Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,479
(VAT inclusive)
Compact head formation good for long distance transportation. -Vigorous plant growth  -Good heat and tolerance  -Blue-green leaves with excellent head cover  -Excellent field holding capacity  Avg weight: 3-4.5kg  Early maturing: 70-75 days ...
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KSh. 4,468
(VAT inclusive)
An indeterminate hybrid for fresh market with excellent sweet taste. The variety is known for high production of oval shape and very firm fruits and is ideal for all local markets where elongated fruits are requested. A very vigorous plant with good cover that produces high yields of high...
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KSh. ‍880‍
ULTRAGRAZE FORAGE SORGHUM is good for silage, green fodder or dry fodder. Its very sweet with sugar content of 16 –18 Brix and a yield potential of 40 tonnes/acre. -Highly tolerant to drought -Highly tolerant to leaf diseases -Very sweet with sugar content of 16 – 18 Brix...
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KSh. ‍308‍
UMEME TOP 5 EC is a non-systemic insecticide used for the control of numerous chewing and sucking pests on a variety of crops. It exhibits superior insect control at relatively low application rates and is recommended for use on export flowers and vegetables. Lambda - Cyhalothrin 50g/l
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KSh. 6,000
NPK 18:46:0
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KSh. 6,100
NPK 46.0.0
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KSh. 4,000
A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide (moult accelerating compound) for the control of insect pests on agricultural crops. Spinetoram/methoxyfenozide….……….. 360 g/l Withholding period - Minimum time between last application and harvest:...
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KSh. 7,000
A vigorous hybrid papaya with semi-dwarf plant habit & good fruit setting ability. Characteristics:  A vigorous hybrid with semi-dwarf plant habit Good fruit setting ability  High yield potential  Medium fruit size with attractive red flesh  Firm fruits,...
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KSh. ‍920‍
(VAT inclusive)
Vegimax is an organic plant growth regulator with proven performance. Vegimax contains 65-75% Nitrogen , 20-25% Organic Phosphorus , 3-5% Organic Potassium , trace minerals, vitamins and amino acids.  It is mixed with water and sprayed directly onto the growing plants, seedlings etc....
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KSh. 3,406
VELPAR® 75 DF is a contact and residual herbicide for broad-spectrum weed control of many broad-leaved weeds and grasses on sugarcane. Hexazinone 750 g/kg VELPAR® 75 DF should be applied early post emergence to weeds. It can be used on plant or ratoon cane as a directed...
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KSh. 1,731
Velum Prime is a true nematicide for use in potato crops. It contains a new mode of action and is based on liquid formation. It is applied in-furrow at the time of planting. Velum Prime offers improved ease of use and significantly lower dose rates than t Active ingredient:  400 g/L...
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KSh. 1,290
Selective post emergence herbicide  for control of broad leaf weeds in Soghurm, Lawn, Maize & Millet. Active Ingredient; Fluroxypyr-meptyl 70g/L +  Carfentrazone-ethyl 7.5g/L + Florasulam 2.5g/L Application Dose 1Ltr/400Lts of water; 100ml/20L
In stock
KSh. 7,470
(VAT inclusive)
High yielding cabbage with excellent head uniformity leading to sealed heads and good transport and storage qualities. Features:  -Matures in 70 - 75 days. -Has a compact head weight. 4- 5kg. -Excellent head uniformity leading to sealed heads. -Good transport and storage qualities....
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KSh. 1,594
Victory 72 WP is a wettable powder fungicide for the control of early and late blight, downy mildew and suppression of leak and pink rot in vegetables. Target pests/pathogens                                ...
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KSh. 2,053
(VAT inclusive)
Plant-based Biostimulant for Vigorous Root and Shoot Growth.
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KSh. 1,266
Vigold T 477 SC is the next-generation, fungicide with Xylem Pro Technology.™ Xylem Pro Technology is an innovative technology that distributes the active ingredient throughout the plant, moving to all areas of the leaves with water flow. Once applied to the surface, VIGOLD T 477 SC moves...
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KSh. 1,300
VITABOR GOLD ® is a highly soluble, effective and cost efficient foliar fertilizer containing readily available Boron and Nitrogen for the plant. Its formulation includes the necessary additives for a perfect adherence in the leaves of the crops. It helps in the use of nutrients, regulates other...
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KSh. 1,400
Vitra 40 WG is  a Blue copper fungicide/ bactericide for control of early and late blight in tomato; bacterial blight and downy mildew in cabbages; rust, anthracnose and angular leaf spots in french beans and coffee berry disease and leaf rust in coffee.
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KSh. 1,090
Insecticide for Control of Diamond back moth on cabbage, spider mites, leaf miners and caterpillars on tomatoes and leaf miners and thrips on squash. Insecticide for Control of Diamond back moth on cabbage, spider mites, leaf miners and caterpillars on tomatoes and leaf miners and thrips...
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KSh. ‍400‍
A unique mancozeb formulation for control of a wide range of diseases in vegetables, fruits, field crops and ornamentals Vondozeb 75DG is a contact fungicide and is applied in a preventive spray program before the disease sets in. Thorough coverage of the plants is necessary...
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KSh. 1,525
(VAT inclusive)
A large crisp head iceberg lettuce Characteristics: A large crisp head iceberg lettuce suitable for the fresh and processing market It's an early variety 60 - 65 days High plant vigour and suitable head size Excellent basal closure and uniformity Resistances / Tolerances:...
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KSh. ‍700‍
An extra early bean type that performs well in most ecological zones but suited to medium to dry areas.  An extra early bean type that performs well in most ecological zones but suited to medium to dry areas Good for intercropping It has excellent eating quality
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KSh. 1,851
The Water Retainer helps maintain a balanced soil life, resulting in healthier and productive crops.
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KSh. ‍900‍
(VAT inclusive)
WATER MELON CRIMSON SWEET is a melon variety that is round and weighs 8-10 kgs. It is light green with dark green strips on the outside with the inside flesh being dark red, firm and fine textured.It is resistant to Fusarium wilt and Anthracnose. 
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