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A broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide & acaricide with contact, stomach and fumigant activity for control of wide range of pests in crops and stored grains. Actellic 25EC contains pirimiphos-methyl, an organo-phosphorus compound, which kills by contact, ingestion and fumigant...
Post-harvest insecticide to control Grain storage pests (maize weevil; Sitophilus zeamais and Larger grain borer; Prostephanus truncatus) Pirimiphos-methyl rapidly penetrates the insect cuticle and disrupts nerve conduction via the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Thiamethoxam is considered...
Broad spectrum insecticidal dust for the control of stored maize and small grain cereals pests, including control of Larger Grain Borer. Actellic super has fumigant, stomach and contact activity against insect pests. Pirimiphos-methyl through its fumigant activity effectively controls weevils...
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AG Copp 75 is a red copper fungicide, for the preventive control of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) and Coffee Leaf Rust. AG Copp 75 can be used as a tank mix with TWIGATHALONIL 720 SC for control of Coffee Berry Disease in coffee. AG Copp 75 can be applied by leaf surface spraying. Thorough wetting...
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Non-ionic wetter/spreader for use with fungicides, herbicides to increase their efficiency. Agral 90 is a non-ionic liquid, wetting and spreading agent which can be mixed with any spray without affecting its chemical properties. It aids the wetting of waxy leaf surfaces, insects and fungi and...
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An insecticide for the control of whiteflies in citrus, tomatoes and roses, and mealybugs in passion fruits.  APPLAUD is an insect growth regulator specifically for the control of whiteflies in citrus, roses and tomatoes;  and mealy bugs in passion fruits. It works by killing the...
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Beauvitech is a biological insecticide used to control Thrips and other soft-bodied insects. MODE OF ACTION  Attachment –  Spores of B. bassiana  attach to the insect body and germinate. Penetration –  Fungal hyphae through enzymatic action break the insect...
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Coda Zn-L is a zinc chelated complex recommended for both foliar and root applications to prevent and correct zinc deficiencies in both crops and soils. Zinc is important in protein synthesis and plant reproduction. In the soil, the chelate structures prevent zinc from forming the insoluble...
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Coda-Bor is a liquid formulation with a high boron concentration (140g/l). Coda-Bor is recommended for both foliar and root applications to prevent and correct nutritional deficiencies of boron, essential for pollination and fruit setting. The boron supplied by Coda-Bor improves the...
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Codahumus 20 is a liquid humic amendment for soil correction with humic and Fulvic acids. Codahumus 20 is a liquid organic corrector with high humic and fulvic acid contents. It improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, for all kinds of crops. It can be applied...
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A Trace element complex containing Boron and Molybdenum complexed with Amino acids. EID Parry’s IP protected biostimulant Vigo™, is based on active of 100% plant origin, which helps the crop to achieve a vigorous root and shoot growth and enables growers to reap higher yields.
An N:P:K formulation based on enzymatic amino acids and potassium phosphate with nutritional stimulation and phytofortification effect. Codamin Radicular is a product formulated with enzymatic amino acids and potassium phosphate. It is a triple action product: root stimulation, nutritional...
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Liquid blend of trace elements. A balanced liquid blend of trace elements for deficiencies correction suitable for use throughout the crop cycle. It a good dispersing and wetting agent when applied with other products. It is applied as a foliar spray or by fertigation. Active Ingredients...
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CODAPHOS K is a high concentration fertilizer solution containing phosphorous and potassium as potassium phosphate for optimal plant growth(flowering and fruit set) and for phytofortification. Codaphos K is a high graduation phosphorous- potassium formulation that promotes the plant’s natural...
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A calcium liquid complex containing several organic acids that enhances ability of the product to correct calcium deficiencies in many kind of soils. A source of readily available calcium to the crops, improving quality, hardness and post-harvest conservation of fruits. It unblocks the salts...
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Codasul PH triple action nitrogenous acid solution formulation fertilizer with Sulphur.  Codasul PH triple action nitrogenous acid solution formulation fertilizer with Sulphur.
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Fungicide for the control of Early Blight and Late Blight on Tomatoes; Coffee Leaf rust and coffee berry disease control. Copper ions are absorbed by fungal and bacterial spores as they grow. Once absorbed, copper disrupts the enzyme systems of the pathogenic organism. It is a protectant...
A contact insecticide for control of Diamond Back Moth and Aphids in Cabbages and Kales, sucking and chewing insects in Beans and tomatoes, aphids, thrips and whiteflies in roses, aphids in Wheat and Barley, Maize stalk borer and armyworms in Maize. DUDUTHRIN® is A contact insecticide for...
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(VAT inclusive)
Fusarium wilt resistant greenhouse tomato. 1.Tolerant to Fusarium wilt 2.Excellent production 3.Good shelf life 4. Longer crop cycle
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A non-selective fast acting contact herbicide for control of grass and other weeds. It kills all green vegetation in coffee, bananas, citrus, sugarcane and inter-rows of maize, cotton and other inter-row crops. Gramoxone kills all green vegetation by contact. It does not affect the brown...
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A non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in maize in zero/minimum tillage systems. GUGUSATE is a non-selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds in maize. Care should be taken so as to avoid...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
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Isacop 50WP is a green wettable powder fungicide, for the control of coffee berry disease (CBD) & rust on coffee. For use on tomatoes and potatoes against early and late blight, cucumber & cabbages against anthracnose, bacterial blights and on carnations against rust, leaf spot and anthracnose....
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KABEDAZIM 500SC is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative activity for control of a wide range of diseases in vegetables, flowers and fruit trees. Mode of Action KABEDAZIM 500SC is based on active ingredient, carbendazim, which is a methyl benzimidazole carbarnate (MBC)...
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Insecticide for control of aphids, thrips and whiteflies in french beans and roses. KATRIN is a fast acting, non-systemic, pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action against a wide range of insects such as aphids, thrips and whiteflies. KATRIN has a knockdown, repellant and...
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Twiga Chemicals Ltd

We are one of the leading companies in Africa. We are involved in the distribution of crop protection , animal health , consumer products and explosives . Twiga Chemical I...


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