
Active Ingredients
Fungicide for the control of Septoria, Stem rust and yellow rust on Wheat and Grey leaf spot on Maize.
Absolute Star 400SC broad-spectrum fungicide is a unique combination of synergetic active ingredient that has excellent eradicant, systemic preventive and curative and translaminar properties against a wide range of fungal infections on agricultural crop Absolute Star 400SC broad-spectrum...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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ABSOLUTE ® 375SC is an enhanced excellent systemic fungicide with preventative and strong curative actions on a wide range of diseases in ornamentals, vegetables, fruits trees and cereals. It is absorbed by the plant and distributed quickly acropetal way. MODE OF ACTION: Azoxystrobin...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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A fungicide with systemic and contact activity for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) of potatoes and tomatoes as well as for downy mildew (Peronospora sparsa) in roses, when used in protective spray programs. Dimethomorph 90g/Kg + Mancozeb 600g/Kg Potato Fungal...
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AG Copp 75 is a red copper fungicide, for the preventive control of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) and Coffee Leaf Rust. AG Copp 75 can be used as a tank mix with TWIGATHALONIL 720 SC for control of Coffee Berry Disease in coffee. AG Copp 75 can be applied by leaf surface spraying. Thorough wetting...
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(VAT inclusive)
Agriphite enhances plant immunity against fungal and bacterial attacks especially powdery mildew and downy mildew. AI: Dipotassium phosphite.  50-100 ML/20L
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Fungicide for the control of early and late blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes. Mancozeb 64% + Cymoxanil 8%
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A curative fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in roses and rust in carnations. Contains;   azoxystrobin 250g/l + flutriafol 250g/l   A curative fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in roses and rust in carnations. Contains;   azoxystrobin 250g/l +...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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A fully systemic fungicide formulated as a water dispersible granule, for the control of the following Phytophthora diseases:Root and collar rot in citrusRoot and base rot in pineapplesRoot rot in grapevines, avocados and proteas Active Ingredients            ...
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ALTO® is a fungicide with systemic and curative properties for the control of leaf rust in coffee. Fungicide with systemic and curative properties for the control of leaf rust in coffee. Active ingredient 100g/l Cyproconazole Formulation SL (Slurry Liquid) WHO Classification...
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Copper based fungicide. This product has been discontinued and replaced with Dorado . Copper based fungicide. This product has been discontinued and replaced with Dorado . MODE/ RATE OF USE:  Foliar Spray: 50g/20L  CBD - 7.7Kg/Ha(140g/20Lt),  CLR - 3.8Kg/Ha(70g/20L...
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Fungicide for the control of Downy Mildew on Roses, control of Early and Late blight on Tomatoes and Potatoes. Cymoxanil 8%+ Mancozeb 64%
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AMISTAR is a broad-spectrum fungicide ideally suited for use in IPM programs Amistar is a strobilurin fungicide based on naturally occurring substances found in certain species of wild mushrooms. The active ingredient in Amistar, azoxystrobin, controls a very wide spectrum of disease in wheat...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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AMISTAR TOP® 325SC Fungicide for the control of Grey Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight and Common Rust in Maize. Rust, Angular leafspot and Anthracnose in French beans. Ascochyta leafspot and powdery mildew on snow peas and Powdery Mildew in Roses Fungicide for the control of Grey Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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AMISTAR XTRA® 280SC is a broad-spectrum foliar fungicide with systemic properties for control of STEM RUST, yellow & brown rust, Septoria, fusarium in wheat, barley blast, net blotch, scald, spot blotch yellow rust in barley. Active Ingredients 200 g/ lt. Azoxystrobin 80 g/ lt....
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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Antracol 70 WP, Is a contact agent that fights diseases and pathogenic fungi found in various fruit and vegetable crops, as well as in potatoes. Antracol is intended as a preventive solution or a treatment to be applied at the first signs of plant disease Propineb 700g/kg Benefits: - It...
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ARTEA®  330EC is a broad spectrum foliar fungicide with systemic properties for the control of rust, leaf spots and other major diseases in wheat and barley. Active ingredient 250g/l Propiconazole   80g/l Cyproconazole  Formulation Emulsifiable concentrate...
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Azaka 250 SC® is a broad-spectrum fungicide with both contact and systemic properties for controlling powdery mildew in roses and rust in carnations. Active Ingredient Azoxystrobin 250g/L When applied to the crop, Azoxystrobin diffuses through the leaves to the vascular tissues where...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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Fungicide for control of Anthracnose, angular leaf spots, Rusts in French beans; Powdery mildew and Botrytis in roses; Aschochyta leaf spots and Powdery mildew in snow peas; Alternaria, septoria leaf spot, Powdery mildew, Downy mildew and Anthracnose in Azoxystrobin 200g/L + Difenoconazole...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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Perfect botrytis control for premium flowers.   Boscalid 252g/Kg + Pyraclostrobin 128g/Kg  Benefits  Bellis® has improved efficacy on stem botrytis, head botrytis as well as post harvest botrytis. Bellis® offers additional advantage of controlling downy mildew and black...
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Fungicide for the control of Late Blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes, Downy mildew and Botrytis in Roses Dimethomorph 200g/L and Fluazinam 200g/L DESCRIPTION: BIGO® 400SC is a systemic fungicide for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potatoes and tomatoes, as well as downy...
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Fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in roses, rust in common beans, black rot and downy mildew in broccoli. Azoxystrobin 200 g/l + Tebuconazole 300g/l  0.5Lts/ha/1000L or 10ml/20L in Beans, Coffee & Roses.  0.75Lts/ha/1000L or 75ml/20L in Wheat.
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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CADILAC ® 80%WP is an enhanced excellent contact fungicide with preventative actions on a wide range of diseases particularly downy mildew and early & late blight in various agricultural crops.  MODE OF ACTION: Mancozeb is a non-systemic agricultural fungicide with multi-site,...
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An emulsifiable concentrate fungicide with systemic and translaminar properties for the preventive control of yellow rust, stem rust in wheat and leaf rust, net blotch in barley. Xemium, BASF's new active ingredient, combines two qualities: high intrinsic activity against a broad range of...
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MODE OF ACTION: Fosetyl-aluminum is a systemic fungicide which is rapidly absorbed through the plant leaves or roots, with translocation both acropetally and basipetally and acts by inhibiting germination of spores or by blocking development of mycelium and sporulation APPLICATION RATES...
CHARIOT ® 500SC is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative action against Botrytis in roses, angular leaf spot and botrytis on French beans, early blight on Tomatoes, and rice blast on rice. MODE OF ACTION:  Carbendazim is a widely used, broad-spectrum systemic...
CHEROKEE® 487.5SE gives the crop protection against a wide spectrum of important diseases of wheat and barley. It controls stem rust, Leaf Spot, Yellow Rust, and Septoria in wheat. Active ingredient 375g/lt Chlorothalonil 62.5g/lt Propiconazole 50g/lt Cyproconazole Formulation...
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COMPANION®75WP is a curative and preventive fungicide with broad spectrum, systemic and contact activity in the control of Downy mildew and Botrytis on Roses. It has long disease control duration Mancozeb 630g/kg + Carbendazim 120g/l
MODE OF ACTION Azoxystrobin is a systemic fungicide which is absorbed through the roots and translocated in the xylem to the stems and leaves, or through leaf surfaces to the leaf tips and growing edges. It inhibits mitochondrial respiration, spore germination, mycelial growth, and spore...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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CONTROL DF is a dry-flowable systemic formulation which has fungitoxic effect on fungi and can be used as a seed treatment as well as a foliar spray. It can also be used additionally as a wound protectant for pruning cuts on trees. It is absorbed by leaves and roots and is extensively used on...
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DO NOT USE ON FOOD CROPS! ! A fungicide for the control, prevention and eradication of early and late blight, pythium and Downy mildew disease. CYMOXANIL 60G/KG + PROPINEB 700G/KG Application Rates:  40GMS /20LTRS OF WATER (2KG/Ha)
Contact fungicide with preventive action against Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease in Coffee, anthracnose in beans and blight in tomatoes and potatoes. Cuprocaffaro is a green wettable powder fungicide for the preventative control of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD), Coffee Leaf rust and...
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