Animal Health


Livestock related products.

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KSh. 2,240
Alvitox Bio a universal broad spectrum toxin binder for poultry and pigs. It is a combination of 4 components namely: Activated clay, Mannan Oligo Saccharide (MOS), Activated Charcoal and Buffered Organic acids. This enables the product to selectively bind common Mycotoxins, Chemical and...
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KSh. ‍132‍
Amilyte is a water-soluble powder formulation of vitamins, electrolytes and amino acids which are all essential for promoting growth, health and productivity. Combination of these nutrients is effective in alleviating stress, dehydration and assist in fast recovery from disease outbreak. These...
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KSh. ‍701‍
This is a supplement containing water soluble and fat soluble vitamins, trace elements and amino acids to be given in case of performance deficiencies, stress of various origins (starting, feed or climatic changes, transport, vaccination) or during high production periods (laying, growth) or...
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KSh. ‍436‍
Liquid calcium feed supplement containing calcium & phosphorous. It also contains a unique combination of magnesium, vitamins D3, B12 and Biotin.
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KSh. ‍200‍
A dietary supplement used in the treatment and control of calcium/phosphorous related deficiencies in all livestock. Benefits  Cattle: Strengthens joints and improve muscular skeletal system, Prevents pica, Increases milk production, Prevents milk fever, improves fertility....
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KSh. 3,324
Its a specially formulated high quality milk replacement diet for feeding calves from day 4 after birth. Major composition Quantity PROTEIN 21.50% FAT 16% MINERALS 9% MOISTURE 4% CALCIUM 0.90% CRUDE -FIBRE 0.3% PHOSPORUS 0.7% VITAMIN :VITAMIN A, VITAMIN B1, VITAMIN B6, VITAMIN C, VITAMI...
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KSh. ‍120‍
Ascarex , containing Peparazine Citrate, is a water-soluble worm powder for the instant expulsion of round worms in pigs, puoltry, horses and calves.
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KSh. ‍486‍
(VAT inclusive)
Bactergent is a powerful combination detergent and bactericide for washing and sterilizing dairy utensils and equipment. Bactergent dairy cleaning chemicals makes cleaning easier, more thorough and prevents subsequent development of bacteria on the dairy equipment. Composition Bactergent...
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KSh. 1,205
Bimatraz is an acaricide for veterinary use as a stock spray and dip against ticks, mange, mites and lice on cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.  Bimatraz controls ticks that are resistant to arsenicals, organo-phosphates and carbamates. Active Ingredients: amitraz 12.5%  Indications...
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KSh. 4,097
Bravecto ® is a chewable tablet for the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs. Bravecto ® is a chewable tablet for the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs. 1 Tasty Chew 3 Months Tick and Flea Protection 0 Worries With...
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Broiler Booster is a water-soluble powder formulated by veterinary nutritionists. It contains a balanced blend of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, amino acids and probiotics. It is developed for fast growing meat birds to help strengthen bones and devel Properties        ...
In stock
KSh. 27,500
(VAT inclusive)
Used as animal feed preservative. 
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KSh. ‍450‍
Castration Rings are for use when castrating or docking lambs or young calves.
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KSh. ‍541‍
Chick-Pro is a special formulation that ensures seeding of beneficial microflora from Day 1. It reduces early chick mortality, pasty vent, improves host nutrition and reduces wet droppings. The gastrointestinal tract, GI, of chickens harbor a diverse and complex microbiota that plays a vital...
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Chick Start  is an instant energy and anti-stress formulation containing glucose, amino acids, vitamins and essential minerals that provides energy, nutrients, and helps combat dehydration in day-old chicks. It helps chicks to overcome stress caused Properties        ...
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KSh. ‍980‍
CKL Milking Salve is an off-white medicated milking jelly with antiseptic, non-tainting and non-staining properties. Composition It contains Dichlorophene 0.55% w/w and Lanolin (2% w/w). Indications It is indicated for application on the milker’s hands, Cow’s Udder and teats...
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