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A unique mancozeb formulation for control of a wide range of diseases in vegetables, fruits, field crops and ornamentals Vondozeb 75DG is a contact fungicide and is applied in a preventive spray program before the disease sets in. Thorough coverage of the plants is necessary...
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WETSULF 80WP is a non-systemic protective fungicide with contact and vapour action. It is a micronized wettable formulation of Sulphur that also has secondary acaricidal activity. WETSULF is primarily used for the control powdery mildew and scab on flowers, vegetables, vines and fruit trees....
Zantara® EC 216 is broad spectrum fungicide with protective and curative properties, for foliar application to control stem rust and yellow rust on wheat, stem rust and net blotch in barley and wheat Active Ingredients     Bixafen (pyrazolecarboxamide)  50 g/l    ...
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Zorvec®  Encantia® is a new fungicide that specifically targets late blight within potato production. Oxathiapiprolin 30g/L  +  Famoxadone 300g/L  PHI: 3days REI 12Hrs  500ml/Ha
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