Foliar Fertilizers

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KSh. 1,600
(VAT inclusive)
Tecamin Max is a very complete biostimulant based on L-amino acids, vitamins and oligosaccharides obtained from plant-based substrates recommended for all types of cultivation. Tecamin Max is one of our main biostimulants based on key amino acids to increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency and...
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KSh. 1,600
(VAT inclusive)
Mixture of micronutrients with amino acids. It provides iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum, essential micronutrients. Accompany and completes nutritionally of microelements any solution applied to the crop. Prevents and corrects all types of deficiencies, balancing...
In stock
KSh. ‍920‍
(VAT inclusive)
Vegimax is an organic plant growth regulator with proven performance. Vegimax contains 65-75% Nitrogen , 20-25% Organic Phosphorus , 3-5% Organic Potassium , trace minerals, vitamins and amino acids.  It is mixed with water and sprayed directly onto the growing plants, seedlings etc....
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KSh. 1,300
VITABOR GOLD ® is a highly soluble, effective and cost efficient foliar fertilizer containing readily available Boron and Nitrogen for the plant. Its formulation includes the necessary additives for a perfect adherence in the leaves of the crops. It helps in the use of nutrients, regulates other...
In stock
KSh. 15,739
(VAT inclusive)
WUXAL Copper is the highly efficient foliar fertilizer suspension for the prevention and correction of copper deficiency in arable and horticultural crops.  Losses by leaching are dramatically reduced because of the sticker effect. The fluid suspensi Key Benefits      ...
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KSh. 1,334
(VAT inclusive)
Wuxal Macromix is a foliar fertilizer containing high amounts chelated macro nutrients as well as all necessary trace elements. It’s a premium quality suspension concentrate from Germany formulated using quality nutrient sources that is very safe to use. Formulated with a sticker and...
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KSh. 5,300
(VAT inclusive)
YaraVita BORTRAC 150 is a concentrated liquid boron formulation manufactured to exacting quality control standards to guarantee consistent analysis, crop safety and product performance. YaraVita BORTRAC 150 has low viscosity to improve handling, mixing and spraying. Nutrients Boron - 150...
In stock
KSh. 8,600
(VAT inclusive)
YaraVita COPTRAC DUAL is a very concentrated flowable formulation with 5 times more copper than typical liquid chelates. Nutrients Cu  -  500 g/l The product is much safer to use than sulphate based powders and not corrosive to machinery. The fluid formulation makes it easy to...
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KSh. 1,000
(VAT inclusive)
YaraVita CROP BOOST is one of the range of "Foliar Phosphate" products from Yara. These concentrated liquid products are designed to provide a fast acting fuel for plant energy, to boost crops during periods of rapid growth or to help crops overcome adverse climatic conditions. The liquid...
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KSh. 1,350
YaraVita POWER BOOST supplies both Zinc and Boron thus cost-effective and eliminates on-farm mixing of various products
In stock
KSh. 8,300
(VAT inclusive)
YaraVita ZINTRAC 700 is a highly concentrated flowable zinc formulation containing 8-10 times more zinc than a typical liquid chelate and 3-4 times that of sulphate or nitrate based liquids. Nutrients Zn 700 g/l The fluid formulation makes it easy to measure, pour and mix the product...
In stock
KSh. 1,300
ZINC GOLD ®  is a sugar alcohol zinc foliar fertilizer with a special natural sugar alcohol chelating technique for leaf spraying to accelerate the absorption of zinc and make zinc which is difficult to move, move quickly in the plant and act directly on the growth centre, in a wide range...
In stock
KSh. 1,350
(VAT inclusive)
A highly soluble and effective inorganic fertilizer containing readily available Boron, Zinc and Nitrogen to improve pollen production and improve vigor on flowers and leaves with great fruit development as well as bud differentiation in all agricultural crops.
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