TRAXOS® 045EC is a post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses in wheat.
Active ingredient
22.5 g/L Pinoxaden
22.5 g/L Clodinafop-propargyl (as safener-5.63g/L Cloquintocet-methyl)
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
WHO classification
Mode of action
Traxos is taken up through the leaves of grass weeds. Active growth of susceptible grasses ceases within 48 hours after application. Symptoms are observed within one to three weeks depending on environmental conditions and species involved. Decay of nodes and growing points is visible, with young leaves showing chlorosis followed by necrosis.
The safener cloquintocet mexyl selectively prevents phytotoxic effects in wheat, by considerably accelerating the metabolism.
Rates of application
Apply at a recommended rate of 1L/Ha
Traxos controls most of the important annual grass weed species in small grain cereals e.g Setaria spp, Elusine spp, Rye grass, Eragrostis spp
Main crops
Main product benefits
Post emergence solution for a wide range of annual grasses affecting Wheat.
Safe to the crops and environment due to the Safener.
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