Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 2,200
A broad spectrum preventive & curative fungicide for the control of early and late blight in potatoes, downy mildew and anthracnose in cucurbits, downy mildew and purple blotch in onions, downy mildew, and anthracnose in grapevine. Propineb 700g/kg + Cymoxanil 60g/kg Application rate;...
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KSh. ‍650‍
MILTHANE SUPER  is a broad-spectrum fungicide for the control of a wide range of diseases in vegetables, fruit crops and ornamentals. It is a contact fungicide with protectant action, applied before the disease sets in. Through coverage of folliage is necessary for good results. Milthane...
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KSh. ‍950‍
(VAT inclusive)
A very vigorous uniform and early yellow blocky pepper. Characteristics: Early maturity and good fruit setting Maturity 70 days from transplanting Fruit weight: 180 - 190 grams Yield potential: 8 tonnes per acre Uniform 4 lobed fruits with high marketability Long shelf life Ideal for...
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KSh. 1,365
A suspension concentrate systemic fungicide for the preventative control of foliar diseases in various crops. It combines the action of a new active substance Adepidyn™ with Difenconazole. New A.I. Adepidyn ™   has prolonged residual effect, thus the protecting the leaves,...
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KSh. ‍830‍
Mistress 72 is a broad-spectrum unique fungicide formulation containing a mixture of both systemic and contact fungicides thus providing outstanding control of diseases such as blights, downy mildew, purple blotch on a variety of crops. It ensures durable protection of the target plants during...
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KSh. 12,000
(VAT inclusive)
Monopotassium Phosphate fertilizer Monopotassium Phosphate fertilizer
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KSh. ‍600‍
A granular contact nematicide for the control of nematodes in citrus, potatoes, tobacco and certain vegetables as indicate   ACTIVE INGREDIENT ;  ethoprophos (organophosphate)
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KSh. 1,000
Mona foliar feed  is an Organic Foliar Feed. Applied to most crops. Being aggressively adopted by farmers as a product of choice. It  enhances the bioprocesses within the crop resulting to very high yields and assists the plant to withstand wate
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KSh. ‍195‍
(VAT inclusive)
Indeterminate oblong shaped tomato variety.
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KSh. 2,008
(VAT inclusive)
A medium early hybrid for production in both cool and warm weather. Montop is a vigorous hybrid for fresh market consumption. The plants are very uniform, have a good vigour and produce dark green, dome-shaped heads of high quality.                ...
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KSh. 3,900
60er Kali® is a universal potash fertiliser suitable for all chloride tolerant crops and soils to supply the plant with the nutrient potassium. EC FERTILISER Potassium chloride 60 60% K 2 O water-soluble potassium oxide 60er Kali is usually spread onto medium and heavy soils onto the...
In stock
KSh. 6,000
Muirate of Potash
In stock
KSh. ‍644‍
MOTO PLUS 75WG is a selective herbicide for the control of many grass and broad leaved weeds. When used as recommended it is well tolerated by baby corn, maize, sugarcane and other crops Metribuzin 750g/kg
In stock
KSh. 9,300
Movento 100SC is a proven and highly effective solution for the control of thrips, mealybugs and mites in roses. Spirotetramat 100 g/l
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KSh. ‍514‍
MULTI npK is a fertilizer with 13%N +2%P2O5 + 44%K2O
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Easy to apply Liquid Nitrogen with three forms of Nitrogen. Formula (W/V) %: 40-0-0: N03: 11%,NH4: 11%,Urea: 18% Formula (W/V) %: 40-0-0: N03: 11%,NH4: 11%,Urea: 18%  Easy to apply Liquid Nitrogen with three forms of Nitrogen  WHY USE MULTI N -  -Multi N is a slow...
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KSh. 1,398
Murex K is a foliar feed composed of NPK 10:20:40 + Trace elements. It is used to correct deficiencies in Potassium in coffee, cereals, vegetables, tomatoes, roses, strawberries and ornamental. (NPK 10:20:40 + trace elements) Crop Coffee, cereals, vegetables, tomatoes, roses &...
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KSh. ‍700‍
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KSh. ‍700‍
• Spreading growth habit with oval-shaped grains. • Prefers medium-altitude zones • Good Tolerance to heat and common diseases • Vigorous variety with high yields Cream coloured seeds with black-brown specs. Prefers medium altitude and is tolerant to drought. Has a spreading habit with...
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KSh. 2,500
BASE: SOLID (Powder) Mycorrhizal Fungi are species of fungi that are intimately associated with plant roots forming a symbiotic relationship, with the plant providing sugars for the fungi and the fungi providing nutrients to the plants. Mycorrhizal fungi can absorb, accumulate, and transport...
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KSh. 1,500
(VAT inclusive)
Mydas RZ F1 is a slicer cucumber that produces nicely shaped long and slender dark green fruits with a medium number of spines. The plant is vigorous, well balanced and it creates long side shoots. This variety produces a high yield and is recommended for year-round indoor cultivation. It can...
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KSh. 1,108
Mytech WP is a biological solution for control of plant-parasitic nematodes. MODE OF ACTION  Mytech WP P. lilacinus  parasitizes and subsequently kills eggs, juveniles and adult females of various plant-parasitic nematodes. It manages nematodes through: Attachment...
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KSh. ‍240‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Vigorous in growth • Smooth skin • Early maturing • Sweet and small core roots. • Cylindrical shape • Vigorous in growth • Smooth skin • Early maturing • Sweet and small core roots. • Cylindrical shape
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KSh. 1,057
NATIVO SC 300 is a foliar fungicide for the control of rust disease in wheat, rice blast in rice; Grey Leaf Spot on Maize and Coffee berry disease (CBD) in coffee. The combination of two active ingredients exerts a heavy punch on the above fungal disease Composition: Trifloxystrobin 100g/L +...
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KSh. 3,665
NEEM RAJ SUPER 0.3EC is contact,anti moulting and repellant insecticide used in the control of white flies, thrips, aphids. Target pests/pathogens                                        ...
In stock
KSh. 20,345
A soil fumigant for the control of soil fungi, nematodes in agricultural soils and seedbeds. Nemasol mixes readily with water and decomposes to release Methyl Isothiocyannate gas(M.I.T) , 2-7 hours after application. The MIT gas being lighter than air escapes upwards whilst slowly...
In stock
KSh. 42,340
(VAT inclusive)
NEPTUNE F1 is an early maturity, round shape with nice red color Short Day Onion. EasiIy trusted variety with high quality yield. Mid-Early Short Day Onion. Well suited for direct sowing or transplanting and set production. FEATURES High yield potential Uniform medium bulbs Well...
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KSh. 1,550
NIMBECIDINE is a broad spectrum natural neem based preparation for the control of a wide range of insects, red mites and nematodes.  it acts as an insecticidal, oviposition deterrent, sterilant, feeding deterrent and insect growth regulator. NIMBECIDINE is a broad spectrum natural neem...
In stock
KSh. 29,500
Nimrod 250 EC is a fungicide for control of powdery mildew on roses, tomatoes, snow peas, pepper and mangoes. Active Ingredients Bupirimate       Benefits for the Farmer Higher yields of crops Crops with higher quality A powerful tool to counter resistance...
In stock
KSh. 5,297
NISSORUN 100 EC is an insecticide used in the control of spider mites. Target pests/pathogens                                                        ...
In stock
KSh. 7,682
Nomax® 150 SC is a broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of fall armyworm in maize with an excelent knockdown and residual activity.  Teflubenzuron 75g/L + Alphacypermethrin 75g/L  200 ml/ha or 20 ml per 20L of water Use spray volume of 200 L per hectare. ...
In stock
KSh. 9,494
Insecticide for control of coffee leaf miner in Coffee, diamond black moth & aphids on Cabbages; bean flower thrips in French beans and thrips in carnations and roses Teflubenzuron 150g/L   Benefits  Excellent control of thrips in Roses and Carnations. Prevents maturity...
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KSh. 2,589
Nordox  Super 75 WP (Red Copper) Cuprous oxide (equivalent to 75% metallic copper). Remedy for Coffee Berry Diseases (CBD) and Coffee Leaf Rust( CLR)  · Unique retention and rain-fastness  · Long-lasting protection, even under high rainfall conditions  Cuprous...
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KSh. ‍420‍
Novax is a product with a hight Nitrogen, Potassium and Phophorus content. Novax is a product with a hight Nitrogen, Potassium and Phophorus content. Together with Amino acids; Organic acids and vitamins It is completely water soluble and can either be applied in foliar spraying or direct...
In stock
KSh. 6,700
NPK ratio - 23:23:23
KSh. 1,800
NPK GROW – CAPS is a mixture of three essential plant Microbes that help plants by providing them with water-soluble Nitrogen, phosphorus, and Potash. It is a combination of Azotobacter, Phosphate solubilizing Bacteria & Potassium mobilizing bacteria. It fixes atmospheric Nitrogen, solubilizes...
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KSh. 1,500
Multicut high protein hybrid pearl millet forage.
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KSh. 1,135
(VAT inclusive)
• It’s a determinate hybrid tomato • High tolerance to Bacterial Wilt Disease and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus • Shelf life of up to 21 days when harvested at the breaker stage • Suitable for long distance transportation • • It’s a determinate hybrid...
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KSh. 1,340
(VAT inclusive)
• Determinate variety • Attractive firm oval-shaped fruits • Vigorous and widely adaptable • Resistant to Bacterial Wilt & TYLCV • Determinate variety • Attractive firm oval-shaped fruits • Vigorous and widely adaptable • Resistant to Bacterial Wilt...
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KSh. ‍200‍
Livestock pasture Livestock pasture
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KSh. 1,168
Oberon Speed is a non-systemic foliar insecticide / acaricide that provides a new mode of action for whitefly and spider mite  control, and shows no cross-resistance to current acaricides and insecticides.   Spiromesifen 228.6 + Abamectin 11.4gm/lt 10ml/20L Oberon Speed is a...
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KSh. ‍630‍
OCCASION STAR® 200SC is broad spectrum, systemic with contact and stomach action insecticide for control of thrips, caterpillars and spider mites on roses, thrips and diamondback moth in broccoli and fall armyworm in maize and sweet corn. MODE OF ACTION:  Indoxacarb (Oxadiazine...
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In stock
KSh. 1,322
(VAT inclusive)
Okra Kijani F1 is a high yielding okra variety. The fruit is slender and long with an average weight of 18g. Early maturing with strong growth. An excellent hybrid with a wide range of adaptability. Very high yielding with an extended harvesting period. Short internode plant, leaves...
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KSh. ‍643‍
(VAT inclusive)
A dwarf hybrid Okra variety with shorter internodal length. The variety is suited to the open field and cultivated for the fresh market. OH 102 F1 produces pods with an attractive dark green colour, excellent quality and long shelf life. It exhibits high yield and high intermediate field...
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Open pollinated variety with wide adaptation in many warmer regions. Medium tall plant frame with short internodes and vigour   Plant: Open pollinated variety with wide adaptation in many warmer regions. Medium tall plant frame with short internodes and vigour   Plant features:...
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KSh. 1,500
Fully water soluble foliar fertilizer formulation, applied to fruit, vegetables, ornamentals, coffee and cereals for optimum yield and quality. Corrects all mineral deficiency. NPK: 24-24-18 + TE CROP Cereals, coffee, vegetables and fruits. RATE/HA & 20Lt 1lt-1.5Lt per Ha...
In stock
KSh. ‍420‍
Omni advance K contains an enhanced amount of potassium suitable for the flowering and fruiting stages of a crop. NPK 11:4:40 + MgO + TE
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KSh. 1,410
(VAT inclusive)
In stock
KSh. 17,076
(VAT inclusive)
CEYLON is a medium maturing thick flat to round shape red onion with high resistance to pink root disease (Pt) and intermediate resistance to Basal rot resistance (Foc). CEYLON has higher percentage single center bulbs, has excellent plant vigour and good root development. FEATURES...
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KSh. 1,785
(VAT inclusive)
A superior  which  matures early with dense, compact glossy dark- red coloured bulbs. It gives medium to large bulbs which are globular in shape. Maturity: 85-95 days from transplanting Bulb Size: Medium to large bulb with glossy dark-red skin. Globular shaped with uniform bulb size....
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KSh. 5,220
(VAT inclusive)
It has red globular bulbs. • Performs well in warm climates. • Stores well in dry, ventilated conditions. • Yield potential is 15-28 tonnes/acre. • Matures in 4.5 - 5 months. • Has an excellent red colour. • Can be stored up to six months. • High yielding.
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Produces medium sized bulbs with excellent keeping quality. Maturity of 120-160 days. Produces medium bulbs weighing 100 grams. Yield potential of 18-25 T/Ha. Good keeping quality of 3-4 months. Suitable for warm and hot climates. Resistant to; Downy mildew, Purple blotch and pink rot....
In stock
KSh. 22,040
(VAT inclusive)
Red Halen F1 is a short-day red hybrid onion that is highly resistant to pink root; exhibits excellent external and internal bulb colour and has high yield potential of uniform bulbs. Features Consistent nad reliable bulb uniformity, size and shape. Superior and attractive red...
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A superior high selection short day red onion with wide adaptability to tropical and sub-tropical growing regions. Variety popular for its strong pungency, good curing and ability to withstand harsh growing conditions. The bulbs are able to store for over Plant: A superior high selection...
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In stock
KSh. ‍180‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Flat globe reddish-brown bulbs • Maturing 140-150 days. • Average yield per acre (T) 22-24 • Flat globe reddish-brown bulbs • Maturing 140-150 days. • Average yield per acre (T) 22-24
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KSh. ‍560‍
(VAT inclusive)
ONION SPRING BRUNCHING                                                    
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KSh. ‍800‍
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent Determinate Hybrid Tomato with Oval Fruits Characteristics: Determinate Maturity 70 days from transplanting Fruit weight 100 - 110 grams Yield potential 18 tons per acre Early maturing Excellent shelf life with very firm fruit
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KSh. ‍500‍
OPTIMIZER ®  is designed to help the plant to overcome stress moments produced by drought, flooding, adverse weather etc., and its application bio-activates the plant stimulating growth thus increasing production as well as the plant general con A pure natural fermented seaweed Liquid...
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KSh. 2,250
(VAT inclusive)
A very vigorous variety with a reliable performance in a range of different growing conditions Characteristics: High pungency fruits Plants are tall with a concentrated upright bearing fruit set Excellent and uniform fruit quality Maturity: 70-75 days from transplanting Fruit length: 7-9...
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