Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,580
GOLDEN LEAF is a wetter, sticker and translaminar product based on organosilicone. (Polyalkylenoxide modified heptemethyl trisiloxane 980g/l)
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KSh. 4,000
Fungicide for the control of Late blight on Tomatoes; Powdery mildew on Cucumber; Downy mildew on Roses. Active Ingredient: Cymoxanil 300 g/Kg + Famoxadone 225 g/Kg Inhibits sporangial differentiation, synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids, and other cellular processes in fungi lifecycle....
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KSh. 7,500
(VAT inclusive)
Compact plant with concentrated yield and large fruit for yellow and green picking. Crop Type Blocky Color at Harvest Yellow Resistances ToMV, PMMoV, TSWV
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KSh. 6,720
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KSh. 1,750
GOVERNOR® 580 SE is a pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide. It is used to control annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in maize fields and non cropped areas. MODE OF ACTION: Acetoclor, selective herbicde, absorbed mainly by the shoots and secondarily by the roots of germinating...
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KSh. 1,750
GRADOMETOR 480EC (Chlorpyrifos 480g/L) is a termicide for treating timber in building and construction, trees, fencing poles and wood related materials against termite attack, treatment of termite nests in lawns & gardens.   Chlorpyrifos 480g/L  20ml/1Lt of water ; 1L in 50 Lts...
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KSh. 1,072
A non-selective fast acting contact herbicide for control of grass and other weeds. It kills all green vegetation in coffee, bananas, citrus, sugarcane and inter-rows of maize, cotton and other inter-row crops. Gramoxone kills all green vegetation by contact. It does not affect the brown...
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KSh. 2,223
(VAT inclusive)
Granate F1 is a medium maturing, short day red onion. Granate produces high quality globe-shaped bulbs with excellent internal colouring. The variety has an excellent germination rate and has vigorous vegetative growth.  Granate F1  is a medium maturing, short day red onion....
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KSh. 1,800
GREEN COP ® 500WP is an excellent contact fungicide with protective action for the control of wide range of diseases particularly Botrytis, rust, Angular leaf spot, Early and Late blight, Coffee leaf rust and Coffee berry disease (CBD) in various agr MODE OF ACTION:  Copper Oxychloride...
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KSh. ‍550‍
Green Miracle is an a non-toxic, reflectant type of antitranspirant and surfactant. It is based on long chain fatty alcohol  group C8 to C18; and is fortified with a balanced combination of amino acids, peptides and low molecular weight Oligopeptides Guarantee:    Long chain...
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Open pollinated variety suitable for outdoor production Fruits are glossy deep-green turning red at full maturity Plant: Open pollinated variety suitable for outdoor production Fruits are glossy deep-green turning red at full maturity Plant features: Medium tall, compact indeterminate...
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KSh. ‍300‍
(VAT inclusive)
A vigorous healthy plant with good curd elevation. Characteristics:  Very vigorous plant Suitable for fresh market and processing Maturity 60 days from transplanting Head weight; 400 - 600 grams Yield potential: 6 - 9 tonnes per acre Dark green uniform dome shaped heads...
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KSh. 1,300
(VAT inclusive)
Readily available calcium for foliar spray for deficiency correction, reduce probability of rotten, abnormal fruits and tissue damage and necessary for the firming of fruits. 17% Calcium 10% Nitrogen 4% Magnesium 0.2% Boron Rate: 50ml/20L
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KSh. 2,000
An emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for pre-emergence control of grass and certain broadleafed weeds in maize and groundnuts and for pre- and post-emergence control in plant and ratoon sugar cane. Active Ingredients Acetochlor (chloroacetanilide) 840 g/l Flurilazole 28g/l
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KSh. ‍641‍
A non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in maize in zero/minimum tillage systems. GUGUSATE is a non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in maize. Care should be taken so as to avoid...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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KSh. ‍400‍
Uniform in plant height and maturity. High oil content 42% - Uniform in plant height and maturity - Tolerant to several plant diseases, Has strong stem. - Matures earlier than the other varieties. - High oil content 42% - Maturity (Days) 120-125 - Average yield per Acre(Kg) 1200
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KSh. 8,000
(VAT inclusive)
•  Extended shelf life • Strong vigory •  Late relative maturit y •  Extended shelf life • Strong vigory •  Late relative maturit y •  Extended shelf life • Strong vigory •  Late relative maturit y FRUIT COLOR: Green-Red FRUIT SIZE W/L(CM):...
In stock
KSh. 5,853
HALT NEO 5%WP is a Biological Insecticide for the control of Fall Armyworm on Maize; Thrips, African Bollworm on French beans; Caterpillars on roses and Diamond backmoth on Cabbages. Mode of Action   It works as a stomach poison to larvae by causing gut paralysis followed by...
In stock
KSh. ‍890‍
(VAT inclusive)
Cabbage Haraka F1 is a compact round headed fast maturing variety. Average head - 3 - 4 Kg. Round, compact with attractive uniform heads. Strong tolerance to black rot. Early maturity at 65 days with excellent colour and flavour. Widely adaptable.
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KSh. ‍548‍
Harmony is a liquid organic fertilizer which is high in fulvic acid and organic matter, thus supplying plant nutrients and stimulants directly to the crop while releasing soil nutrients in unproductive soils. Characteristics of Harmony High levels of Fulvic acid. Fulvic acids carry trace...
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KSh. 5,689
(VAT inclusive)
A semi determinate outdoor variety with tolerance to Bacterial Wilt Virus Characteristics: Semi Determinate Maturity 70 - 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 160 - 170 grams Yield potential 30 tonnes per acre Vigorous plant with uniformly set and firm fruits Oval...
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KSh. 14,500
(VAT inclusive)
Plant growth regulator for use in ratoon pineapples to induce ripening of fruits. Ethephon 480g/L
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KSh. ‍70‍
(VAT inclusive)
HB-101 is an all-purpose natural plant vitalizer that is highly effective for use in growing all kinds of plants. All you have to do is to dilute HB-101 with water. It is easy to use, safe and harmless, which makes it perfect for organic and reduced-chemical cultivation.  HB-101 has gained...
In stock
KSh. 1,036
HERBIKILL is a non-systemic, non-selective, post-emergence herbicide used for the control of a wide variety of grasses and broad-leaved weeds. It kills all green tissues. It can be used in plantation/row crops, minimum tillage for vegetables and cereals, as well as on non-crop land. Paraquat...
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