Developed using promote technology to deliver macro and micro nutrients efficiently and effectively.
Nitrogen total Ureic ammoniacal - 34%
Potassium K20 - 3%
Calcium CaO - 4%
Magnesium MgO - 1%
Sulfur - 4%
Zinc - 0.1%
MiCROPᐩ Top Dressing Fertilizer
Benefits of Microp+ (Planting & Top Dressing Fertilizer)
- Balanced nutrition: Provides 6 nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium, Sulphur and Zinc) important for increased maize productivity.
- Roots development: Presence of Zinc aids in better root development which translates to better crop establishment and uptake of nutrients
- Improved crop quality and general plant health due to Calcium
- Sulfur is deficient in most soils. Its presence improves utilization of Nitrogen, increasing maize yield and reducing susceptibility to diseases.
- Increase yield: Zinc and Potassium are important for better grain filling, and increased grain weight in maize
- Developed using promote technology to deliver micro nutrients efficiently and effectively
- Assured quality – from the makers of Chapa Meli fertilizers.
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