YaraVita BORTRAC 150 is a concentrated liquid boron formulation manufactured to exacting quality control standards to guarantee consistent analysis, crop safety and product performance. YaraVita BORTRAC 150 has low viscosity to improve handling, mixing and spraying.
Boron - 150 g/l
The liquid formulation makes it easy to measure, pour and mix the product in the spray tank.
The product is specifically formulated to provide maximum crop safety. This helps to ensure that application will not cause damage to the crop which can reduce it's market value.
The purity of raw materials selected for this product makes it safe for application to the crop.
A broad tank mixability makes it easy to co-apply the products with agrochemicals, saving both time and money. Just as important, free access to Tankmix information online or via smart phones makes it quick and easy to check whether products can be co-applied.
Product application advice
Asparagus: 2 to 4 l/ha applied to ferns prior to senescence. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha.
Aubergine (filed grown): 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept the spray. A second application may be made at the same rate 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha.
Avocado: 2 l/ha at spring bud development and again at spring flush. Water rate: minimum 500 l/ha.
Bananas: 1 l/ha. Regular applications may be necessary where low or marginal levels of boron exist. Water rate: minimum 30 l/ha.
Beans Vegetables
[Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Tomatoes (field grown)]: 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept a spray. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Brassica Vegetables
Brassicas: 3 l/ha at 4 to 6 leaf stage with repeat applications at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals for moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha.
Broccoli: 3 l/ha at 4 to 6 leaf stage with repeat applications at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals for moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha.
Cabbage: 3 l/ha at 4 to 6 leaf stage with repeat applications at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals for moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha.
Carrot: 3 l/ha when crop is 15cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha.
Cereals: 1 l/ha applied at the start of tillering. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha
Chinese Cabbage
Chinese Cabbage: 3 l/ha at 4 to 6 leaf stage with repeat applications at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals for moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha.
Coffee: 1 l/ha early in the growing season, pre-flowering and again post-harvest. Water rate: minimum 200 l/ha.
Cotton: 2 l/ha at 4 to 6 leaf stage, at appearance of first flower bud squares and again at open flowers stage. Water rate: minimum 150 l/ha.
Cucumber ( Field Grown): 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept spray. A second application may be made at the same rate 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha. Fertigated Crops Fertigation: Use at 0.3 litres per 1000 metres squared. Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals as necessary.
Garlic: 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept spray. A second application may be made at the same rate 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha.
Groundnuts / peanuts
Groundnuts/Peanuts: 2 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha. Leek Leek: 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept a spray. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Do not apply for two weeks after transplanting.
Maize: 3 l/ha at 4 to 8 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, a repeat application may be necessary 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: minimum 30 l/ha.
Nursery Stock / Ornamentals
Nursery Stock/Ornamentals: 1 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Do not apply once first buds are open. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. Water rate: minimum 100 l/ha.
Onion: 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept spray. A second application may be made at the same rate 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha. Peas Peas (field grown): 2 l/ha at 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, a repeat application may be necessary 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: minimum 200 l/ha.
Pepper (field grown): 2 l/ha applied at early flowering to fruiting, with two repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. Water rate: minimum 200 l/ha.
Pineapple: 1 to 2 l/ha pre-flowering. Water rate: minimum 200 l/ha.
Potatoes Vegetables
[Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Tomatoes (field grown)]: 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept a spray. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Protected Crops
Protected Crops: 0.1 litres per 100 litres water maximum concentration. Water rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.
Rice: 1 l/ha applied at start of tillering. Water rate: minimum 30 l/ha. Roses (Field Grown) Roses (Field Grown)): (Cut Roses): 0.5 l/ha. Three applications at 8, 15 and 25 days after regrowth. Water rate: 500 l/ha.
Sorghum: 3 l/ha at 4 to 8 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, a repeat application may be necessary 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: minimum 30 l/ha.
Squash (Field Grown)
Squash (field grown): 2 l/ha from the 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: minimum 50 l/ha.
Sugar Cane: 2 l/ha when cane is between 30 and 120 cm tall. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: minimum 30 l/ha.
Sunflower: 2 l/ha from 2 pairs of leaves up to flower bud stage. Repeat if necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals within this period. Water rate: minimum 30 l/ha.
Tea: 0.5 l/ha applied during plucking season. Repeat at approximately 1 month intervals. Spray 2 to 6 applications. Water rate: minimum 200 l/ha.
Tobacco: Two applications of 2 l/ha two to three weeks after transplanting (3 to 4 leaf stage) with 10 days between applications. Water rate: minimum 30 l/ha.
Tomato Vegetables
[Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Tomatoes (field grown)]: 1 to 2 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient foliage to intercept a spray. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
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