Public Health

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An insecticide for the control of bedbugs, cockroaches and fleas. Acetamiprid 200g/L Application Dose                                          100ml/10L of water, 15ml/L
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Fendona ® is a fast-acting pyrethroid insecticide that quickly and effectively eliminates disease-causing insects. With its active ingredient alpha-cypermethrin, Fendona ® is one of the most effective indoor residual sprays for protecting public health in regions where malaria and other...
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Fludora Fusion combines two unrelated modes of action, providing optimum effectiveness under conditions of insecticide resistance. Product description Fludora® Fusion has been developed specifically for vector control applications; it is the first product intended for indoor residual...
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Icon ® 10CS is a technically advanced capsule suspension (CS) formulation of the second-generation pyrethroid, lambda-cyhalothrin. It has been specifically designed for use in indoor residual spraying (IRS) and provides greater than 9 months control Overview Advanced, long-lasting...
KUNGU NIL ®   200SL is a highly effective, systemic insecticide with high residual effect, effective for control of bedbugs in domestic premises, public buildings and industrial places. MODE OF ACTION: Imidacloprid  has contact and stomach poison action and works by interfering...
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A synthetic insecticide against cockroaches, houseflies and mosquitoes in public places, residential and commercial premises. Active Ingredients:  Pirimiphos-methyl 60 G/kg, Lambda-cyhalothrin 25g/kg,
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Tormentor® 0.05% GEL Bait is used to control all major cockroach species, including, German cockroach (Blatella germanica), Oriental cockroach (Blatella orientals), and American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana), in public places including fields and American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana),...
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UNDERTAKER® 480EC is a broad spectrum termiticide with contact, fumigant and stomach actions, used on timber, wood buildings and constructions, concrete slabs, termites nests and trees to control termites. MODE OF ACTION:  Chlorpyrifos works by inhibiting acetyl cholinesterase (AChE),...
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