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Insecticide/miticide to control the Red spider mites on Roses; spidermites and leaf miner on French beans. 18g/l Abamectin Foliar spray: 500 ml/ha
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Broad spectrum pyrethroid based insecticide for control of bean thrips in french beans. 100g/l alpha-cypermethrin
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FAWLIGEN is a high quality concentrated formulation of Spodoptera fruigiperda multiple Nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV), a natural, effective and selective virus of Spodoptera spp (army caterpillar). FAWLIGEN is a bio-insecticide against the armyworm that can be used as part of an integrated pest...
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Fist super 456CS herbicide is selective for the control of most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. As Fist super 456CS controls weeds by inhibiting seedling development, it will not control established weeds. For the best results, seedbeds should be free of weeds, trash and...
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An insecticide for use in coffee and roses. 500g/l omethoate Quick Facts Systematic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Excellent control scales, mealbugs, aphids and whiteflies. Timing Of Application  Apply at the first signs of infestation; ensure full...
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Foliar fertlizer complex elaborated with a mixture of macro and micro nutrients and folcystein designed specifically as “Vegetative growth stimulator ” applied during vegetative growth and critical stages of plant growth under sress conditions. Foliar spray: 2 l/ha Bo Cu Mo...
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Kalach 480 SL is a non-selective systemic herbicide for the post-emergence control of annual and perennial weeds, absorbed by the foliage only, with rapid translocation throughout the plant where it blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids by inhibiting EPSP synthase activity. The product...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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Glufosinate Ammonium, the active ingredient in Lifeline 280 SL is a non-selective, post-emergence, broad spectrum herbicide used for control of annual & perennial grasses & broad leaf weeds on crop and non-crop areas such as on paths and roads. Glufosinate Ammonium 280 g/l 1)...
Active IngredientsGlufosinate ammonium
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Fungicide for control of late blight in potatoes and Tomatoes. 800g/kg of Mancozeb.
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STARGEM 80WP is a broad-spectrum fungicide with protective action. It is a widely used fungicide to control Early and Late blight infecting tomatoes & potatoes. The fungicide is highly acclaimed by our customers for its perfect formulation and high performance. Mancozeb 800 GM/KG...
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VELPAR® 75 DF is a contact and residual herbicide for broad-spectrum weed control of many broad-leaved weeds and grasses on sugarcane. Hexazinone 750 g/kg VELPAR® 75 DF should be applied early post emergence to weeds. It can be used on plant or ratoon cane as a directed...
Vigold T 477 SC is the next-generation, fungicide with Xylem Pro Technology.™ Xylem Pro Technology is an innovative technology that distributes the active ingredient throughout the plant, moving to all areas of the leaves with water flow. Once applied to the surface, VIGOLD T 477 SC moves...
Active Ingredients