Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. ‍440‍
Cadence Gold is an organo modified siloxane based surfactants/wetter/sticker. It’s known to have a profound effect on mites. Polyether modified Polymethyl siloxane 500g/L RATE: 750ml/ha .15ml/20L
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KSh. 4,400
CADILAC ® 80%WP is an enhanced excellent contact fungicide with preventative actions on a wide range of diseases particularly downy mildew and early & late blight in various agricultural crops.  MODE OF ACTION: Mancozeb is a non-systemic agricultural fungicide with multi-site,...
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KSh. ‍515‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Blocky shaped firm fruits • Determinate, widely adaptable variety. • Average Fruit Size (Gramms) 80-90
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KSh. 3,422
(VAT inclusive)
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KSh. 1,400
(VAT inclusive)
Capsicum OPV
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KSh. ‍395‍
(VAT inclusive)
A standard open pollinated variety with continuous picking   Green blocky fruits  Maturity 80 days from transplanting  Fruit weight 100-120 grams  Yield potential 6 tonnes per acre  A very hardy, strong and vigorous plant  Deep green coloured fruits turning...
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KSh. ‍536‍
(VAT inclusive)
Standard bell pepper, 70 days to maturity. 60-70 cm with good foliage. Each plant produces 4-5 large glossy fruits. Average weight of 170. Disease resistance to Tobacco Moasic Virus.
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KSh. ‍440‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Ideal for Open field production • Very uniform fruits. • Blocky and medium-sized • Widely adaptable variety • Colour turns from green to red. • Average yield per acre(T) 6-7 • Maturity 80-90 Days
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KSh. 1,300
(VAT inclusive)
Calina/IPB9 is a drought and disease-resistant variety, which is also dwarf with red-fleshed fruits. Variety is drought/disease resistant. Dwarf plants. Fruits are red fleshed. Fruits weigh between 1-2kgs Matures 8 months after transplanting. Stays productive for upto 4 years.
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KSh. 1,050
Calmabor Gold is a highly soluble calcium magnesium solution with fully chelated trace elements. The trace elements are Citric Acid Chelated hence environmentally friendly and is compatible with most commonly used pesticides. Why Calmabor Gold? It contains Calcium that: -Corrects and prevents...
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KSh. 28,244
Insecticide for the control of Aphids, Whiteflies on Roses; Thrips on Carnations; Aphids, Thrips & Whiteflies on Tomato, Chilies, Eggplant & Karella. Thiacloprid 480g/L
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KSh. ‍730‍
Campostella® 330 SC is a Miticide/Acaricide for the control of eggs, juveniles and adult stages of Red Spider mites on Roses. Campostella 330 SC is a unique chemistry and mode of action with excellent cost cutting-edge insecticide formulated to provide comprehensive protection against...
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KSh. ‍690‍
Performs well in medium and highland areas • Performs well in medium and highland areas • Kidney shaped bean with very high potential • Vigorous plant with slightly climbing traits.
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KSh. 3,540
Reliable Mid-Early 5 series hybrid with competitive yield potential .
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KSh. 3,400
An excellent broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide of the copper group, developed with a unique formulation of outstanding quality, that delivers an excellent control of different diseases on a wide range of crops. Target (Crop/Area) : Avocados , Broccoli , Cabbages , Capsicum...
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KSh. 2,225
(VAT inclusive)
- Prolific large blocky green to red fruits. - Maturity 80-90 Days - Prolific large blocky green to red fruits. - Maturity 80-90 Days
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