Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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A short day onion with uniform red coloured bulbs. The variety produces bulbs with a suitable flat globe shape and is suited for the fresh market.                                        ...
Fungicide for the control of Septoria, Stem rust and yellow rust on Wheat and Grey leaf spot on Maize.
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Insecticide/miticide to control the Red spider mites on Roses; spidermites and leaf miner on French beans. 18g/l Abamectin Foliar spray: 500 ml/ha
Absolute Star 400SC broad-spectrum fungicide is a unique combination of synergetic active ingredient that has excellent eradicant, systemic preventive and curative and translaminar properties against a wide range of fungal infections on agricultural crop Absolute Star 400SC broad-spectrum...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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ABSOLUTE ® 375SC is an enhanced excellent systemic fungicide with preventative and strong curative actions on a wide range of diseases in ornamentals, vegetables, fruits trees and cereals. It is absorbed by the plant and distributed quickly acropetal way. MODE OF ACTION: Azoxystrobin...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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ACCENT 600SC is a powerful systemic insecticide with translaminar activity. it is a broad spectrum insecticide with long residual activity. ACCENT 600 SC (Imidacloprid 600g/l) is a systemic insecticide for the control of thrips, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs on roses; thrips, aphids, whiteflies,...
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An insecticide for the control of white-flies and thrips on roses and tomatoes; bean fly on French beans. Active Ingredient; Acetamiprid 200g/L Application Dose; 500ml/ha/1000L of water, 5-10ml/20L
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ACETO-CAPS are capsules containing a nitrogen-fixing bacterium known as Gluconacetobacter Diazotrophicus. It can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the roots, stems, and leaves of sugar-producing crops like sugarcane, sweet potatoes, and others. It produces growth hormones such as Indole Acetic Acid...
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A fungicide with systemic and contact activity for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) of potatoes and tomatoes as well as for downy mildew (Peronospora sparsa) in roses, when used in protective spray programs. Dimethomorph 90g/Kg + Mancozeb 600g/Kg Potato Fungal...
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ACTARA is a robust insecticide which is fast acting and therefore rapidly taken up by the plants, in any situation. ACTARA belongs to a new chemical class neonicotinoids, used for the control of Aphids, Whitefly & Jassids (sucking pests)
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A broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide & acaricide with contact, stomach and fumigant activity for control of wide range of pests in crops and stored grains. Actellic 25EC contains pirimiphos-methyl, an organo-phosphorus compound, which kills by contact, ingestion and fumigant...
Post-harvest insecticide to control Grain storage pests (maize weevil; Sitophilus zeamais and Larger grain borer; Prostephanus truncatus) Pirimiphos-methyl rapidly penetrates the insect cuticle and disrupts nerve conduction via the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Thiamethoxam is considered...
Broad spectrum insecticidal dust for the control of stored maize and small grain cereals pests, including control of Larger Grain Borer. Actellic super has fumigant, stomach and contact activity against insect pests. Pirimiphos-methyl through its fumigant activity effectively controls weevils...
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A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns yellow at full physiological maturity. Admiral is a medium late to late variety producing blocky fruits. The fruits have thick walls and excellent quality. Admiral is suitable for greenhouse and open field production.        ...
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Afrikelp is a plant growth stimulant, foliar fertilizer and soil improver with natural nutrients that enhances root development increases the number of flowers, reduces flower & fruit drop and increases the size of fruits leading to overall increased crop yields. Benefits at a glance...
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A medium-dark green cylindrical hybrid traditional variety for open field cultivation. This is a vigorous variety, with medium-long internodes. Its high precocity yielding marketable fruits and its high productivity rate make it ideal for use in open fields, leading to excellent yields, even in...
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AG Copp 75 is a red copper fungicide, for the preventive control of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) and Coffee Leaf Rust. AG Copp 75 can be used as a tank mix with TWIGATHALONIL 720 SC for control of Coffee Berry Disease in coffee. AG Copp 75 can be applied by leaf surface spraying. Thorough wetting...
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A post emergence herbicide for the control of a wide range of annual & perennial grass weeds on legume crops: Onions, tomato, potato, snow peas and broccoli. Propaquizafop 100g/L MODE OF ACTION: Agil 100EC is absorbed through the leaves and translocated to the meristematic tissues where it...
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Non-ionic wetter/spreader for use with fungicides, herbicides to increase their efficiency. Agral 90 is a non-ionic liquid, wetting and spreading agent which can be mixed with any spray without affecting its chemical properties. It aids the wetting of waxy leaf surfaces, insects and fungi and...
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Agriphite enhances plant immunity against fungal and bacterial attacks especially powdery mildew and downy mildew. AI: Dipotassium phosphite.  50-100 ML/20L
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AGROFEED PLUS is a liquid foliar fertilizer and plant booster, which contains well-balanced nutrients essential for plant growth. It is especially formulated for rapid and effective absorption through leaves. AGROFEED PLUS may also be applied through irrigation systems such as drip lines,...
Agromaster Fertilizer; with a  superior range in performance that combines control release technology with a specially formulated NPK granule providing nitrogen control & high quality nutrients uniformly. Less is More Controlled release fertilizers (CRF)  Controlled Release...
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Fungicide for the control of early and late blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes. Mancozeb 64% + Cymoxanil 8%
AGROMINE ® 860 SL is a broad spectrum selective systemic herbicide for the control of post-emergence broadleaf weeds in maize, rice and wheat fields and non-cropped areas like lawns. AGROMINE ® 860 SL is a broad spectrum selective systemic herbicide for the control of post-emergence...
Active Ingredients2,4-D
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A curative fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in roses and rust in carnations. Contains;   azoxystrobin 250g/l + flutriafol 250g/l   A curative fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in roses and rust in carnations. Contains;   azoxystrobin 250g/l +...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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Aflasafe is a very effective natural product for minimizing aflatoxin contamination.
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Insecticide for the control of aphids, thrips, whiteflies and leaf miners on French beans. Alpha-cypermethrin 100g/L  Application Dose                      250ml/1000ml or 5-10ml/20L
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ALGALIV is a concentrated solution of a natural extract of seaweed ( Ascophyllum nodosum ) and phosphorus, potassium and microelements. The seaweed extract is rich in plant growth hormones such as cytokinins, gibberellins and auxins, and natural organic molecules including betaines, manitol,...
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High Concentration Of Boron And Zinc With Hormones. Increases flower formation. Prevents Flower Abortion And Prevents Fruit Drops Application Rates:  20-30MLS /20LTR OF WATER
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Contains Soluble Copper In Liquid Form. Prevents Bacterial Spots And Diseases. A Must Use In Wheat And Barley COPPER 50gm/L +STIMULANT Application Rates:  20-50MLS /20LTR OF WATER
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High Conentrated Nitrogen 42% With Humic Acid And Hormones. For Increased Size, Height, tillering, branching and vigorous Vegetative Growth.  NITROGEN 42%+ HUMIC ACID 3%+ STIMULANTS + TE Application Rates:  40-50MLS /20LTR OF WATER
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Highly concentrated calcium, magnesium, nitrogen and trace boron with hormones. Prevent blossom end rot of tomatoes, rots of melon and other fruits.for firm fruit, better storage and transportation N-8%+Ca-18%, Mg-3%,Bo-1% +STIMULANTS Application Rates:  20-50MLS/20LTR OF WATER
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