Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,800
ZINC GROW-CAPS are capsules that contain a zinc-solubilizing bacteria that solubilizes insoluble/fixed zinc in the soil and makes it available to plants. These bacteria improve plant growth and development by colonizing the rhizosphere and by solubilizing complex zinc compounds into simpler...
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KSh. 1,350
(VAT inclusive)
A highly soluble and effective inorganic fertilizer containing readily available Boron, Zinc and Nitrogen to improve pollen production and improve vigor on flowers and leaves with great fruit development as well as bud differentiation in all agricultural crops.
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KSh. 6,003
(VAT inclusive)
Strong plant, high shelve quality, high crops, fruit uniformity. High yield, good continuity • Size (WxL): 8.5Ă—9 cm • Weight (gr.): 200 • Maturity: Early • Fruit Walls: Thick • Plant Height & Habit: Tall and strong • Growing System: Spanish trellising for greenhouse and...
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KSh. 15,500
Zorvec®  Encantia® is a new fungicide that specifically targets late blight within potato production. Oxathiapiprolin 30g/L  +  Famoxadone 300g/L  PHI: 3days REI 12Hrs  500ml/Ha
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KSh. 1,800
Azoto-CAPS are capsule that contains a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium known as Azotobacter. It is used as a biofertilizer for all non-leguminous plants, especially rice, cotton, vegetables, etc. It is an aerobic, soil-dwelling bacteria. It improves plant health through nitrogen...
In stock
KSh. 1,800
POTASH GROW-CAPS are capsules that contain potash mobilizing bacteria which helps to mobilize fixed potash in the soil and make it available to plants in an easily usable form. This Microorganism mobilizes potash from the elementary or mixture of potassium, which can be easily absorbed by the...
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