Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 2,262
(VAT inclusive)
Red Oak Leaf Type Good head uniformity Density: 60,000-90,000 plants/ ha. Good tolerance to Tip burn & Bolting COLOR: Dark Purple AV. WEIGHT(GR): 300 - 1000 MATURITY: 35-65 days Resistance - BL (races) = Bremia lactucae
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KSh. 3,210
LEVO 2.4 SL is a contact insecticide used to white flies, thrips, aphids,leaf miner,diamond black moth. Target pests/pathogens                                              ...
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KSh. ‍590‍
Lexus® 247SC is broad spectrum systemic insecticide for control of Aphids, Whiteflies and thrips on Roses, Capsicum, French beans, Onions and tomatoes, Diamond back moth and aphids on cabbages and Aphids, thrips and caterpillars on broccoli. MODE OF ACTION Lambda cyhalothrin is a...
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KSh. 2,340
(VAT inclusive)
• Roundish Shape • Semi-determinate. • Average Fruit Size (Gramms) 110-120 • Roundish Shape • Semi-determinate. • Average Fruit Size (Gramms) 110-120
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KSh. 1,588
Glufosinate Ammonium, the active ingredient in Lifeline 280 SL is a non-selective, post-emergence, broad spectrum herbicide used for control of annual & perennial grasses & broad leaf weeds on crop and non-crop areas such as on paths and roads. Glufosinate Ammonium 280 g/l 1)...
Active IngredientsGlufosinate ammonium
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KSh. 2,215
A pre and post emergence control herbicide of  broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses  in Potatoes, Carrots, Beans, Peas and Maize. MODE OF ACTION: LINAGAN 50WP inhibits photosynthesis at photosystem II.  RATE: 1.5- 2.0Kg/ha, 60-80g/20L  STAGE OF USE: Apply Linagan...
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KSh. ‍580‍
(VAT inclusive)
Popular, long and very pungent • Popular, long and very pungent • Red colour pepper • Average yield per acre(T) 4-5 • Maturity 75-80 Days
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KSh. ‍844‍
(VAT inclusive)
Common dhania herb. • Adaptable to various climatic conditions • High content of essential oil
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KSh. ‍70‍
Loyalty® 700WDG is a highly effective, systemic insecticide with high residual effect for controlling sucking and piercing insects in a wide range of agricultural crops during nursery and growing stage. Mode of Action Imidacloprid has contact and stomach poison action and works by...
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KSh. ‍765‍
Highly nutritious supplement. Used as fresh/dry feeds for dairy animals. Can last upto four years. Take 90-120 days to mature. Highly nutritious supplement. Used as fresh/dry feeds for dairy animals. Can last upto four years. Take 90-120 days to mature.
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KSh. 7,971
(VAT inclusive)
Lucerne is a perennial legume with a woody crown and an erect growth habit. It is suited to fertile, deep, well drained, neutral to alkaline soils. Its deep tap root can access moisture deep in the soil profile, providing extraordinary summer growth and drought tolerance. Careful...
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KSh. 2,800
(VAT inclusive)
A high-yielding perennial tropical lucerne with excellent quality and standability. Comes inoculated with rhizobium. Maturity -  Early; first cutting about 2-3 months;6-8 cuts per year Cut type - Multicut Usage  - Hay Drought tolerance - Tolerant Protein content - 20-25% Yield -...
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KSh. ‍752‍
A high yielding Lucerne with excellent quality and standability Characteristics: Very non dormant 9.2 High yield across a wide range of soil types and harvest schedules Outstanding crude protein, % TDN and digestibility Dark green, leafy, fine stemmed and tolerant leaf disease...
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KSh. 2,440
LUMAX® 537.5SE is a herbicide for pre and post- emergence control of grasses and broad leaf weeds in maize and sugarcane. Active Ingredients Lumax is a combination of: 125g/L Terbuthylazine herbicide (reliable, contact and residual) 37.5g/L Mesotrione (new Syngenta...
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KSh. 1,879
Luna Sensation is a unique combination of the active ingredient fluopyram, a novel chemical within the ‘SDHI’ family, and trifloxystrobin. This combination provides unrivalled efficacy in a range of subtropical, tropical and temperate fruit crops as well as almonds when targeting various key...
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KSh. 3,928
Macarena is biologically derived through proprietary MAC technology, a multi-stage fermentation process. Metabolically Active Compounds produced from marine algae during this process enhances photosynthesis and higher anti-oxidant content leading to abiotic stress management in plants.
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KSh. 1,052
MAGESTIK 700 WDG is a broad-spectrum insecticide that acts against sucking and chewing pests.  Acetamiprid 700g/kg It reacts with nicotinic acetyl choline receptors causing hyperactivity and muscle spasms leading to death of insect pests. Targets: Thrips, Aphids, whiteflies. Rate of...
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KSh. 5,000
Magnesia-Kainit is with 9 % K 2 O a special fertiliser for grassland and forage cropping. This fertiliser is characterised by its magnesium and sulphur content (4 % MgO, 9 % SO₃) and sodium (35% Na 2 O) which is essential for animal feed. Magnesia-Kainit is an ideal supplementary fertiliser, if...
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KSh. 2,100
(VAT inclusive)
Magnesium sulphate is a secondary nutrient and is used to correct magnesium deficiency in the soil . Magnesium sulphate also improves nitrogen and phosphorous uptake by crops. It is best for crops that required magnesium-rich soil for growth, it is also
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KSh. 1,650
Pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in Maize. Atrazine 200 g/L + Metolachlor 300 g/L Pre-emergence application; Dose at 200ml on 20L water for clay or loam soil or 1 - 1.5 Litres per acre. Dose at 150ml on 20L water for...
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KSh. ‍600‍
Dry Land Maize Varieties VARIETY MATURITY (days) YIELD (90kg bags/ acre  SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES RECOMMENDED GROWING AREAS  DH01  70 - 90 16 Long stay Green trait, drought tolerant, good level of tolerance to leaf blight, common rust and ear rot. Arid and Semi-arid...
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KSh. ‍600‍
These are Highland hybrids. VARIETY OPTIMAL PRODUCTION LEVELS  YIELD (90kg bags/ acre  SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES RECOMMENDED GROWING AREAS  H6218  -Temperatures During the day seldom exceed 28° C and night drop to as low as 8° C . -Rainfall of between 800...
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KSh. ‍600‍
Lowland, Medium altitude & Transition Maize Varieties VARIETY OPTIMAL PRODUCTION LEVELS  YIELD (90kg bags/ acre  SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES RECOMMENDED GROWING AREAS  PH1  Rainfall of 800 -1500mm Matures between 160-210 days 16 Has better husk cover and...
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KSh. 1,851
Early Post-Emergence herbicide for the control of broad-leaf and grass weeds in maize. Mesotrione 5.5%  +  Nicosulfuron 2.5%  +  Atrazine 20%  PHI =  60 days Designed for effective control of both grass and broadleaf weeds in maize. targeted weeds include...
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KSh. 4,000
(VAT inclusive)
Dark red, flattened globe shape with good storage for its type. Excellent top vigour with improved Downy Mildew tolerance compared to similar maturity. Features: Good skin retention Tolerant to bolt and downy mildew Pink tolerance Maturity 80 days Yield potential 20-25 tons...
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KSh. ‍740‍
(VAT inclusive)
Gabbar F1 is a medium sized, yellowish orange, export quality pumpkin. • Maturity 85-90 days after sowing • Shape Flattish round with mild ribs • Green with white strips turns yellowish orange on maturity • 4-5kg average weight • Attractive Early medium size hybrid...
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KSh. 1,628
(VAT inclusive)
Mali F1 is a jubilee type watermelon with high yield potential and amazing shelf life.
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KSh. ‍651‍
(VAT inclusive)
An early maturing kale variety that produces large sized leaves. Malkia also delivers excellent leaf quality. The variety is an open field type of plant that produces high quality leaves with attractive green colour. The variety is also known for high yield. The variety has tender leaves and is...
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KSh. 1,809
(VAT inclusive)
Malkia F1 is an early maturing hybrid cabbage with excellent resistance to diseases.
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KSh. 3,886
It reacts with nicotinic acetyl choline receptors causing hyperactivity and muscle spasms leading to death of insect pests. Rates of use: 5mls/20L of water (250mls/ 1000L of water/ha)  Targets: Thrips, Aphids, whiteflies.  Acetamiprid 200g/L
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KSh. 8,500
Mono Ammonium Phosphate is a water-soluble fertilizer with high Phosphate content along with the optimum amount of Nitrogen.  
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