Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,273
A crop protection product for false coddling moth in fruit trees, potato tuber moth in potatoes, Fall Army Worm and caterpillars. MODE / RATE OF USE; 10ml/20L, 0.25L/Ha ACTIVE INGREDIENT; Indoxacarb 150g/L
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KSh. 4,820
(VAT inclusive)
A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns red at full physiological maturity     Color:  Green - red                                              ...
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KSh. 1,393
Infinito SC 687.5 is a systemic and contact fungicide for control of downy mildew on Roses and broccoli; Early blight and late blight in tomatoes; Late blight in Potatoes; downy mildew and purple blotch in onions, downy mildew on broccoli. Fluopicolide 62.5g/L + Propamocarb hydrochloride 625g/l...
In stock
KSh. 1,100
INTEGRA ®  is an organo-silicone based non-ionic wetter and spreader, highly effective in improving spray coverage, adhesion and penetration of chemicals. MODE OF ACTION:   INTEGRA ® acts by lowering surface tension and increasing droplet spread and by altering solubility...
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KSh. 8,243
Integrity® is an innovative, broad-spectrum, pre-emergence residual herbicide, powered by the new technology Kixor®, that will control the toughest annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in your maize and sugarcane. The ingredient Kixor® brings a Active ingredients; ...
In stock
KSh. 1,155
Isacop 50WP is a green wettable powder fungicide, for the control of coffee berry disease (CBD) & rust on coffee. For use on tomatoes and potatoes against early and late blight, cucumber & cabbages against anthracnose, bacterial blights and on carnations against rust, leaf spot and anthracnose....
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KSh. ‍700‍
(VAT inclusive)
- Large, erect white stem with blue-green leaves - Matures in 80-90 Days - Average yield/ Acre(T) 6-7 - Large, erect white stem with blue-green leaves - Matures in 80-90 Days - Average yield/ Acre(T) 6-7
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KSh. 2,321
JACKPOT 50EC is a broad-spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting and sucking insect pests in crops. It has a quick knock-down and repellency effect through contact, residual and stomach activity and therefore stopping pest damage to crops immediately. JACKPOT 50EC...
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KSh. 2,400
(VAT inclusive)
Early maturing variety that matures in 90days from transplanting. The bulbs are deep red and uniform(Large -extra Large) with a shelf life of 6months after proper curing and harvesting Average Yield  potential 25000kgs(over 250bags weighing 100kg each per acre under proper...
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KSh. 1,550
JAMBO CLEAN ® is a combination of cleaner and fertilizer, which removes all sooty moulds, honeydew, dust, grease and other contaminants off leaf surface, nourishes crops by supplying phosphorus and nitrogen, necessitates maximum light exposure for ph Advantages of  JAMBO CLEAN ®...
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KSh. ‍50‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Soft and Easy to cook • Has both Medicinal and nutritional values • Has a unique taste • Grows well in all soil types. • Soft and Easy to cook • Has both Medicinal and nutritional values • Has a unique taste • Grows well in all soil types.
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KSh. ‍120‍
(VAT inclusive)
Indigenous vegetable also known as mrenda.
In stock
KSh. 3,600
(VAT inclusive)
Early maturing greenhouse cucumber. General Earliness  Early Season  Spring , Summer and Early Autumn Structure  Greenhouse Setting   2-3 fruits / node & 2-3 fruits / short side shoot Vigor   Medium with compact nodes Fruit...
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KSh. ‍948‍
KABEDAZIM 500SC is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative activity for control of a wide range of diseases in vegetables, flowers and fruit trees. Mode of Action KABEDAZIM 500SC is based on active ingredient, carbendazim, which is a methyl benzimidazole carbarnate (MBC)...
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KSh. ‍382‍
Kalach 480 SL is a non-selective systemic herbicide for the post-emergence control of annual and perennial weeds, absorbed by the foliage only, with rapid translocation throughout the plant where it blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids by inhibiting EPSP synthase activity. The product...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 6,100
KALISOP® is a highly concentrated potassium sulphate fertiliser with 50 % K 2 O and 44 % SO₃ in sulphate form. EC FERTILISER Potassium sulphate 50 (+44) gran. 50 % K 2 O water-soluble potassium oxide 44% SO₃  water-soluble sulphur trioxide (= 17,6 % S) KALISOP®. • is...
In stock
KSh. 4,840
A broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting, chewing and sucking insect pests in French Beans, Peas and Ornamental Flowers. Active Ingredient 50 g/L lambda-cyhalothrin Formulation Aqueous suspension of microcapsules. WHO Classification 11 Packaging...
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KSh. 1,690
KATERINA ® 720SC is an excellent contact fungicide for the preventative action on a wide range of diseases particularly downy mildew and botrytis on roses and squash, early and late blight on tomatoes, and coffee berry disease (CBD) on coffee. KATERINA ® 720SC is an excellent contact...
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KSh. 1,009
Insecticide for control of aphids, thrips and whiteflies in french beans and roses. KATRIN is a fast acting, non-systemic, pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action against a wide range of insects such as aphids, thrips and whiteflies. KATRIN has a knockdown, repellant and...
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KSh. ‍650‍
Non selective systemic herbicide for the control of all types of grasses and broad-leaved weeds. Glyphosate 480g/L 200-300ml/20L of water
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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KSh. ‍800‍
Kazoo GR is a Orthosilicic Acid Si(OH), 3% powder formulation recommended only for soil application. Orthosilicic Acid Si(OH), consists of a Stabilized and highly bio available form of Silicic acid. The silicon is readily absorbed by the plants which eventually leads to stronger plants, better...
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KSh. ‍350‍
 Suitable for medium, dryland and lowland areas.
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KSh. 8,200
Ideal mix for Bedding Plants which are optimally growing in pH range of 6 to 7.5. Peat is a mixture of decomposed plant material. It has accumulated in water-saturated bogs in anaerobic conditions, in the absence of oxygen. There are many different mosses in a peatbog.  Organic...
KelpReal is a biostimulant made of Ascophyllum nodusum sea weed extract. It is rich in organic matter, alginic acid and oligosaccharide which improve plant growth and development. On application in crops, KelpReal helps in; Improve plant tolerance to abiotic stress Enhances...
KelpReal is a biostimulant made of Ascophyllum nodusum sea weed extract. It is rich in organic matter, alginic acid and oligosaccharide which improve plant growth and development. On application in crops, KelpReal helps in; Improve plant tolerance to abiotic stress Enhances...
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KSh. ‍500‍
(VAT inclusive)
Dual-purpose pea for both fresh and dried market. Dual-purpose pea [Fresh and dry] Prefers medium to high altitudes Good tolerance to mildew First harvest in 65-70 days. Yields 1.8 tonnes per acre. seed rate: 14kilograms per acre.
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KSh. ‍600‍
In stock
KSh. ‍551‍
Open pollinated medium to high altitude variety. - Open-pollinated, Suited to medium to high altitude. - Uniform maturity. - High oil content 38% - Maturity (Days) 130-135 - Yield/ Acre(kg) 1200
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KSh. ‍700‍
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KSh. ‍370‍
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KSh. ‍700‍
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KSh. 2,597
(VAT inclusive)
KIBOKO F1  is a very productive Cabbage with high black rot tolerance.   Matures uniformly, Highly tolerant to black rot High yield potential - 70tonnes per acre           Spacing 60cm*60cm           Seed rate 50g/acre
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KSh. ‍670‍
KICK-OUT is a systemic and non-selective herbicide for the control of a wide variety of annual, biennial and perennial grasses, sedges, broad leaved weeds and woody shrubs. KICK-OUT is a post emergence herbicide with the combined properties of high unit activity and wide spectrum of control....
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. ‍995‍
• Attractive lawn grass and quick to establish • High yielding with vigorous growth • Suitable for grazing and lawns
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KSh. 2,950
(VAT inclusive)
A determinate hybrid tomato for fresh market with excellent sweet taste.The variety is known for high production of oval shape and very firm fruits and is ideal for all local markets where elongated fruits are requested.                    ...
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KSh. 2,730
KINGCODE ELITE ® 50EC is a highly systemic and contact insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking insects and chewing insects with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for contro MODE OF ACTION Lambda-cyhalothrin...
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KSh. 1,628
(VAT inclusive)
Kito F1 is a large jubilee-type watermelon with excellent taste. It is an early maturing variety with bright red flesh colour.
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KSh. 2,562
KLASSIC 5%EC is a systemic fungicide with protective, curative and eradicative properties used to control many fungi, particularly Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes in vegetables, flowers, legumes, fruit trees, etc. Hexaconazole 50g/l 20ml/20L   
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KSh. ‍598‍
KOHINOR 200 SL is a systemic insecticide used to control whiteflies, aphids, thrips, leaf miners, termites and mealy bugs. Target pests/pathogens                                          ...
In stock
KSh. 2,250
Selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of grasses and broadleaf weeds under minimal tillage in Maize.  Nicosulfuron 30 g/L  +  Mesotrione 70 g/L  + Atrazine 200 g/L  Rate of use: 75- 100ML /20L 1.5 LITRES PER HECTARE
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KSh. ‍689‍
KONZANO is a thick formulation, highly efficacious product for the control of Nematodes, Leaf-miners and Spider-mites in vegetables. Abamectin 50g/L Application rate; Spidermites, leafminers - Foliar spray 3ml/20L Nematodes - Drench 50-80ml/20L
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KSh. ‍950‍
(VAT inclusive)
A very vigorous and cold tolerant blocky pepper. Characteristics: Very good fruit setting Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight: 180 - 190 grams Yield potential: 8 tonnes per acre Compact leaves and rapid internodes growth Long shelf life Ideal for greenhouse Green fruits...
In stock
KSh. 3,700
Korn-Kali®  is a combined potash and magnesium fertiliser with 40% K 2 O  in the form of potassium chloride and 6% MgO in the form of magnesium sulphate (Kieserite). Further important constituents are 4 % Sodium as sodium chloride (Na 2 O) and 12.5 % Sulphur as sulphate (SO₃). EC...
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KSh. 16,300
KRISMAT® 75WG A new broad-spectrum, post-emergence herbicide setting a new standard for weed control in sugarcane.For control of grass weeds and broad leaf weeds It's a powerful post-emergence herbicide for the control of all important broadleaf and grass weeds in sugar cane. Krismat is a...
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KSh. ‍600‍
Drought tolerant ndengu with excellent cooking characteristics. • Dull green colour with rough skin • Excellent cooking qualities • Drought tolerant • Early maturity of 55 days
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KSh. 15,480
Fungicide for the control of Powdery Mildew and suppression of Red spider mites on roses and tomatoes . Active ingredients; Sulphur 80% w/w     Benefits  Good control of Powdery mildew. Additional advantage of Red spider mite supression. Enhance the green effect...
In stock
KSh. ‍300‍
Cow peas indigenous vegetable variety. • Highly nutritious • Grows in all ecological zones. • Has excellent flavour Spacing; 50*10cm Maturity; 45-50 days Seed rate; 5kg/acre
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KSh. 1,355
(VAT inclusive)
- Uniform, large dark green to yellow fruits. - Maturity 85-90 Days - Yield/ Acre (T) 10-12
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KSh. 4,176
(VAT inclusive)
Dwarf, hybrid tomato with good heat set and flat round fruits. Variety Maturity (Days) Season Heat Set Firmness Shape Fruit Weight (Gms) Yield Resistance                              Lakshmi...
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KSh. ‍519‍
Lal Pari F1 is a deep pink / red fleshed papaya with high fruit setting capabilities. excellent transportability and free from males. Maturity 8-9 months after transplanting Plant Height 5-6 feet at third year Fruit Set Av 50-60 fruits/plant. Suitable for long distance transport...
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KSh. ‍498‍
LAMBDEX 5 EC disrupts the functioning of the nervous system in the target pests. It eventually causes paralysis or death. RATE: 35ml/ 100L of water  STAGE OF USE: At the onset of the first signs of infestation.  Target pests/pathogens            ...
In stock
KSh. 7,980
Insecticide for the Control of Aphids, Thrips & Whiteflies on French beans.  Lambda-cyhalothrin 250g/L
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER FLOWERS & FRUITS ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones designed for flowering and fruiting stages in agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables, APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER SUPER START ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with Trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones designed for use during root growth in agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables, fruit crops, orn APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
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KSh. 1,210
LAVENDER SUPER GROWTH ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones that is designed for vegetative growth stages of agricultural crops including in coffee, vegetables, fr APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
In stock
KSh. 1,500
LAVENDER TOTAL ®  is a fully water soluble NPK foliar fertilizer enriched with trace elements, EDTA chelated and plant growth hormones that is designed for use during the whole vegetative cycle of agricultural crops including coffee, vegetables," APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Crop...
In stock
KSh. 1,108
Lecatech WP is a biological insecticide used to control whiteflies. MODE OF ACTION The infection process is as follows Attachment –  Spores of L.lecanii  attach to the insect body. Germination –  Spores germinate and form an appressorium. Invasion –  The...
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In stock
KSh. ‍110‍
(VAT inclusive)
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KSh. 1,000
Inoculating legumes with LEGUMEFiX can achieve substantial increases in legume nodulation, grain and biomass yield, nitrogen fixation and post-crop soil nitrate levels.  LEGUMEFiX provides users with a longer shelf life than our other products. Our integral polymer additives...
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KSh. ‍728‍
(VAT inclusive)
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Plant produces large crisp heads of dark green lettuce. Excellent flavor and perfect for salads and sandwiches Strong plant producing uniform heads Plant: Plant produces large crisp heads of dark green lettuce. Excellent flavor and perfect for salads and sandwiches Strong plant producing...
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KSh. 2,262
(VAT inclusive)
Cos Romaine Type Can be cultivated for processing as well as for fresh market Excellent for hearts production. Plant Habit: Closed head Good tolerance to Tip burn & Bolting* COLOR: Slightly light green WEIGHT(GR): 300-600 MATURITY: 65-75 days Resistances; Lettuce Mosaic Virus,...
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KSh. 2,262
(VAT inclusive)
Green Oak Leaf Type. A fresh market and processing lettuce. Large open head For fresh market and process, good standing ability in field Plant Habit: Open Good tolerance to Bolting COLOR: Light green WEIGHT(GR): 500-1300 MATURITY: 35-65 days
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