Vitra 40 WG is a Blue copper fungicide/ bactericide for control of early and late blight in tomato; bacterial blight and downy mildew in cabbages; rust, anthracnose and angular leaf spots in french beans and coffee berry disease and leaf rust in coffee.
Mode of Action
Copper ions are absorbed by fungal and bacterial spores as they grow. Once absorbed, copper disrupts the enzyme system of the pathogenic organisms. It is a protectant fungicide therefore it must be deposited on the crop before the fungal spores begin to germinate.
Spectrum of Control
VITRA 40WG is a broad spectrum preventive fungicide and bactericide for the control of early and late blight in tomato; bacterial blight and downy mildew in cabbages; rust, anthracnose and angular leafspots in French bean; coffee leaf rust and coffee berry disease in coffee.
- Wide spectrum of disease control,
- Corrects copper deficiencies in crops,
- Can be tank mixed with other recommended products
- Has strong effect in the management of bacterial infections,
- Copper improves the capacity of crop to resist pests and diseases under extreme conditions,
- Uniform spray suspension allowing maximum coverage of active ingredient.
Handling Precautions
Vitra is harmful to human beings if swallowed. It is irritating to the eyes. Wear protective clothing, namely, overals, gloves, gum boots, hathead dress or dust mask when preparing the spray mixture and face shield while spraying. Change work clothes and wash your body after work
Do not contaminate environment
For effective control of diseases,
- VITRA is a preventive fungicide therefore has to be sprayed before the infection occurs.
- Timely application is required for effective control.
- Tank mixing with non ionic surfactant e.g. Agral 90 improves the effectiveness.
- Good spray coverage of the crop is essential in control of pests and diseases.
Active Ingredients
Copper Hydroxide (66.7% w/w)
Formulation: Water Dispersible Granules (WG)
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