
Active Ingredients
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KSh. 2,129
A post emergence herbicide for the control of a wide range of annual & perennial grass weeds on legume crops: Onions, tomato, potato, snow peas and broccoli. Propaquizafop 100g/L MODE OF ACTION: Agil 100EC is absorbed through the leaves and translocated to the meristematic tissues where it...
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KSh. ‍700‍
AGROMINE Ā® 860 SL is a broad spectrum selective systemic herbicide for the control of post-emergence broadleaf weeds in maize, rice and wheat fields and non-cropped areas like lawns. AGROMINE Ā® 860 SL is a broad spectrum selective systemic herbicide for the control of post-emergence...
Active Ingredients2,4-D
In stock
KSh. 1,496
Ambar 480SC is a systemic selective herbicide for the control of a variety of annual broad leaf weeds and grasses in potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, sugarcane and maize. Ambar 480SC Benefits A broad spectrum of efficacy It’s reliable activity via root and leaf with a quick penetration...
In stock
KSh. 4,013
Ariane, a post emergence selective herbicide for control of broad-leaved weeds such us Cleaves, Knotweed, Black night shade, Black bind mallow, Pigweed & Yellow daisy in wheat, barley, oats. Fluroxypyr 60g/L + Clopyralid 23.3g/L + MCPA 266.7g/L Lawn application rate; 60ml per 20Lt for...
In stock
KSh. 41,414
A post emergence herbicide for the control of broadleaf & Grass weeds in Wheat. Mesosulfuron-methyl 7.5g/L+ Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 7.5g/L + Mefenpyr-diethyl 22.5g/L (safener)
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KSh. 15,472
Selective herbicide for post-emergence control of brome grass in wheat. Propoxycarbazone- Sodium 700g/Kg
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KSh. 2,651
A post-emergence herbicide for control of Grasses & Broadleaf weeds in Maize varieties grown in mid and high altitudes only Tembotrione 50g/L + Bromoxynil Octanoate 262g/L
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KSh. 3,943
Bandur Forte SC 600 is pre-Emergence herbicide for the control of Broad leaf and Grass weeds in Potatoes. Active ingredients: Aclonifen 450 g/L + Flufenacet 150 g/L Mode of action: BandurĀ® Forte SC 600 has two active ingredients; Aclonifen and Flufenacet which belong to HRAC (Herbicide...
In stock
KSh. 3,278
Non-selective contact herbicide control of grasses and broadleaf weeds including problem &resistant weeds like Conyza spp. Active Ingredient: Glufosinate-Ammonium 200 g/l. Apply BastaĀ® at a minimum of 200 l/ha water volume. Mode of Action: Inhibition of glutamine synthetase enzyme...
Active IngredientsGlufosinate ammonium
In stock
KSh. 1,650
Selective post-emergence herbicide for killing grasses and broad leaved weeds in beans Bentazone 480g/L Application Rate; 1L/acre | 200ml/20L
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KSh. ‍850‍
BENTAGRAN TOP 240 EC is apost-emergent herbicide for control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields. BENTAGRAN TOP 240 EC is a post-emergent herbicide for control of annual weeds in beans fields and French beans fields. MODE OF ACTION : Bentazone: Selective contact...
In stock
KSh. 33,018
Butisan® Gold 500 SE is a pre-emergence herbicide for annual broadleaf weeds and grasses control in canola/oilseed rape. Active ingredients; Dimethenamid-P 200 g/l Metazachlor 200 g/l Quinmerac 100 g/l   Rate(L/Ha - 2.0 L/ha in 200 L of Water (200 ml/20L of wate r....
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KSh. 1,100
MODE OF ACTION: Glyphosate  (N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses.  It inhibits plant enzymes involved in the synthesis of the aromatic amino acids: tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 2,600
MODE OF ACTION : Oxyfluorfen is a contact herbicide of the nitrophenyl ether class which acts by inhibiting the production of a chlorophyll enzyme which resulting in an accumulation of chemicals that disrupt cell membrane integrity in the presence of light. APPLICATION RATES:...
Active IngredientsOxyfluorfen
In stock
KSh. ‍734‍
D-AMINE 72% is a systemic, selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds.   Dichlophenyl Acetic Acid (600g/ltr) [2,4-D] D-AMINEĀ® 72% is a systemic, selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broad-leaved...
Active Ingredients2,4-D
In stock
KSh. 3,220
MODE OF ACTION Diuron is a systemic substituted phenyl urea herbicide which functions by inhibiting the Hill reaction in photosynthesis, limiting the production of high-energy compounds such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) used for various metabolic processes. Hexazinone is a systemic...
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KSh. 3,645
DUAL GOLDĀ® 960EC is a pre-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grass weeds and some annual broad-leaved weeds in pulses, maize and Sugarcane. Active ingredient 960g/L S-metolachlor. Formulation Emulsifiable concentrate (EC) WHO classification III Mode of...
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KSh. 1,529
Fist super 456CS herbicide is selective for the control of most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. As Fist super 456CS controls weeds by inhibiting seedling development, it will not control established weeds. For the best results, seedbeds should be free of weeds, trash and...
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KSh. 2,500
FORESTER Ā® 150EC is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. FORESTER Ā® 150EC is applied when weeds are between 2-8 leaf stage. FORESTER Ā® 150EC kills all germinated Grass weeds and is able to sele MODE OF ACTION:  Fluazifop-p-butyl kills...
Active IngredientsFluazifop-p-butyl
In stock
KSh. 3,855
Fusilade Forte is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. Fusilade Forte is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. Fusilade Forte is applied when weeds are between 2- 8 leaf stage. Fusilade Forte...
Active IngredientsFluazifop-p-butyl
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KSh. 4,300
Onion and rice selective herbicide.
In stock
KSh. 4,344
GALIGAN is a selective pre and post emergence herbicide with active ingredient Oxyfluorfen 240g/L for controlling broad leaf and annual grass weeds. Oxyfluorfen 240g/L RATE: 0.3 L/Ha  STAGE OF USE: Rain or irrigation is essential for activation of the residual effect of GALIGAN....
Active IngredientsOxyfluorfen
In stock
KSh. 1,747
Broad-spectrum contact herbicide absorbed by the foliage. Acts in plants by inhibition of glutamine synthetase leading to reduced glutamine and elevated ammonia levels in tissues, halting photosynthesis and resulting in plant death. Glufosinate ammonium 180g/l Targets: Annual , Biennial...
Active IngredientsGlufosinate ammonium
In stock
KSh. ‍920‍
A non-selective postemergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial  weeds. Glyphosate 480g/l 200 - 300 ml/20L 2-3 L/Ha
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 1,750
GOVERNOR® 580 SE is a pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide. It is used to control annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in maize fields and non cropped areas. MODE OF ACTION: Acetoclor, selective herbicde, absorbed mainly by the shoots and secondarily by the roots of germinating...
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KSh. 1,072
A non-selective fast acting contact herbicide for control of grass and other weeds. It kills all green vegetation in coffee, bananas, citrus, sugarcane and inter-rows of maize, cotton and other inter-row crops. Gramoxone kills all green vegetation by contact. It does not affect the brown...
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KSh. 2,000
An emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for pre-emergence control of grass and certain broadleafed weeds in maize and groundnuts and for pre- and post-emergence control in plant and ratoon sugar cane. Active Ingredients Acetochlor (chloroacetanilide) 840 g/l Flurilazole 28g/l
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KSh. ‍641‍
A non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in maize in zero/minimum tillage systems. GUGUSATE is a non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in maize. Care should be taken so as to avoid...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 1,036
HERBIKILL is a non-systemic, non-selective, post-emergence herbicide used for the control of a wide variety of grasses and broad-leaved weeds. It kills all green tissues. It can be used in plantation/row crops, minimum tillage for vegetables and cereals, as well as on non-crop land. Paraquat...
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KSh. ‍850‍
HERBSTAR 200SLĀ® is a non-selective post-emergence fast acting contact herbicide for control of Grasses and Broad-leaved weeds in Baby Corn, applied one day before planting. GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Paraquat Dichloride 276g/L  DIRECTIONS FOR USE Measure the required amount of water and mix as...
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KSh. ‍420‍
HOTLINEĀ® 450SC  is an excellent selective broad spectrum pre-emergence and  pre-transplant herbicide that controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and grasses in French beans, Corn, carrots and onion fields. Mode of Action Linuron is a foliar absorbed and residual herbicide that...
In stock
KSh. 1,060
HURRICANE® 200SL is a broad-spectrum non-selective herbicide for control of annual broadleaved weeds and grasses in maize, baby corn, sugarcane plantations and non-cropped fields. MODE OF ACTION:  Paraquat is a non-selective contact herbicide which acts by inhibiting photosynthesis....
In stock
KSh. 21,224
Huskie ® herbicide effectively controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds, including resistant types. Pyrasulfotole + Bromoxynil Rate; 1L/Ha 100ml/20L
Hussar is a post-emergence herbicide for use in wheat, durum wheat, triticale, barley and ryecorn for the control of a broad spectrum of grass and broad leaf weeds.                              ...
In stock
KSh. 8,243
Integrity® is an innovative, broad-spectrum, pre-emergence residual herbicide, powered by the new technology Kixor®, that will control the toughest annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in your maize and sugarcane. The ingredient Kixor® brings a Active ingredients; ...
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KSh. ‍382‍
Kalach 480 SL is a non-selective systemic herbicide for the post-emergence control of annual and perennial weeds, absorbed by the foliage only, with rapid translocation throughout the plant where it blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids by inhibiting EPSP synthase activity. The product...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. ‍650‍
Non selective systemic herbicide for the control of all types of grasses and broad-leaved weeds. Glyphosate 480g/L 200-300ml/20L of water
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. ‍670‍
KICK-OUT is a systemic and non-selective herbicide for the control of a wide variety of annual, biennial and perennial grasses, sedges, broad leaved weeds and woody shrubs. KICK-OUT is a post emergence herbicide with the combined properties of high unit activity and wide spectrum of control....
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 2,250
Selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of grasses and broadleaf weeds under minimal tillage in Maize.  Nicosulfuron 30 g/L  +  Mesotrione 70 g/L  + Atrazine 200 g/L  Rate of use: 75- 100ML /20L 1.5 LITRES PER HECTARE
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KSh. 16,300
KRISMATĀ® 75WG A new broad-spectrum, post-emergence herbicide setting a new standard for weed control in sugarcane.For control of grass weeds and broad leaf weeds It's a powerful post-emergence herbicide for the control of all important broadleaf and grass weeds in sugar cane. Krismat is a...
Out of stock
KSh. 1,588
Glufosinate Ammonium, the active ingredient in Lifeline 280 SL is a non-selective, post-emergence, broad spectrum herbicide used for control of annual & perennial grasses & broad leaf weeds on crop and non-crop areas such as on paths and roads. Glufosinate Ammonium 280 g/l 1)...
Active IngredientsGlufosinate ammonium
In stock
KSh. 2,215
A pre and post emergence control herbicide of  broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses  in Potatoes, Carrots, Beans, Peas and Maize. MODE OF ACTION: LINAGAN 50WP inhibits photosynthesis at photosystem II.  RATE: 1.5- 2.0Kg/ha, 60-80g/20L  STAGE OF USE: Apply Linagan...
In stock
KSh. 2,440
LUMAXĀ® 537.5SE is a herbicide for pre and post- emergence control of grasses and broad leaf weeds in maize and sugarcane. Active Ingredients Lumax is a combination of: 125g/L Terbuthylazine herbicide (reliable, contact and residual) 37.5g/L Mesotrione (new Syngenta...
In stock
KSh. 1,650
Pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in Maize. Atrazine 200 g/L + Metolachlor 300 g/L Pre-emergence application; Dose at 200ml on 20L water for clay or loam soil or 1 - 1.5 Litres per acre. Dose at 150ml on 20L water for...
In stock
KSh. 1,851
Early Post-Emergence herbicide for the control of broad-leaf and grass weeds in maize. Mesotrione 5.5%  +  Nicosulfuron 2.5%  +  Atrazine 20%  PHI =  60 days Designed for effective control of both grass and broadleaf weeds in maize. targeted weeds include...
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KSh. 1,942
Maximus from Sineria is a Selective Herbicide for Maize. It is both a Pre and early Post emergence herbicide. It can be applied up to the 2nd or 3rd leaf stage on maize crop. It kills both Grasses and Broadleaved Weeds leaving your maize crop free from weeds competition. Maximus Mode of...
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KSh. ‍644‍
MOTO PLUS 75WG is a selective herbicide for the control of many grass and broad leaved weeds. When used as recommended it is well tolerated by baby corn, maize, sugarcane and other crops Metribuzin 750g/kg
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KSh. 3,300
Herbicide for control of annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in non cropped areas & onions. Pendimethalin 175g/l, Oxyflourfen 40g/l, Acetochlor 300g/l 5L/ha/400L of water, 400ml/20L
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KSh. 2,200
Oxyfen is a super selective  post & pre emergency  herbicide for onions. Target crops: Onions /Gallic/Spring onions Target weeds :  Both broad leave weeds grass weeds . Spray Stage &Dosage: Big weeds : 50 ml/20 liters water.          ...
In stock
KSh. ‍442‍
OXYGOLD 24 EC is a selective pre-emergence herbicide for controlling broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in Tomato, Cabbage and onions. Oxyfloufen 240g/l
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KSh. 1,045
Non selective post emergence herbicide for the control of shrubs (broad leaved weeds & grass) in non cropped areas. Active Ingredient Paraquat Dichloride 200g/L Application Dose 100-200ml/20L of water.
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KSh. 1,421
Perfecto 450SE is a systematic and selective pre-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broad leafed weeds in maize. Mode of Action Perfecto 450SE Consist of two active ingredients: Atrazine + Metolachlor. Atrazine is absorbed through the roots of the weeds and...
In stock
KSh. 3,330
PREDATOR Ā® 340EC is a pre-mergence and post-emergence herbicide which is primarily used for controlling a wide range of weeds in onion and garlic fields used to control broad leaved weeds and grasses in onions. MODE OF ACTION Pendimethalin (dinitroaniline group) is a contact...
Active IngredientsOxyfluorfen
In stock
KSh. 2,150
PRIMAGRAMĀ® GOLD 660SC is a pre - emergence herbicide for broad spectrum annual weed control in maize. Active Ingredient 290 g/L S-metolachlor 370 g/L Atrazine Formulation Soluble Concentrate (SC) WHO Classification III Mode of Action S-metolachlor is mainly taken...
In stock
KSh. 26,545
Ralon SuperĀ® is a herbicide used on wheat in many countries across the world to control a broad spectrum of grass weeds at very low application rates. There is no risk of damage to crops planted after cereals treated with Ralon Super, since it is quickly broken down in the soil into biologically...
In stock
KSh. 1,396
A soluble non selective post emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses, sedges and most broad leaved weeds it has wide potential uses for total weed control in agriculture including, horticulture, forestry, viticulture, aquatic and non crop areas. Glyphosate 450 g/l...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 1,500
(VAT inclusive)
Herbicide for use in lawns. Fluroxypyr 60h/Lt Chlorpyralid 23.3g/lt MCPA 266.7g/lt Crop Lawns, Weeds Weed controlled Broad-leaved weeds Rate/ha & 20Lt 60ml per 20Lt for 100m2
In stock
KSh. 50,000
For selective weed control in asparagus, barley, chickpeas, faba beans, oats, peas, pigeon peas, potatoes, soybeans, lucerne, tomatoes and wheat and for control of noogoora burr and Bathurst burr. Active Ingredient ; Metribuzin 480 g/L Application rate;  0.5-3.5lt/Ha or 50-350ml/20L
In stock
KSh. 1,820
SERVIANĀ® 75WG is a selective early post-emergence herbicide for control of yellow nutsedge, purple nutsedges and certain broadleaf weeds in barley, wheat, maize and sugarcane. Active Ingredient 750g/kg Halosulfuron-methyl Formulation Wettable Granules (WG)  WHO Classification...
In stock
KSh. 1,522
Post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and  perennial grasses in pineapples, onions and common beans Clethodim 240 g/L
In stock
KSh. 1,485
STRETCH 20 WP is a systemic, selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in wheat when weeds are young and actively growing. Metasulfuron -Methyl 200g/Kg
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KSh. 19,475
TOPIKĀ® 080EC is a post-emergence wheat herbicide for control of annual grasses like love grass ( Setaria spp. ), wild oats ( Avena spp. ), wild finger millet ( Eleusine indica ), Guinea grass ( Panicum maximum ) among others. It's a unique selective herbicide that provides reliable control...
In stock
KSh. 5,260
Topshot 60 OD is broad-spectrum post emergence herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds, grass weeds and sedges in rice. Topshot 60 OD can be used in both irrigated and Rain fed rice cultivats.  MODE OF ACTION Topshot 60 OD is a combination of two active i.e Cyhalofop Butyl and...
In stock
KSh. 1,570
TOUCHDOWN FORTEĀ® 500SL with Hitech technology is a systemic post-emergence non selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and perenial weeds The new TOUCHDOWN with "hi-tech" technology is a systematic post-emergence non-selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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