Thrips, Aphids, Whiteflies Rate of use:  Snow peas and Capsicum – Aphids – 2.5g /20L. Onions-2.5g /20L. Tomatoes – whiteflies –...
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KSh. ‍240‍
Sinophate® 75% SP is a powerful water-soluble insecticide readily absorbed by plant foliage to give systemic control of a wide range insect pests on agricultural crops. Mode of Action Acephate works by blocking an enzyme in the nervous system that acts as a stop switch for a nerve...
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KSh. ‍150‍
Skana Super is a grain dust with excellent control of larger grain borers, and weevils in stored grain. Malathion 2% + Permethrin 0.3% Dust
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KSh. 1,479
SULBAN 48EC is a non systemic insecticide with contact, stomach and repiratory action. Chlorpyrifos 48% EC
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KSh. 2,798
An organophosphate /synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of leafminers, antestia bugs and thrips in coffee. SUMITHION SUPER is a combination of an organophosphate and a synthetic pyrethroid. Both are Stomach and Contact poisons. The organophosphorus compound acts as an inhibitor...
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KSh. ‍650‍
TAURUS ® 500SP is a powerful insecticide with a broad spectrum control especially for sucking insects such as aphids, thrips and whiteflies in agricultural crops like roses, French beans, runner beans, tomatoes, pepper, capsicum, melon among others. MODE OF ACTION: Thiocyclam hydrogen...
In stock
KSh. 1,004
THUNDER 145 O-TEQ is an insecticide to fight parasites on cotton and farmer crops. THUNDER 145 O-TEQ acts by contact and ingestion through systemic action thanks to the imidacloprid. Beta-cyfluthrin 45g/l + Imidacloprid 100g/l) Shake the product well before use. Pour 3l of water into a spraying...
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KSh. ‍705‍
TIHAN OD 175 is an insecticide for control of Lepidoptera ( Tuta Absoluta ), aphids and thrips in tomatoes, thrips and aphids on French beans and for control of mealybugs in cotton. Composition: Spirotetramat 75g/L + Flubendiamide 100g/L Tihan OD 175 is a syatemic insecticide. After foliar...
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KSh. ‍239‍
TREMOR GR 0.05 is a granule formulated synthetic pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action for the control of maize stalk borers. 0.05 Beta-cyfluthrin 0.5/kg
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KSh. 1,894
Insecticide for the control of Aphids, Whiteflies, Thrips and Caterpillars on Tomatoes, French beans and Snow peas. Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC
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KSh. ‍746‍
A systemic insecticide for the control of aphids, thrips, leafminers and whiteflies in roses and french beans, also for control of squash beetle, thrips, aphids and whiteflies in squash, control of Russian wheat aphids in wheat.
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KSh. 2,006
An insecticide for control of Antestia bugs in coffee, thrips, aphids, and whiteflies on roses and of aphids and scaly insect termites in tea. Twigapyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide with contact, stomach and respiratory action.  Active Ingredients Chlorpyrifos 480g/l...
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KSh. ‍308‍
UMEME TOP 5 EC is a non-systemic insecticide used for the control of numerous chewing and sucking pests on a variety of crops. It exhibits superior insect control at relatively low application rates and is recommended for use on export flowers and vegetables. Lambda - Cyhalothrin 50g/l
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KSh. 4,000
A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide (moult accelerating compound) for the control of insect pests on agricultural crops. Spinetoram/methoxyfenozide….……….. 360 g/l Withholding period - Minimum time between last application and harvest:...
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