Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 12,565
(VAT inclusive)
Cherry Tomato red beauty is a greenhouse variety with a nice cluster and deep red color. Nice cluster Deep red colour Greenhouse Variety SHAPE: Globe WEIGHT(Gr): 10 – 20 Vd Fol ToMV
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KSh. 12,000
CHESS® provides powerful control against aphids and whiteflies (vegetables, potatoes, stone fruits, and ornamentals) and of hoppers in rice and mangoes. It delivers immediate crop protection through permanent feeding inhibition. Active Ingredient: 500g/ltr Pymetrozine Formulation:...
In stock
KSh. 2,565
(VAT inclusive)
Chicory, specifically the Commander variety, is a prized forage crop that stands tall in the world of livestock nutrition. With its deep taproots and nutrient-rich leaves, Commander Chicory offers a dependable source of high-quality forage.
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KSh. ‍45‍
(VAT inclusive)
Chinese cabbage (michilili)
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KSh. 7,900
Liquid foliar feed for the correction of Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies in many crops. Ideal for Fertigation and Foliar Spray  COMPOSITION: NPK 12: 8: 0: 0 +12.8 CaO + 2.6MgO + Microelement 12.8% Nitrogen, 12.8% Calcium( CaO), 2.6% Magnesium (MgO), 750 ppm Copper, 1500ppm Iron,...
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KSh. 1,650
Stimulates shoot and root growth, improves nutrient uptake, enhances plant resistance to stress and diseases hence healthier crops.
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KSh. 3,200
Cytokinins in CITOGROWER stimulate cell division and cell elongation, increasing the size of the cells by induction of protein synthesis. This results in healthier plants and increased crop production. Application of CITOGROWER promotes production of longer and more homogeneous fruits, which...
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KSh. 1,700
(VAT inclusive)
Lettuce Michelagio is is a one cut variety with excellent triple red colour Characteristics: Open field variety Suitable for both fresh and processing market A crunchy loose-leaf lettuce Resistances / Tolerances: Bremia lactucae (Bl) 16-33 & Nasonovia ribisnigri (Nr)
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KSh. ‍270‍
(VAT inclusive)
• 5 sided and attractive pods • Dark green and early maturing variety • Very nutritious • Ideal for fresh markets and export. • 5 sided and attractive pods • Dark green and early maturing variety • Very nutritious • Ideal for fresh markets and export.
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KSh. ‍293‍
Climb 18EC is a highly effective acaricide and insecticide. It has limited plant  systemic activity, but exhibits translaminar movement for the effective control of all motile  stages of mites, leafminer and other pests. Guarantee:   Abamectin 1.8 w/v Formulation:  ...
In stock
KSh. 2,461
A suspension concentrate systemic insecticide for the control of sap feeding insects on agricultural crops. Sulfoxaflor 240g/L   Re - entry interval:   Do not enter treated area until spray deposit has dried unless wearing protective clothing.  
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KSh. ‍842‍
Coda Zn-L is a zinc chelated complex recommended for both foliar and root applications to prevent and correct zinc deficiencies in both crops and soils. Zinc is important in protein synthesis and plant reproduction. In the soil, the chelate structures prevent zinc from forming the insoluble...
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KSh. 16,807
Coda-Bor is a liquid formulation with a high boron concentration (140g/l). Coda-Bor is recommended for both foliar and root applications to prevent and correct nutritional deficiencies of boron, essential for pollination and fruit setting. The boron supplied by Coda-Bor improves the...
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KSh. 2,714
Codahumus 20 is a liquid humic amendment for soil correction with humic and Fulvic acids. Codahumus 20 is a liquid organic corrector with high humic and fulvic acid contents. It improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, for all kinds of crops. It can be applied...
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KSh. 1,248
A Trace element complex containing Boron and Molybdenum complexed with Amino acids. EID Parry’s IP protected biostimulant Vigo™, is based on active of 100% plant origin, which helps the crop to achieve a vigorous root and shoot growth and enables growers to reap higher yields.
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KSh. ‍587‍
An N:P:K formulation based on enzymatic amino acids and potassium phosphate with nutritional stimulation and phytofortification effect. Codamin Radicular is a product formulated with enzymatic amino acids and potassium phosphate. It is a triple action product: root stimulation, nutritional...
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KSh. 3,231
Liquid blend of trace elements. A balanced liquid blend of trace elements for deficiencies correction suitable for use throughout the crop cycle. It a good dispersing and wetting agent when applied with other products. It is applied as a foliar spray or by fertigation. Active Ingredients...
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KSh. 3,231
CODAPHOS K is a high concentration fertilizer solution containing phosphorous and potassium as potassium phosphate for optimal plant growth(flowering and fruit set) and for phytofortification. Codaphos K is a high graduation phosphorous- potassium formulation that promotes the plant’s natural...
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KSh. 3,500
A calcium liquid complex containing several organic acids that enhances ability of the product to correct calcium deficiencies in many kind of soils. A source of readily available calcium to the crops, improving quality, hardness and post-harvest conservation of fruits. It unblocks the salts...
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KSh. 4,078
Codasul PH triple action nitrogenous acid solution formulation fertilizer with Sulphur.  Codasul PH triple action nitrogenous acid solution formulation fertilizer with Sulphur.
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KSh. 3,000
(VAT inclusive)
Mfalme is a hybrid collard highly resistant to bolting and has a long harvesting period. Long harvesting period more than 1 year Soft tender leaves easy to cook, high nutrition value Dark bluish green colour leaves Good keeping quality Very sweet taste Highly resistant...
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KSh. 1,949
(VAT inclusive)
Early maturing hybrid variety. Harvesting starts 30-45 days after transplant. Compact plant with very short internodes. Dark green medium sized leaves. Soft leaves with pleasant taste and good shelf life. Good tolerance to heat and cold for all year round growing. Resistant to stem rot.
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In stock
KSh. 6,993
(VAT inclusive)
A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns red at full physiological maturity. Commandant is a medium late variety producing blocky fruits. The fruits have  thick walls and excellent quality. Commandant is suitable for greenhouse and open field production.        ...
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KSh. 2,600
MODE OF ACTION : Oxyfluorfen is a contact herbicide of the nitrophenyl ether class which acts by inhibiting the production of a chlorophyll enzyme which resulting in an accumulation of chemicals that disrupt cell membrane integrity in the presence of light. APPLICATION RATES:...
Active IngredientsOxyfluorfen
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Strong determinate open field variety adaptable to most growing areas. Highly vigorous plant ideal for growing under staked or on ground culture. Plant: Strong determinate open field variety adaptable to most growing areas. Highly vigorous plant ideal for growing under staked or on ground...
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KSh. ‍273‍
COMPANION®75WP is a curative and preventive fungicide with broad spectrum, systemic and contact activity in the control of Downy mildew and Botrytis on Roses. It has long disease control duration Mancozeb 630g/kg + Carbendazim 120g/l
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KSh. 3,240
MODE OF ACTION Azoxystrobin is a systemic fungicide which is absorbed through the roots and translocated in the xylem to the stems and leaves, or through leaf surfaces to the leaf tips and growing edges. It inhibits mitochondrial respiration, spore germination, mycelial growth, and spore...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. 1,530
Insecticide to control aphids, thrips & whiteflies in French beans; thrips and leafminers in Citrus. Imidacloprid 200g/L  Use concord at 20ml per 20L of water, spray in the evening at 14 days interval in rainy season, and 7 days interval in severe drought.  
In stock
KSh. 34,649
A very popular choice for foliar application on many vegetable crops, Confidor® 200 is valued for its powerful insect control. Confidor will control green peach aphid, silver leaf whitefly, woolly aphid, grey cabbage aphid and turnip aphid on an exte Active Ingredient      ...
In stock
KSh. ‍278‍
An insecticide for foliar and soil treatment for control of a wide range of sucking, chewing and soil pests in coffee, vegetables, ornamentals, tobacco, sugarcane, and other crops. Of particular interest is its control of leafminers, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, psyllids, termites, scale...
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