Crop Production


Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,200
Super K-40 is a high potassium suspension fertilizer,water soluble fertilizer with chelated micro elements and biostimulants for foliar feeding and fertigation.   NPK 12-20-40 + 0.2% MgO + T.E + Biostimulants  
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KSh. ‍190‍
(VAT inclusive)
• Widely adaptable • Highly nutritious • The leaves have a nice flavour although slightly bitter • Widely adaptable • Highly nutritious • The leaves have a nice flavour although slightly bitter
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KSh. 39,025
CRUISER® is a seed treatment insecticide for control of soil-dwelling, early leaf-eating, and sucking insects like aphids including the Russian wheat aphid, wire worms, thrips, leaf and stem feeding coleopteran species in wheat, barley and beanflies in beans.  Active Ingredient...
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KSh. ‍850‍
Crytrack Complete consists of a pheromone lure, delta trap and a delta trap paper. The pheromone is replacable every six weeks. This set attracts and traps False Colding Moth.  When female moths are ready to mate, they will produce attractants; these so-called pheromones will attract males...
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KSh. ‍350‍
Crytrack is a pheromone lure which attract and trap False Colding Moth.  When female moths are ready to mate, they will produce attractants; these so-called pheromones will attract males of the same species. CRYTRACK is a rubber lure containing these pheromones that attract specifically...
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Highly productive and widely adapted gynoecious slicing variety with excellent disease tolerance package. For optimal production and high quality fruits it’s recommended to stick or trellis the variety. Cucumber fruit has many health benefits and hi Plant: Highly productive and widely...
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KSh. 1,175
(VAT inclusive)
An excellent slicing cucumber. Characteristics:   A white spined fruit type grown on vigorous plant  Fruit length: 19 - 21 cm  Fruit colour: medium dark green  Maturity 70 days from transplanting  Excellent for outdoor and in greenhouse Resistances /...
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KSh. 2,250
(VAT inclusive)
English Dutch Cucumber
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KSh. 1,340
(VAT inclusive)
High yielding open pollinated cucumber variety Grows well in hot climatic conditions. Maturity period is one and a half to two months. It yields about 16-32 tonns per ha. Early maturing. Very popular in the local market. Very high yielding.
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KSh. ‍450‍
Cue-Lure is a semiochemical insect attractant for control of the melon fly ( Bactrocera cucurbitae ). Designed to prevent damage to crops caused by the melon fly ( Bactrocera cucurbitae ). The Cue-Lure  is also effective in controlling other Bactrocera species that respond to Cue-Lure. The...
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KSh. 2,600
Contact fungicide with preventive action against Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease in Coffee, anthracnose in beans and blight in tomatoes and potatoes. Cuprocaffaro is a green wettable powder fungicide for the preventative control of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD), Coffee Leaf rust and...
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KSh. 1,773
Fungicide for the control of Early Blight and Late Blight on Tomatoes; Coffee Leaf rust and coffee berry disease control. Copper ions are absorbed by fungal and bacterial spores as they grow. Once absorbed, copper disrupts the enzyme systems of the pathogenic organism. It is a protectant...
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KSh. 12,500
Custodia® 700WDG is a new copper compound fungicide, bactericide and algicide with both contact and protective actions, developed with a unique formulation of outstanding quality that delivers an excellent control of the diseases on a wide range of a Mode of Action The copper ion is the...
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KSh. ‍299‍
Insecticide for the control of thrips, whiteflies, caterpillars and aphids on French beans and thrips, whiteflies and aphids on Roses Alpha-cypermethrin 10% + Malathion 35%
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A combination of several cyto-hormones in unique proportions, and with reversible weak bonds that stimulate synergy and complementation effect, for modification and optimization of plant growth and production.  Auxins, Cytokinins,Gibberellins, Tryptophan Cytomone makes plants grow tall,...
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KSh. ‍734‍
D-AMINE 72% is a systemic, selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds.   Dichlophenyl Acetic Acid (600g/ltr) [2,4-D] D-AMINE® 72% is a systemic, selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broad-leaved...
Active Ingredients2,4-D
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KSh. 1,405
DACONIL®  720SC is a preventative broad-spectrum fungicide with a unique multi-site mode of action. It is effective against fungal diseases that damage numerous economically important crops. DACONIL® is effective in the prevention of early and late blight in potatoes and vegetables and also...
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KSh. 2,346
(VAT inclusive)
A compact and dense erect plant habit Characteristics: Very pungent fruits Compact plants with downward bearing fruits Maturity: 60-65 days from transplanting Fruit length: 5-6 cm Diameter: 0.9 cm Yield Potential: 6 - 7 tonnes per acre Long harvest period Fruits mature from dark green...
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KSh. 3,300
(VAT inclusive)
Darina F1 an American Slicer cucumber variety that can grow with or without support with nice cylindrical shape dark green fruits which could grow as long as 20cm in length. It matures from 6 to 7 weeks after planting. It is well suited for tropical climates. Features Fruit uniformity...
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KSh. 3,220
MODE OF ACTION Diuron is a systemic substituted phenyl urea herbicide which functions by inhibiting the Hill reaction in photosynthesis, limiting the production of high-energy compounds such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) used for various metabolic processes. Hexazinone is a systemic...
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KSh. 2,800
Decis EC 25 is a broad-spectrum synthetic Pyrethroid insecticide on a wide range of pests including diamondback moth, leaf miners, caterpillars, thrips, aphids, beetles, bollworms, stainers, antestia bug, whiteflies, fruit fly, maize stalk borer, armyworms, locusts, etc. Deltamethrin 25g/l...
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KSh. ‍662‍
A broad spectrum pyrethroid insecticide for the control of aphids, caterpillars and other pests in a range of agricultural and horticultural crops. What is decis FORTE?                    A broad-spectrum pyrethroid insecticide for the...
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KSh. 1,400
Boron is an essential trace element in the metabolism of plants. It is involved in the absorption and metabolism of calcium, which is accumulated in the cell wall, joining pectins and conferring elasticity and toughness to the tissues. Boron plays an important role in cell division and,...
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