Crop ProductionProducts found: 14

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Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 5,301
Fungicide for the control of Septoria, Stem rust and yellow rust on Wheat and Grey leaf spot on Maize.
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KSh. 3,430
A fungicide with systemic and contact activity for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) of potatoes and tomatoes as well as for downy mildew (Peronospora sparsa) in roses, when used in protective spray programs. Dimethomorph 90g/Kg + Mancozeb 600g/Kg Potato Fungal...
In stock
KSh. 3,278
Non-selective contact herbicide control of grasses and broadleaf weeds including problem &resistant weeds like Conyza spp. Active Ingredient: Glufosinate-Ammonium 200 g/l. Apply Basta® at a minimum of 200 l/ha water volume. Mode of Action: Inhibition of glutamine synthetase enzyme...
Active IngredientsGlufosinate ammonium
In stock
KSh. 14,000
Perfect botrytis control for premium flowers.   Boscalid 252g/Kg + Pyraclostrobin 128g/Kg  Benefits  Bellis® has improved efficacy on stem botrytis, head botrytis as well as post harvest botrytis. Bellis® offers additional advantage of controlling downy mildew and black...
In stock
KSh. 33,018
Butisan® Gold 500 SE is a pre-emergence herbicide for annual broadleaf weeds and grasses control in canola/oilseed rape. Active ingredients; Dimethenamid-P 200 g/l Metazachlor 200 g/l Quinmerac 100 g/l   Rate(L/Ha - 2.0 L/ha in 200 L of Water (200 ml/20L of wate r....
In stock
KSh. 41,118
An emulsifiable concentrate fungicide with systemic and translaminar properties for the preventive control of yellow rust, stem rust in wheat and leaf rust, net blotch in barley. Xemium, BASF's new active ingredient, combines two qualities: high intrinsic activity against a broad range of...
In stock
KSh. 7,084
A contact fungicide for the management of Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease  Active ingredient; Dithianon 500   g/l   Benefits Excellent management of Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease meaning more yield for the farmer. Strong contact activity which...
In stock
KSh. 3,510
Insecticide for the control of Cottony cushion scale and leaf miner control in coffee; Bean flower thrips control in French beans and caterpillars in roses and carnations.   Active ingredient;  Alphacypermethrin 100 g/l     Benefits  Non-skin sensitizer Improved...
In stock
KSh. 8,243
Integrity® is an innovative, broad-spectrum, pre-emergence residual herbicide, powered by the new technology Kixor®, that will control the toughest annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in your maize and sugarcane. The ingredient Kixor® brings a Active ingredients; ...
In stock
KSh. 15,480
Fungicide for the control of Powdery Mildew and suppression of Red spider mites on roses and tomatoes . Active ingredients; Sulphur 80% w/w     Benefits  Good control of Powdery mildew. Additional advantage of Red spider mite supression. Enhance the green effect...
In stock
KSh. 7,682
Nomax® 150 SC is a broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of fall armyworm in maize with an excelent knockdown and residual activity.  Teflubenzuron 75g/L + Alphacypermethrin 75g/L  200 ml/ha or 20 ml per 20L of water Use spray volume of 200 L per hectare. ...
In stock
KSh. 9,494
Insecticide for control of coffee leaf miner in Coffee, diamond black moth & aphids on Cabbages; bean flower thrips in French beans and thrips in carnations and roses Teflubenzuron 150g/L   Benefits  Excellent control of thrips in Roses and Carnations. Prevents maturity...
In stock
KSh. 7,136
Priaxor® Highly effective and consistent fungicide for the control of Coffee Berry disease and helps improve crop quality and yield. Priaxor® Dual mode of action is a powerful tool for broad spectrum disease control and integrated resistance manag  Benefits Long lasting protection...
In stock
KSh. 8,999
Secure® 240 SC is an insecticide, with mainly stomach and some contact activity. The mode of action of chlorfenapyr is unique among insecticides.   Chlorfenapyr 240g/L   Benefits  Quick knock down effect Long residual effect...

Cultivating prosperity Modern farming is more complex than ever before. This complex scenario is characterised by unpredictability of the weather, control of pest and weed...


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