Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,060
HURRICANE® 200SL is a broad-spectrum non-selective herbicide for control of annual broadleaved weeds and grasses in maize, baby corn, sugarcane plantations and non-cropped fields. MODE OF ACTION:  Paraquat is a non-selective contact herbicide which acts by inhibiting photosynthesis....
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KSh. 21,224
Huskie ® herbicide effectively controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds, including resistant types. Pyrasulfotole + Bromoxynil Rate; 1L/Ha 100ml/20L
Hussar is a post-emergence herbicide for use in wheat, durum wheat, triticale, barley and ryecorn for the control of a broad spectrum of grass and broad leaf weeds.                              ...
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KSh. 1,655
A quick growing annual hybred sudan grass with smaller stems and thin leaves, very palatable and good for making silage. A quick growing annual with smaller stems and thin leaves Very palatable Very good for making silage.
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Vigorous early maturity plant type with medium fine beads. Widely adaptable variety performing well under both cool and warm growing areas. Rock F1 is suitable for use in both fresh and processing industries. Recommended standard spacing: 60 * 45 cm in wa Plant: Vigorous early maturity plant...
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KSh. 2,177
(VAT inclusive)
High yielding bluish green round, uniform & compact heads. Maturity: 80 - 90 days High yielding bluish green round, uniform & compact heads. Weighing about 4-6 kg Good field holding capacity Tolerant to black rot, ring spot & fusarium yellows.
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Strong vigorous plant type with bluish green leaves and medium large frame. Excellent wrapper leaves that allow the head to remain fresh for a long time in the market and retail shelves. Widely adaptable variety in many growing areas with good notable fie Plant: Strong vigorous plant type...
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Vigorous plant with bluish green leaves and medium frame. Harvesting start at 60 days after transplanting with average 4 weeks field holding ability. Highly adaptable variety in many growing areas with good notable field tolerance to Black Rot disease. Re Plant: Vigorous plant with bluish...
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Extremely vigorous medium maturing variety adapted to wide growing areas. New selection hybrid cabbage variety that tolerate the modern growing challenges of draught and diseases like Black Rot, Ring spots, Fusarium yellows plus pests like Diamond Back Mo Plant: Extremely vigorous medium...
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Early maturing hybrid with excellent vigour and fast growing. Suitable for tropical and sub-tropical growing conditions Plant: Early maturing hybrid with excellent vigour and fast growing. Suitable for tropical and sub-tropical growing conditions Plant features: Vigorous, uniform healthy...
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Very vigorous, tall, spreading plant with dark green foliage. Variety ideal for growing in the open field, under shade net or under greenhouse. Very adaptable variety for growing in many regions   Plant: Very vigorous, tall, spreading plant with dark green foliage. Variety ideal for...
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Excellent head forming variety with attractive big size ideal for growing in both warm and cool regions. The large savoyed leaves with thick succulent midribs possess a sweet taste and crisp texture when eaten raw. Plant: Excellent head forming variety with attractive big size ideal for...
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Very vigorous plant with high production potential and excellent disease tolerance package For optimal production and high quality fruits it’s recommended to stick or trellis the plant. Cucumber fruits and seeds have many health benefits and highly Plant: Very vigorous plant with high...
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KSh. ‍250‍
(VAT inclusive)
Indeterminate hybrid  variety ideal for outdoor production Medium tall, erect plant with good vigour and cover Plant: Indeterminate hybrid  variety ideal for outdoor production Medium tall, erect plant with good vigour and cover Plant features: Medium tall, compact...
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Short day maturing red hybrid onion with strong pungency Excellent skin quality with good exceptional red colour and retention. Good neck dry-down making variety to have long storage capacity  Plant: Short day maturing red hybrid onion with strong pungency Excellent skin quality with...
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Short day early maturing hybrid to uniform big bulbs. Excellent skin quality bulbs with good high grade.  Good neck dry-down making variety to have long storage capacity Plant: Short day early maturing hybrid to uniform big bulbs. Excellent skin quality bulbs with good high grade....
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Very vigorous plant growth suitable for growing yield round including during hot summer Plant: Very vigorous plant growth suitable for growing yield round including during hot summer Plant features: Uniform and good shape Plant has dark green leaves that are attractive to the market and...
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Very vigorous plant with medium to large heads. Highly adaptable variety in many growing areas and record notable tolerance against Black Rot disease and ring spot. The variety is suitable for both fresh market and processing purpose. Recommended standard Plant: Very vigorous plant with...
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Cera F1 is an ideal attractive squash variety suitable for local and export markets. A very reliable attractive dark green cylindrical hybrid summer squash. Suitable variety for indoor and outdoor production with good keeping quality. Plant: Cera F1 is an ideal attractive squash variety...
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Variety ideal for growing in the greenhouse or under shade net and also for outdoor production. Excellent production of both GREEN and RED fruits. Plant: Variety ideal for growing in the greenhouse or under shade net and also for outdoor production. Excellent production of both GREEN and RED...
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A blocky hybrid sweet pepper turning from green to yellow. Variety ideal for growing under protected culture in the greenhouse or under shade net and also for outdoor production for harvesting at green stage. Hybrid Kimbo F1 maintains fruit size under str Plant: A blocky hybrid sweet pepper...
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KSh. 5,000
(VAT inclusive)
Mid Semi-determinate hybrid Saladette, Indoor (greenhouse) or  Outdoor cultivation Characteristics:  Semi- Determinate Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 130 - 180 grams Yield potential 35 - 40 tonnes per acre Uniform Large 7 - 8 fruits up to the top cluster...
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KSh. 19,200
(VAT inclusive)
Early Semi-determinate hybrid Saladette. Characteristics:   Semi Determinate Maturity 75 days from transplanting Fruit weight 130 - 150 grams Yield potential 25 - 30 tonnes per acre Uniform Large 5-6 fruits upto the top Cluster Oval shaped with Firm/ Hard Large fruit &...
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KSh. 2,538
(VAT inclusive)
ROYAL 705 F1 Tomato is a high yielding, healthy, good and uniform fruit size including top clusters. Excellent tolerance to Bacterial Wilt Excellent tomato Yellow leaf curl Virus Excellent shelf life Oval shaped with Firm/Hard fruits & bright red on maturity
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KSh. 3,850
(VAT inclusive)
Compact cob with golden yellow kernels , TSS 15-16% , suitable for round the year sowing.   Category Variant Maturity (Days after sowing) Cob length (cm) Cob diameter (cm) Kernel colour Kernel rows count Average cob weight (grams) Brix (%) SWEET CORN NS 8601 (F1)...
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KSh. ‍910‍
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent performer with very sweet cobs Characteristics: Plant height: 195 cm Ear height: 70 cm Cob length: 20 cm Cob colour: Golden yellow Maturity: 55 days Excellent for fresh market and processing Advantages / Tolerances: Good shelf life High yield potential Strong...
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KSh. 2,300
Hybrid sunflower seed. Black with grey marginal and lateral stripes.
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KSh. 7,900
(VAT inclusive)
Ilanga RZ is a blocky type sweet pepper for yellow harvesting. It has attractive, dark yellow-coloured fruits with an average weight of 220-240 grams. The plants have strong vigour and an open habit. The setting is regular and remains good, even in hot conditions. Ilanga RZ produces a high...
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KSh. ‍715‍
IMAXI 200SC is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide that can be applied to control sucking and soil pests in vegetables and flowers. It is highly effective in controlling pests such as aphid, thrips, whiteflies, cucumber beetles, bean flies, termites, leaf miners, leafhopper, sawfly and mealy...
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KSh. 3,030
(VAT inclusive)
Very good shelf life and transport quality. Semi-determinate Fruit harvesting start: 80-85 days from transplanting Fruit weight: 150gm Yield potential: 35 metric tonnes per acre Very Good shelf life and transport quality High bacterial wilt tolerance, verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt....
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KSh. ‍720‍
INDOKING 300SC is a Indoxacarb-based insecticide for control of destructive larval stages of Lepidopterans such as Fall Armyworms, Bollworms, Diamondback moth, False Codling moth, Tuta absoluta and leafminers among other pests on a wide range of crops.&n (Indoxacarb 300 g/L) Highly effective...
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