A proven alternative to increase meat and milk production. Mulato II is the most successful and planted Brachiaria hybrid worldwide.
Mulato II grass is the newest alternative to improve productivity in semi-intensive meat and milk systems. Recommended for regions that have acid soils, medium and low fertility, prolonged periods of drought, high temperatures and high relative humidity and mainly where there is a risk of severe attacks of various species of spittlebugs.
It is an apomitic hybrid, which means that it is genetically stable, does not secrete from one budding to another, and therefore can last for many years.
A proven alternative to increase meat and milk production. Mulato II is the most successful and planted Brachiaria hybrid worldwide. Recommended for regions with acid soils, medium fertility, high temperatures and areas with risk of severe attacks of several species of spittlebugs.
Animal Production
Mulato II grass has excellent nutritional characteristics in terms of crude protein content and digestibility. Both parameters vary depending on the age of the grass and the time of the year, it usually has a protein potential between 14 and 22%, in addition to digestibility levels (in vitro) in regrowths from 25 to 35 days between 55% to 66%. This nutritional quality together with excellent dry matter production and palatability result in high milk and meat production.
With Mulato II, milk production during the dry season rose by 11% and 23% during the rainy season.
Milk production in different Brachiaria crops in Quilichao, Colombia (CIAT)
Growth Type
It is a vigorous grass of semi-right growth, its leaves are wide, lanceolate and abundant. It has deep and branched roots that give it excellent resistance to drought. The tillers measure up to half a meter in diameter, therefore, with few plants excellent coverage of the meadow is achieved.
MULATO II® Features
- More meat and milk for its nutritional quality
- Higher animal load
- Highly palatable
- Adaptation to acidic soils
- Resistant to diseases and pests (Spittlebugs)
- Increased drought tolerance
This balanced mixture of Brachiaria hybrids produces results superior to those achieved with other grasses of the genus Brachiaria. Great forage production capacity of excellent quality, with the best protein concentration and high digestibility in pastures of the Brachiaria genus. Vigorous regrowth to cut or grazing.
Management of high animal loads, with which the production of meat and milk per hectare increases significantly. More uniform forage production throughout the year.
Good adaptation to adverse conditions, as well as to different types of climate and soil of the humid, sub humid and dry tropics, which allows greater forage availability in critical times (dry and northern winds).
It brings the rusticity and tolerance to soils with a high concentration of aluminum inherited from Brachiaria decumbens, which is one of the ancestors of Mulato II. Being conditioned with high technology such as the pelletization process and the exclusive Speedygerm® method, the seed of this mixture of perennial, stable and synergistic hybrid grasses, reaches optimum levels of quality (purity and germination). Resistance to pests and diseases (spittlebugs).
Characteristics of these pastures. Perennial forage grasses, vigorous, populated with stoloniferous growth; with excellent forage production and abundant amount of leaves; of vigorous regrowth or grazing.
Grupo Papalotla owns the rights of varietal protection of these hybrids, product of our strategic alliance with CIAT, initiated in the year 2000.
Mulato II (CIAT 36087) is a genetically improved grass, the product of different lines and crossings of research between pastures of the Brachiaria genus, being the result of almost 20 years of genetic research in Brachiaria conducted by CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture) with Colombia headquarters. It is also backed by continuous multi-regional evaluations conducted by CIAT – Grupo Papalotla, in America, Asia, Africa and Australia, since 2000.
Drought tolerance
In a field study conducted by CIAT, the behavior was validated during the dry season, where pastures of the genus Brachiaria, including mulato Mulato II, were the materials that consistently maintained a high proportion of green leaves during the dry season, both with low fertilizer application as with high.
Showing a substantial difference in quality in favor of Mulato II on Toledo grass. In addition, from the study in the same area, the best performance of MULATO II must be pointed out, in comparison with B. decumbens cv. Basilisk, during the dry season.
This balanced mixture of Brachiaria hybrids produces results superior to those achieved with other grasses of the genus Brachiaria. Being conditioned with high technology such as the pelletization process and the exclusive Speedygerm® method, the seed of this mixture of perennial, stable and synergistic hybrid grasses, reaches optimum levels of quality (purity and germination).
The results have been successful: the producers verify in their own lands the multiple advantages of these new pastures. Grupo Papalotla validates the quality of its products and obtains new data in terms of quality ranges, digestibility, resistance, among others, of these unique materials.
*Content taken from Grupo Papalotla
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