Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 21,500
MAXIM XL® 035FS is a fungicide for seed treatment for the control of seed and soil borne diseases causing damping-off in maize caused by Fusarium spp . and Pythium spp . Enhances plant establishment with visible growth promotion effects Improved root systems - better fertilizer...
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KSh. 1,942
Maximus from Sineria is a Selective Herbicide for Maize. It is both a Pre and early Post emergence herbicide. It can be applied up to the 2nd or 3rd leaf stage on maize crop. It kills both Grasses and Broadleaved Weeds leaving your maize crop free from weeds competition. Maximus Mode of...
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KSh. 2,480
Mazao FLOURISH® is a biological mixture of beneficial microbes, which can be used as a biofertiliser for promoting growth and yield of horticultural crops. As a bio-fertilizer, Mazao Flourish helps reduce fertilizer input costs as you can complement fertilizer application with it....
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KSh. 3,000
Mazao REGAIN® is a bio-fungicide containing Bacillus subtilis for the control of Powdery Mildew. Bacilllus subtilis is a ubiquitous gram-positive bacterium. It is isolated from the soil and formulated as a bio-fungicide for the control of powdery mildew. In addition, Mazao Regain contains...
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KSh. 3,020
Mazao Sustain® is a bio-pesticide formulated from Trichoderma asperellum for the control of soil borne pests. Trichoderma asperellum   is ubiquitous, non-virulent beneficial fungi, present in the soils and other diverse habitats.  In addition, Mazao Sustain contains properties...
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KSh. 3,500
(VAT inclusive)
Cantaloupe type sweet melon. Cantaloupe Round-to-slightly-oval 2.6 kg. (5.7 lb.) Orange Good Regular Long Early Italian Charentais, High yielded plant Fom 2, Px IR
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KSh. ‍450‍
The Meltrack complete set constitutes a lure containing an insecticide and a strong attractant for male Bactrocera cucurbitae (Melonfly) species as well as a container. Meltrack is a lure containing an insecticide and a strong attractant for male Bactrocera cucurbitae (Melonfly) species. The...
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Mesurol SC 200 is an insecticide for the control of thrips on French beans and onions.   Methiocarb 200 gm/lt Timing of application. French Beans- Apply as soon as the pest are noticed. Repeat after 8-10 days. Maximum 3 times per season.  PHI: 14 days Onions- Apply as...
In stock
KSh. 2,333
A distinctive fungicide for the control of downy mildew, late blight, coffee berry disease and rust: Both preventive and curative. AI: Metalayl-M 50g/kg+Copper oxychloride 400/kg.  Rate 40g/20L.
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KSh. 1,525
(VAT inclusive)
A medium size butter head lettuce Characteristics: A medium size butter head lettuce Suitable for both the fresh and processing segment A medium dark green colour A high quality presentation Resistances / Tolerances: Excellent tip burn tolerance
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KSh. 13,870
Metham Sodium is an infinitely water soluble pre-plant soil fumigant.  It controls weeds, soil pests and diseases. METHAM SODIUM is a soil fumigant that is classified as a carbamate.  It is composed of Sodium Methyl Dithiocarbamate 51% as the active ingredient which is effective...
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KSh. 1,017
METRO 200SC is a termiticide recommended for the treatment of soil for control of subterranean termites Benefits METRO is a termiticide that offers a quick, long-term and complete solution to termite infestation. METRO is a non-repellent termiticide and hence cannot be detected....
In stock
KSh. 1,601
(VAT inclusive)
Lettuce Michelagio F1 is a vibrant green one cut type, well suitable to all Climatic condition Characteristics: Open field variety Suitable for both fresh and processing market Very Good compactness,  loose-leaf lettuce Resistances / Tolerances: Bremia lactucae (Bl)...
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KSh. 36,930
(VAT inclusive)
It is a blended fertilizer produced using high quality ingredients and Procote Technology to ensure the micronutrients are coated completely and evenly on all the fertilizer granules, and further improve fertilizer handling by reducing dust. In addition to NPK, MiCROP Planting fertilizer...
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KSh. 4,450
A blended fertilizer produced using high quality ingredients and Procote Technology to ensure the micronutrients are coated completely and evenly on all the fertilizer granules, and further improve fertilizer handling by reducing dust. It contains high Nitrogen levels plus Sulphur and Zinc...
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KSh. 5,600
MiCROP + HORTICULTURE is a compound blend designed for high yield and quality in horticultural crops. Application Stage: Top dressing stage Benefits of MiCROP HORTICULTURE   MiCROP+ supplies 7 essential and balanced nutrients for horticultural crops, providing value for...
Developed using promote technology to deliver macro and micro nutrients efficiently and effectively. NPK 11;28;4.5 + 6Ca + 2Mg + 7S + 0.2Zn
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KSh. 4,700
Developed using promote technology to deliver macro and micro nutrients efficiently and effectively. CONTENT: Nitrogen total Ureic ammoniacal - 34% Potassium K20 - 3% Calcium CaO - 4% Magnesium MgO - 1% Sulfur - 4% Zinc - 0.1% MiCROPᐩ Top Dressing Fertilizer...
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KSh. ‍700‍
Miticide/fungicide for the control of mites and powdery mildew in French beans, cucumber & tomatoes, powdery mildew on Roses. Microthiol special disperse acts by contact and through vapour action. When applied to the plant, vapours are released. The powdery mildew mycelium produces hydrogen,...
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KSh. ‍950‍
Fungicide for control of late blight in potatoes and Tomatoes. 800g/kg of Mancozeb.
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KSh. ‍700‍
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KSh. 7,500
MILESTONE ® 250SC is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide with preventive and curative actions on a wide range of diseases on agricultural crops. MODE OF ACTION Azoxystrobin acts by inhibiting spore production, mycelial growth and respiration in fungi. APPLICATION RATES Crop...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
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KSh. ‍885‍
MILOR ™ 720 WP is a systemic and contact most effective fungicide for the control of early and late blight on potatoes and tomatoes, downy mildew in crops including roses; fungal leaf spot diseases and damping off in vegetables. Metalalxyl is a systemic fungicide which is rapidly taken...
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