
Active Ingredients
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KSh. 22,425
TRAXOS® 045EC is a post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses in wheat. Active ingredient 22.5 g/L Pinoxaden 22.5 g/L Clodinafop-propargyl (as safener-5.63g/L Cloquintocet-methyl) Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) WHO classification III Mode of...
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KSh. 1,293
A broad-spectrum selective and systemic pre-emergence residual herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in wheat and barley.
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KSh. 4,241
A selective post-emergence grass herbicide with high efficacy on most important grass weeds in wheat, rye, and triticale.
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KSh. ‍758‍
TWIGASATE 480SL  ia a non-selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds.
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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KSh. 3,406
VELPAR® 75 DF is a contact and residual herbicide for broad-spectrum weed control of many broad-leaved weeds and grasses on sugarcane. Hexazinone 750 g/kg VELPAR® 75 DF should be applied early post emergence to weeds. It can be used on plant or ratoon cane as a directed...
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KSh. 1,290
Selective post emergence herbicide  for control of broad leaf weeds in Soghurm, Lawn, Maize & Millet. Active Ingredient; Fluroxypyr-meptyl 70g/L +  Carfentrazone-ethyl 7.5g/L + Florasulam 2.5g/L Application Dose 1Ltr/400Lts of water; 100ml/20L
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KSh. ‍850‍
Weedal is a  powerful non selective herbicide for killing all growing weeds. Glyphosate 480g/l TARGET crops: All the crops for preparing the shamba TARGET WEEDS : All the weeds including   couch grass, kikuyu-grass, blackjack, knotgrass, amaranthus, etc.  Spray Stage...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 1,265
WOUND-OUT 480SG is a broad spectrum, non-selective systemic herbicide. It works by inhibiting the enzyme EPSPS, thus preventing synthesis of essential aromatic amino acids needed for protein biosynthesis.
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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Active Ingredients