Dairy Hygiene

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(VAT inclusive)
Bactergent is a powerful combination detergent and bactericide for washing and sterilizing dairy utensils and equipment. Bactergent dairy cleaning chemicals makes cleaning easier, more thorough and prevents subsequent development of bacteria on the dairy equipment. Composition Bactergent...
CKL Milking Salve is an off-white medicated milking jelly with antiseptic, non-tainting and non-staining properties. Composition It contains Dichlorophene 0.55% w/w and Lanolin (2% w/w). Indications It is indicated for application on the milker’s hands, Cow’s Udder and teats...
Kupacide Disinfectant is effective in killing bacteria, mycoplasmas, fungi, coccidian and inactivating viruses. It acts in less than five minutes of contact time. Kupacide Disinfectant is a potent, rapid and long-acting disinfectant for general use in disinfections of premises and equipment to...
Pre-Milking Dipping Solution (Before milking) is used before milking for cleaning, sanitizing and softening the teats before milking. As fast action (30 seconds contact time only). Used with a foaming dip cup.
Post-Milking Dipping Solution containing chlorhexidine digluconate 0.5 % w/w.  A new active plugging technology gives a full protection of the teats by a strong viscose film. Ready to use and is suitable for dipping the teats immediately after each milking.