60er Kali® is a universal potash fertiliser suitable for all chloride tolerant crops and soils to supply the plant with the nutrient potassium.
Potassium chloride 60
60% K2O water-soluble potassium oxide
60er Kali is usually spread onto medium and heavy soils onto the stubble in autumn or prior to sowing and is incorporated into the topsoil layer during tilling.
60er Kali is easy to apply in granulated form with high spreading quality with all modern fertiliser spreaders.
The potassium can also be successfully applied to winter crops and perennial crops, especially on lighter soils, as top-dressing in early spring.
Deposit fertilisation (crop rotation fertilisation) for crops in need is also possible on medium to heavy soils.
Use of 60er Kali®
• 60er Kali fine is mainly used for the manufacture of compound fertilisers.
• 60er Kali gran. is a highly concentrated potash fertiliser. It is suitable for all chloride tolerant crops, whereby an additional
supply with magnesium, sodium and sulphur has to be ensured in the fertilisation plan.
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