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A broad spectrum and highly active pyrethroid insecticide for control of caterpillars, aphids, cutworms, fruit flies, thrips, bollworms, maize stalkborer,etc Active Ingredient; Alphacypermethrin 10%.  Target Insects; Caterpillars, aphids, cutworms, Fruitflies, thrips, bollworms, maize,...
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BETAFOS 263 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide used to control a broad range of insect pests including thrips, aphids, whitey nymph, caterpillars, bollworm, diamond black moth among others in owers, vegetables, cereals, etc. Guarantee : Beta-cyfluthrin 12.5g/l + Chlorpyriphos 250 g/l...
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Bifenthrin 2.5%. Broad spectrum insecticide/miticide for use on food crops and ornamentals against foliar and soil pests.  Controls bollworms, caterpillars, aphid, mites thrips,cutworms etc Bifenthrin 2.5% BRIGADE is an insecticide that  contain Bifenthrin as an active
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Contact and systemic insecticide against aphids, whitefly and thrips. Imidacloprid 75g/I + Betacyfluthrin  15mls/20L
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Insecticide for the control of Aphids, Whiteflies on Roses; Thrips on Carnations; Aphids, Thrips & Whiteflies on Tomato, Chilies, Eggplant & Karella. Thiacloprid 480g/L
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CHESS® provides powerful control against aphids and whiteflies (vegetables, potatoes, stone fruits, and ornamentals) and of hoppers in rice and mangoes. It delivers immediate crop protection through permanent feeding inhibition. Active Ingredient: 500g/ltr Pymetrozine Formulation:...
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Climb 18EC is a highly effective acaricide and insecticide. It has limited plant  systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement for the effective control of all motile  stages of mites, leafminer and other pests. Guarantee:   Abamectin 1.8 w/v Formulation:  ...
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A suspension concentrate systemic insecticide for the control of sap feeding insects on agricultural crops. Sulfoxaflor 240g/L   Re - entry interval:   Do not enter treated area until spray deposit has dried unless wearing protective clothing.  
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Insecticide to control aphids, thrips & whiteflies in French beans; thrips and leafminers in Citrus. Imidacloprid 200g/L  Use concord at 20ml per 20L of water, spray in the evening at 14 days interval in rainy season, and 7 days interval in severe drought.  
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A very popular choice for foliar application on many vegetable crops, Confidor® 200 is valued for its powerful insect control. Confidor will control green peach aphid, silver leaf whitefly, woolly aphid, grey cabbage aphid and turnip aphid on an exte Active Ingredient      ...
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An insecticide for foliar and soil treatment for control of a wide range of sucking, chewing and soil pests in coffee, vegetables, ornamentals, tobacco, sugarcane, and other crops. Of particular interest is its control of leafminers, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, psyllids, termites, scale...
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Coragen 20 SC is a new generation insecticide used for the control of larvae of various Lepidopteran and Coleopteran species. Coragen 20 SC controls insect oviposition and kills the eggs of some insect species. CORAGEN is a contact insecticide that contains Chlorantraniliprole (Rynaxypyr)...
Insecticide for the control of thrips, whiteflies, caterpillars and aphids on French beans and thrips, whiteflies and aphids on Roses Alpha-cypermethrin 10% + Malathion 35%
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Decis EC 25 is a broad-spectrum synthetic Pyrethroid insecticide on a wide range of pests including diamondback moth, leaf miners, caterpillars, thrips, aphids, beetles, bollworms, stainers, antestia bug, whiteflies, fruit fly, maize stalk borer, armyworms, locusts, etc. Deltamethrin 25g/l...
A broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide for the control of aphids, caterpillars and other pests in a range of agricultural and horticultural crops. What is decis FORTE?                    A broad-spectrum pyrethroid insecticide for the...
Previously known as Alpha-degree, DEGREE MAX 10% is an insecticide for the control of thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars on roses; aphids, diamond backmoth, cutworm on Cabbage; thrips, whiteflies, aphids, leafminer on pepper; thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars, leafminer on tomatoes...
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Insecticide for the control of Thrips, False codling moths (FCM) and Caterpillars on Roses and thrips on Carnations.  Delegate 250 WG  is a foliar insecticide for the control of thrips, false codling moths and caterpillars on roses and thrips on carnations. Its active ingredient,...
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A larvacide for the control of Lycoridae, Phoridae and Sciaridae spp. in mushroom cultivation, the control of flies in poultry manure and the control of mosquito larvae in their breeding sites. Also registered for use on Fall Armyworm in Maize, Sweetcorn and Potatoes.
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Dizon 60EC is an organo-phosphate insecticide/acaricide with systemic mode of action which acts by inhibiting cholinesterase in insects effective against Aphids, Thrips, Leaf miner, Mites, Scales, Lantana Blight and Diamondback moth on French beans, Toma Diazinon 600g/L  
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Doberman® 150OD is a highly systemic and contact insecticide for foliar and stem application, particularly active against sucking and chewing insects on a wide range of edible crops and ornamentals. Target (Crop/Area) : Ornamentals, Vegetables Available Packs: 1 L Product Type:...
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Dragnet is a modern formulation insecticide with special long-lasting qualities, soil stability and highly repellancy, making it suitable for the control  of termites.  It controls termites, ants, carpenter bees, beetles and old house borers. Permenthrin 38% Target Insects; Termites,...
A contact insecticide for control of Diamond Back Moth and Aphids in Cabbages and Kales, sucking and chewing insects in Beans and tomatoes, aphids, thrips and whiteflies in roses, aphids in Wheat and Barley, Maize stalk borer and armyworms in Maize. DUDUTHRIN® is A contact insecticide for...
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A broad spectrum insecticide/miticide. A superior solution for control of mites and leaf miners in ornamentals and vegetables.
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EMERALD ® 200SL is a highly effective systemic foliar insecticide with high residual effect, for controlling sucking insects in a wide range of agricultural crops and a termicide for building construction and fruit trees.
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