Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 15,000
(VAT inclusive)
Santire F1 is a short day onion with attractive red coloured uniform bulbs. Variety Maturity (Days) Bulb Uniformity Shape Color Fruit Weight (Gms) Yield Sowing Season Santire 130-145 Very High Globe Attractive Red Color 80-150  Good Rabi...
In stock
KSh. 28,066
(VAT inclusive)
A greenhouse cucumber variety. • For greenhouse production • Long shelf life • Parthenocarpic type COLOR: Dark green LENGTH(CM): 14 - 16 SEASON: All year round Resistances; Powdery Mildew
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KSh. ‍785‍
SCORE 250 EC is a  broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that provides outstanding control of Leaf Rust and Leaf Spots in vegetables and ornamentals. Score is a systemic fungicide for long-lasting preventive and strong curative action. It has broad-spectrum disease control against...
In stock
KSh. 2,859
(VAT inclusive)
SCV Luna F1 is a vigorous semi-determinate, high-yielding, hybrid tomato with a short maturity period.
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KSh. 8,999
Secure® 240 SC is an insecticide, with mainly stomach and some contact activity. The mode of action of chlorfenapyr is unique among insecticides.   Chlorfenapyr 240g/L   Benefits  Quick knock down effect Long residual effect...
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KSh. ‍689‍
SEED POWER is a seed dresser (insecticide/fungicide) that provides doubled-powered seedling protection for the control of aphids, cutworms, chafer grubs, and soil diseases in Cereals, Legumes, and Canola. Imidacloprid 200g/L+ Difenconazole 50g Maize – 3L/Ton/ 4 litres of water Wheat...
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KSh. ‍705‍
Oil based insecticide with ovicidal activity on the eggs and also acts by suffocation.
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KSh. 1,500
(VAT inclusive)
Herbicide for use in lawns. Fluroxypyr 60h/Lt Chlorpyralid 23.3g/lt MCPA 266.7g/lt Crop Lawns, Weeds Weed controlled Broad-leaved weeds Rate/ha & 20Lt 60ml per 20Lt for 100m2
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KSh. 50,000
For selective weed control in asparagus, barley, chickpeas, faba beans, oats, peas, pigeon peas, potatoes, soybeans, lucerne, tomatoes and wheat and for control of noogoora burr and Bathurst burr. Active Ingredient ; Metribuzin 480 g/L Application rate;  0.5-3.5lt/Ha or 50-350ml/20L
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KSh. ‍310‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Shape - Round • Head Size – 4-5Kg • Plant Spacing (cm) 60x50 • Seed rate/acre(Kgs) 0.1 • Maturity – 95-100Days • High Disease Tolerance • Shape - Round • Head Size – 4-5Kg • Plant Spacing (cm) 60x50 • Seed rate/acre(Kgs)...
In stock
KSh. 19,400
Serenade® ASO biological fungicide is a powerful tool designed to protect against the effects of soil and foliar bacterial and fungal diseases. Applied at planting or through chemigation, Serenade ASO quickly builds a disease-protection zone around t Active Ingredient Formulation...
In stock
KSh. 15,341
(VAT inclusive)
A glossy red pepper variety suitable for the export market. • Extended shelf life • Open Field Production • Thin Fruit walls • Extended shelf life • Open pollinated variety • When the fruits are ripe they turn dark red and very glossy • Suitable for the local market and also export...
In stock
KSh. 2,200
(VAT inclusive)
A fine bean with beautiful pods   Characteristics:   Pod length: 14 - 16 cm Pod diameter: 6 - 8 mm Pod shape: circular and straight Pod colour: uniform dark green glossy Plant habit: medium erect bush Plant height: medium Maturity: 55 days Advantages / Tolerances: ...
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KSh. 1,820
SERVIAN® 75WG is a selective early post-emergence herbicide for control of yellow nutsedge, purple nutsedges and certain broadleaf weeds in barley, wheat, maize and sugarcane. Active Ingredient 750g/kg Halosulfuron-methyl Formulation Wettable Granules (WG)  WHO Classification...
In stock
KSh. 13,920
(VAT inclusive)
A white/yellowish early maturing hybrid onion variety. High yielding Early maturity Very firm, white/yellowish bulbs Good pungency  Extended shelf life SKIN: White/ yellowish SHAPE: Globe RELATIVE MATURITY: Early Resistances; Pink root
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KSh. 9,000
(VAT inclusive)
Early-main season round short day red onion . • Excellent red Early short-day • High yield, High reliable performances.  • Shape: globe  • Ripening: early maturity (110-120 days).  • Growing system: Direct sowing or transplanting • Skin color:...
In stock
KSh. 4,176
(VAT inclusive)
Improved shanty F1 tomato is an open field determinate tomato variety. • Determinate hybrid variety • Open fi eld bush or staking • Extended shelf life SHAPE: Oval WEIGHT(Gr): 140 - 160/fruit Resistances • Vd • Fol (race 1, 2) • ToMV • ToTV • TYLCV • TSWV • Pst • Ma
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KSh. ‍600‍
It reacts with nicotinic acetyl choline receptors causing hyperactivity and muscle spasms l eading to death of insect pests. Targets: Thrips, Aphids, Whiteflies Rate of use:  Snow peas and Capsicum – Aphids – 2.5g /20L. Onions-2.5g /20L. Tomatoes – whiteflies –...
In stock
KSh. 1,522
Post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and  perennial grasses in pineapples, onions and common beans Clethodim 240 g/L
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KSh. ‍240‍
Sinophate® 75% SP is a powerful water-soluble insecticide readily absorbed by plant foliage to give systemic control of a wide range insect pests on agricultural crops. Mode of Action Acephate works by blocking an enzyme in the nervous system that acts as a stop switch for a nerve...
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KSh. ‍650‍
A gynodioecious papaya hybrid   Characteristics: All plants bear fruits. Female fruits are round and hermaphrodite fruits are oblong Average fruit weight: approx. 2 Kgs Maturity: 270 days from transplanting Flesh is deep yellow, firm and sweet with 14% sugar content Plant...
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KSh. 3,500
(VAT inclusive)
Strong roots; this variety yields excellent size, quality and vigour. Flexible in a wide range of conditions. Good globe shape and nice light brown skin colour. A high yielding variety with strong foliage. Crop Onion Crop Type Short Day Subtype Mid Storability 2 - 3...
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KSh. ‍150‍
Skana Super is a grain dust with excellent control of larger grain borers, and weevils in stored grain. Malathion 2% + Permethrin 0.3% Dust
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Smooth cylindrical dark green shiny fruits with little speckles perfect for both domestic and export markets. Suitable for open field and greenhouse Resistant to yellow zucchini mosaic  virus
In stock
KSh. 29,962
A fungicide for the control of stem-base, foliar and ear diseases in winter and spring wheat, triticale, winter rye and for disease control in oilseed rape.  Bixafen + Prothioconazole + Tebuconazole
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KSh. ‍636‍
(VAT inclusive)
Sokota is a vigorous, high yielding, non-acidic dwarf green curly hybrid kale that has excellent uniformity. Yield: High yielding  Maturity:  Early maturing Growth type: Erect and uniform Disease resistance: Tolerant to downy mildew Location: Outdoor...
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SOLDENSO GEL 25+25+25+5Mgo  is new products that due to its gelationous structure increases  the retention time of the product and decreases the surface tension of the leaves favouring the opening of stomas and the cuticular absorption, thus in SOLDENSO 25+25+25 +5Mgo +TE Foliar...
In stock
KSh. ‍836‍
(VAT inclusive)
A highly soluble borate fertilizer for both soil and foliar application to correct boron deficiencies in coffee, brassicas, maize, carrots, flowers, ornamentals, French beans, snow peas, garden peas, apples. Boron’s primary role in plants is to act as a key component in processes such as...
In stock
KSh. 1,800
(VAT inclusive)
Iron EDDHA chelated. Water soluble Iron 6% w/w
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KSh. 9,750
Water soluble potassium nitrate fertiliser.
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KSh. ‍350‍
SOUVENIR® 800 WDG is a broad spectrum protective fungicide/miticide with contact and vapor action for the control of powdery mildew and spider mites on roses, rust, angular leaf spot and anthracnose on French beans, downy mildew, powdery mildew and anthracnose on capsicum, early and late blight...
In stock
KSh. ‍170‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Does well in all soil types rich in organic manure • Requires minimal field management • Easy to grow and widely adaptable • A highly nutritious vegetable. • Rich in iron • Does well in all soil types rich in organic manure • Requires minimal field management • Easy to grow and widely...
In stock
KSh. 12,918
(VAT inclusive)
Springbok F1 is a semi-determinate capsicum variety that can be grown in the open field and in a greenhouse.
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KSh. 1,240
(VAT inclusive)
OPV butternut variety.
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A glossy, dark green zucchini with tasty cylindrical fruit. Germination: 5 to 10 days                                                         ...
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In stock
KSh. ‍920‍
STARGEM 80WP is a broad-spectrum fungicide with protective action. It is a widely used fungicide to control Early and Late blight infecting tomatoes & potatoes. The fungicide is highly acclaimed by our customers for its perfect formulation and high performance. Mancozeb 800 GM/KG...
In stock
KSh. 1,485
STRETCH 20 WP is a systemic, selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in wheat when weeds are young and actively growing. Metasulfuron -Methyl 200g/Kg
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KSh. 7,882
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent Determinate Hybrid Tomato with Oval Fruits Characteristics: Determinate Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 120 - 130 grams Yield potential 20 tons per acre Excellent shelf life and transport quality Resistances / Tolerances: Fusarium Wilt (Fol:...
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KSh. ‍430‍
A quick growing annual with smaller stems and thin leaves, very palatable and good for making silage.
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KSh. ‍565‍
(VAT inclusive)
Dark green round shaped fruits.                                                 • Dark green. • Round shaped.              ...
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KSh. ‍790‍
(VAT inclusive)
Grown commercially for sugar production.
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KSh. 1,245
(VAT inclusive)
• Vigorous hybrid with round-shaped fruits • Medium-sized fruits of 4-6kgs • Attractive dark green colour with excellent crunchy flavour • Prolific fruiter. • Sugar baby type. • Vigorous hybrid with round-shaped fruits • Medium-sized fruits of 4-6kgs • Attractive dark green colour with...
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Sugargraze is a sweet sorghum with excellent sugar levels. A high quality cow feed because of the nutritive value and high energy sources. Soil: Fodder crops can be grown well on a wide range of soil types Soil pH should be 5.5 to 7.0, Avoid acidic and saline soils. Water &...
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KSh. ‍800‍
Multi-cut high sugar, hybrid sweet sorghum forage.
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•   Maturity: 80  – 90 days •   Fruits are oblong in shape •   Avg   fruit weight is 7  – 8  kgs •   The rind is light green with  dark green stripes  •   The fle •   Maturity: 80  – 90 days •   Fruits are oblong in...
In stock
KSh. 1,479
SULBAN 48EC is a non systemic insecticide with contact, stomach and repiratory action. Chlorpyrifos 48% EC
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KSh. 5,275
FULLY SOLUBLE - SOP 0/ 0 / 50 + 18 S Improves crop’s nutritional value, taste, and appearance Enhances crop health and vigor Enhances plant resistance to environmental conditions such as drought, frost, insects and disease attack Rich in Sulfur, which increases the availability of...
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KSh. 2,798
An organophosphate /synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of leafminers, antestia bugs and thrips in coffee. SUMITHION SUPER is a combination of an organophosphate and a synthetic pyrethroid. Both are Stomach and Contact poisons. The organophosphorus compound acts as an inhibitor...
In stock
KSh. 1,329
(VAT inclusive)
Liquid Boron for correction of Boron deficiencies. Also corrects Nitrogen deficiency to some extent. AI: 15% B & 6.5% N in heavy suspension. Promotes pollination, flower induction and seed reproduction.
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KSh. 3,000
Adjuvant/surfactant for enhancing performance of pesticides on crops.
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KSh. 11,000
(VAT inclusive)
•  Extended shelf life •  Strong vigory •  Late relative maturity   •  Extended shelf life •  Strong vigory •  Late relative maturity   FRUIT COLOR: Green-Red FRUIT SIZE W/L(CM): 4 x 6 PLANT HEIGHT AND HABIT: Uprigh  
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KSh. ‍630‍
SUPER NITRO HUMIC is a biostimulant / synergizer containing nitrogen and humic acid to correct nitrogen deficiency and aids in absorption of nutrients. Application rate:  Foliar: 5-10L/Ha  Drenching: 10-20L/Ha  32.0% Liquid Nitrogen + 4% Humic acid
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KSh. 3,170
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent Indeterminate Hybrid Tomato with Oval fruits for Greenhouse   Characteristics: Indeterminate Maturity 60 - 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 100 - 120 grams Yield potential 12 - 15 kgs per plant with up to 10 fruits per cluster Excellent shelf life with very firm...
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SV7030NS is a mid-maturing, short day, red onion variety. SV7030NS produces firm, uniform, globe-shaped bulbs with neat, thin necks. SV7030NS’s bulbs have two tough outers scale leaves each with an attractive shiny, deep red to purple colour. SV7030NS is a vigorous grower with high yield...
In stock
KSh. 7,000
(VAT inclusive)
In stock
KSh. 10,000
(VAT inclusive)
High yielding variety with excellent fruit set. ideal for both open and protected cultivation. Fruits are large and blocky in shape Dark green thick walled fruits suitable for long distance transport Strong robust plant protects the fruits well against sun scald Very good keeping...
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KSh. ‍715‍
(VAT inclusive)
A refined open pollinated sweet pepper with heavy fruiting ability.   Characteristics: Standard glossy green blocky fruits Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 120-150 grams Yield potential 8 tonnes per acre Long shelf life Ideal for both green house and open field...
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KSh. 1,160
A superior early maturing watermelon variety.   Characteristics Maturity in 85 days Fruit weight 10 - 12 Kgs Yield potential - 30 - 40 Tonnes per acre Excellent storage and transportability trait Plant vigor; Very strong with green stripped skin fruit Resistances/Tolerances...
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A standard green variety that grows up to 70cm tall Produces medium dark green crumpled leaves with white veins and broad white stems. Wider harvesting period of quality leaves that are soft and tender to cook and eat. Suitable for year round production&n Plant features A standard green...
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A standard tender green variety that grows up to 65cm tall The variety produces much darker green crumpled leaves with white veins and broad white stem. Very ideal variety for cooking giving tender quality leaves that are soft and easy to cook with excell Plant features: A standard tender...
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KSh. 11,855
SWITCH® 62.5WG is a fungicide with combined contact and systemic properties for the control of Botrytis (Grey Mold) in ornamentals. Combined contact and systemic activity for reliable control of Botrytis. New chemistry - no cross-resistance provides a solution where resistant fungi has...
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KSh. 2,960
Fungicide  for the control of angular spots on French beans, rust in coffee & botrytis  and powdery  mildew on roses. Thiophanate Methyl 400g/L + Hexaconazole 100g/L  1L/ha.  20ml/20L
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KSh. 1,978
Fungicide for the control of black spot in roses; Early and late blight in tomatoes. Captan 800 g/Kg
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KSh. ‍200‍
(VAT inclusive)
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KSh. 8,330
Tanos® 50 WG is a fungicide used to prevent and control downy mildew on roses and early and late blight on tomatoes.  A systemic and translaminar fungicide, with protective and curative properties. Effective control of Early and Late blight on Tomatoes and Downy Mildew on Roses,...
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KSh. 3,190
(VAT inclusive)
Well filled heads with good field holding capacity.  Taurus F1  Recommended plant population 25,000 - 35,000 pl/ha  Well filled heads with good field holding capacity. Strong against bolting and bursting.  Resistance: Black rot (Xcc) and Fusarium Conglutinas (Foc). ...
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KSh. ‍650‍
TAURUS ® 500SP is a powerful insecticide with a broad spectrum control especially for sucking insects such as aphids, thrips and whiteflies in agricultural crops like roses, French beans, runner beans, tomatoes, pepper, capsicum, melon among others. MODE OF ACTION: Thiocyclam hydrogen...
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KSh. 4,025
(VAT inclusive)
Tausi F1 is a tropical hybrid collard well adapted to heat and rain.
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KSh. 1,700
(VAT inclusive)
Biostimulant based on potassium and boron for the qualitative development of the fruit, with saccharides and precursor molecules of ripening factors.
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KSh. 1,700
(VAT inclusive)
Flowering activator and set with Phosphorus, Boron, Molybdenum and amino acids.
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KSh. 1,600
(VAT inclusive)
Tecamin Max is a very complete biostimulant based on L-amino acids, vitamins and oligosaccharides obtained from plant-based substrates recommended for all types of cultivation. Tecamin Max is one of our main biostimulants based on key amino acids to increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency and...
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KSh. 1,600
(VAT inclusive)
Mixture of micronutrients with amino acids. It provides iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum, essential micronutrients. Accompany and completes nutritionally of microelements any solution applied to the crop. Prevents and corrects all types of deficiencies, balancing...
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KSh. 10,600
The broad spectrum curative and systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in ornamentals. Formulation Suspension Concentrate Active Ingredient Thiabendazole 500g/Litre WHO Class : III Mode of Action Thiabendazole is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative activity....
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KSh. 15,295
Fungicide for use in the control of botrytis on ornamentals; powdery mildew and Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on grapes, tomatoes and eggplant.  Fenhexamid 500g/Kg 
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KSh. 2,879
A very vigorous, long determinate heavy yielding plant. Deep red coloured oval fruits. Characteristics: Determinate Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 125 - 150 grams Yield Potential 40 tonnes per acre Long shelf life of up to 21 days at room temperature Plant...
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KSh. ‍700‍
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent white onion with mild pungency. Characteristics:   A high yielding variety well adapted for the tropics  Maturity 120 days from transplanting  Very popular white onion with farmers and the market  Yield potential 21 tonnes per acre  Excellent shelf...
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KSh. 1,425
(VAT inclusive)
• Large straw-yellow and globular shaped bulbs • Maturing 150-165 days. • Average yield per acre (T) 21-22 • Large straw-yellow and globular shaped bulbs • Maturing 150-165 days. • Average yield per acre (T) 21-22
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KSh. 4,400
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KSh. 7,000
NPK 18:46.0
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KSh. 6,500
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KSh. ‍920‍
Thiovit Jet provides superior contact, fumigant and residual activity against mites and powdery mildew, due to its optimum particle size. It is used in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, coffee, tea, cashews and field crops  Active ingredient 80g/lt  Sulphur...
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KSh. ‍300‍
(VAT inclusive)
A tall long picking period succulent kale. Characteristics:  Vigorous plants with many side branches  Very leafy product with continuous picking  Maturity 60 days from planting  Indeterminate very hardy product with ability to recover easily  Yield potential 8...
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KSh. ‍110‍
(VAT inclusive)
Long harvesting period - Average Yield/ Acre (T) 30
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KSh. 1,004
THUNDER 145 O-TEQ is an insecticide to fight parasites on cotton and farmer crops. THUNDER 145 O-TEQ acts by contact and ingestion through systemic action thanks to the imidacloprid. Beta-cyfluthrin 45g/l + Imidacloprid 100g/l) Shake the product well before use. Pour 3l of water into a spraying...
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KSh. ‍705‍
TIHAN OD 175 is an insecticide for control of Lepidoptera ( Tuta Absoluta ), aphids and thrips in tomatoes, thrips and aphids on French beans and for control of mealybugs in cotton. Composition: Spirotetramat 75g/L + Flubendiamide 100g/L Tihan OD 175 is a syatemic insecticide. After foliar...
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KSh. ‍988‍
Tivag breaks the seed dormancy & enhances sprouting growth. It also helps in stem elongation, flowering & budding in tomatoes & development of new shouts in miraa. Gibberellic acid 40g/L Potatoes; 10ml/20L - Breaking seed dormancy & promotes new shoots.   Description TIVAG is...
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KSh. 3,360
(VAT inclusive)
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KSh. 4,140
(VAT inclusive)
High yielder of quality fruits, supported by a strong plant with good coverage and virus resistances . Resistance to both TYLV/TSWV✓ Resistance to bacterial specs✓ Firm fruit increased self life✓ Average fruit weight 140-160gms
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KSh. 1,095
(VAT inclusive)
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KSh. 2,650
(VAT inclusive)
Kibo Star F1 is a high yielding open field variety with tough skin for excellent trannsportability. • Growth type: Prolific semi-determinate • Early Maturing:  80-85 days (1st harvesting) • Average fruit weight: 150gm • Attractive deep coloured blocky shaped fruits • Excellent shelf life...
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KSh. 6,632
(VAT inclusive)
Determinate hybrid tomato variety for open field cultivation, strong plant habit, early maturity and blocky to oval shaped fruits. Determinate hybrid for open field cultivation, strong plant habit, early maturity Fruits are blocky to Oval in shape with easy and good fruit set Very...
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KSh. 2,605
(VAT inclusive)
In stock
KSh. 3,886
(VAT inclusive)
Nova F1 hybrid tomato is a long-determinate, high yielding and exhibits strong tolerance to bacterial wilt. Long-determinate variety. Mid-early maturity. Strong vigorous plant with dark green foliage cover for open field production. High yielding. Strong tolerance to bacterial wilt....
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KSh. 1,880
(VAT inclusive)
Semi indeterminate hybrid tomato variety with firm fruits that can hold for three weeks. Spacing; 60cm * 60cm Yield; 50 tonnes per acre Fruit weight; 120-180 grams
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KSh. 2,850
(VAT inclusive)
Tomato Safa F1 is a semi-determinate open field tomato variety with a blocky oval shape and highly tolerant to bacterial wilt. Start harvesting 75 days after transplanting Yield potential is upto 30 tons per acre Fruit size are blocky oval shape  Suitable for open...
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KSh. ‍635‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Oval shaped firm fruits • A widely adaptable determinate variety • Good shelf life • Tolerant to Bacterial wilt and TYLCV • Medium maturity 80-85 days
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KSh. 4,234
(VAT inclusive)
TOMATO SVTE 8444 F1, with a high yield potential and resistant to viral diseases and nematodes.   Ideal for Rumuruti, Narok and Loitoktok regions. Features; Early maturity (75-80 days). Large firm fruits 140g - 160g. Good resistance to TYLCV, nematodes and performs well under cold...
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KSh. 5,812
(VAT inclusive)
An indeterminate tomato variety with medium vigor and high yield. Elongated fruits, uniform red color with excellent shelf life. Ideal for greenhouse production. Growing recommended cycle- Autumn short cycle (Spain)/ Spring – Summer cycle hot conditions (Mexico). Fruit size with an...
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KSh. ‍479‍
(VAT inclusive)
Top Bunch F1 is a medium gray-green, round to slightly oval leaves have interesting wavy edges. Uniform and early with fast regrowth. Adds weight and mild kale-like flavor to mixes. Family Brassicaceae Season Cool season Exposure Timing Direct sow in early spring to...
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KSh. 1,589
Protectant fungicide/ bactericide which prevents infection on plants by interfering with the enzyme system of spores. Targets: Rust, Anthracnose, Angular Leaf Spot, Bacterial Blight, Sclerotinia Early blight and Late blight Rate of use: 50g/20 Litres of water (2.5kg/ha).
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KSh. 1,890
Fungicide for control of anthracnose, leaf-spots, black-spots, fusarium, phythium & powdery mildew in mangoes, snow-peas, runner-beans, eggplant & French beans. Thiophanate methyl 50%w/v  0.8-1L/ha/1000L of water, 20ml/20L
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KSh. 19,475
TOPIK® 080EC is a post-emergence wheat herbicide for control of annual grasses like love grass ( Setaria spp. ), wild oats ( Avena spp. ), wild finger millet ( Eleusine indica ), Guinea grass ( Panicum maximum ) among others. It's a unique selective herbicide that provides reliable control...
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KSh. 5,260
Topshot 60 OD is broad-spectrum post emergence herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds, grass weeds and sedges in rice. Topshot 60 OD can be used in both irrigated and Rain fed rice cultivats.  MODE OF ACTION Topshot 60 OD is a combination of two active i.e Cyhalofop Butyl and...
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KSh. 1,610
TOPSIN M is a protective and curative fungicide with systemic activity for the control of rice blast in Rice. Don't let disease ruin your crops. Use TOPSIN M to effectively protect your crops from a broad range of diseases. THIOPHANATE-METHYL 500 GM/L
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KSh. 1,570
TOUCHDOWN FORTE® 500SL with Hitech technology is a systemic post-emergence non selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and perenial weeds The new TOUCHDOWN with "hi-tech" technology is a systematic post-emergence non-selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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KSh. 1,650
TOWER ® 720WP is an excellent systemic and contact fungicide with protective and curative actions on a wide range of diseases particularly downy mildew and blights in agricultural crops. MODE OF ACTION: Metalaxyl  is a systemic fungicide which inhibits fungal growth. Mancozeb...
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KSh. 2,811
Tracer is an organic certified insecticide that is highly effective in the control of Thrips, Beet armyworm, American bollworm, Diamond-back Moth larvae, Tomato leaf miner moth ( Tuta absoluta) and American leafminer. Tracer is an organic certified insecticide that is highly effective in the...
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KSh. 22,425
TRAXOS® 045EC is a post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses in wheat. Active ingredient 22.5 g/L Pinoxaden 22.5 g/L Clodinafop-propargyl (as safener-5.63g/L Cloquintocet-methyl) Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) WHO classification III Mode of...
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KSh. ‍239‍
TREMOR GR 0.05 is a granule formulated synthetic pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action for the control of maize stalk borers. 0.05 Beta-cyfluthrin 0.5/kg
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KSh. ‍501‍
Trianum-P protects plants against a range of soil-borne root diseases through several different modes of action. It also improves root system development, nutrient uptake and plant growth. Active ingredient Trichoderma harzianum T-22 Common name Soil-dwelling...
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KSh. 1,108
Trichotech WP is a biological solution for the control of soil pathogenic fungi and a boost to crop development. MODE OF ACTION  Trichotech WP mechanisms: Competition –  Trichotech WP is a fast-growing fungus that easily out-competes soil pathogens, promoting niche...
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KSh. 3,044
(VAT inclusive)
A Variety for the Fresh Green and Red Market with a Good Disease Pack and Additional Resistance to TSWV. Technical Data Plant Strong Plant, Good Canopy Earliness Medium Fruit Blocky and Thick - Walled Average Fruit Size is Extra - Large Average Fruit Weight 250gm Yield 35 -...
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KSh. 1,894
Insecticide for the control of Aphids, Whiteflies, Thrips and Caterpillars on Tomatoes, French beans and Snow peas. Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC
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KSh. 1,745
TRINITY GOLD ® 452WP is a highly effective protectant and systemic fungicide/bactericide which prevents fungal and bacterial infection on a wide range of diseases on various crops including roses, carnations, french beans, tomatoes, coffee and onions MODE OF ACTION Cymoxanil is a...
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KSh. 1,068
(VAT inclusive)
Uniform, bigger head size cabbage with excellent head coverage that guarantees freshness to the market. Triperio is a blue-green cabbage with a compact large head. Has a strong stem elevation above ground with very high uniformity in the field Color: Blue- green      ...
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KSh. 2,280
(VAT inclusive)
Tropicana cabbage (F1) has glossy fresh light green color skin with round shape, uniform growth, high yields and excellent taste. Fruit is approximately 16 x 24 diameters, 1-1.5 kgs in weight. Maturity is in 80 days from transplanting. Good for storage and transportation. Resistant to heat,...
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KSh. 18,000
Trustmate® 250EC is a unique systemic, translaminar, and vapor triple action fungicide with protective, curative and eradicative action as foliar used for the control of powdery mildew in edible crops and ornamentals. Product Details Target (Crop/Area) : Edible crops, Ornamentals...
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KSh. 1,285
(VAT inclusive)
Tsavorite is a tropical hybrid cabbage well adapted to heat and rain.
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KSh. 5,200
Triple super phosphate (TSP) has the  highest phosphate content of any granular fertilizer without nitrogen, Dissolves rapidly to help plants thrive quickly, especially if they have high sulphur needs. It has a pH of 3 and is comprised of 46% phosph NPK ratio 00:46:00
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KSh. 3,200
(VAT inclusive)
For both open field production and under cover For both open field production and under cover Wide adaptability Strong vigorous plant Semi erect plant habit, Very prolific For export and local market. RELATIVE MATURITY: 75 days COLOR: Glossy dark purple, SHAPE: Round
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KSh. 1,150
Use the Tutasan trap for monitoring and trapping male tomato leaf miner moths in combination with Pherodis Tuta absoluta .  Easy to handle  Can catch high numbers of males Mode of action  The Tutasan trap needs to be used in combination with Pherodis pheromone...
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KSh. ‍850‍
TUTRACK monitors and controls Tuta absoluta (tomato leafminer). The system consists of the TUTRACK lure and a delta trap. The TUTRACK lure contains pheromones which attract the male Tuta absoluta moth. What to look out for when buying lures?  When buying lures it is important to note the...
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KSh. ‍350‍
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