The broad spectrum curative and systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in ornamentals.
Suspension Concentrate
Active Ingredient
Thiabendazole 500g/Litre
WHO Class:
Mode of Action
Thiabendazole is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative activity. It inhibits mitosis by binding to tubuline and thus severely impairs fungal growth and development. Thiabendazole forms a protective deposit on the treated surface of leaves, flowers, fruits and tubers. It is also effective against a wide range of plant pathogenic fungi that may be present in the soil or harvested crops.
Fungi inhibited by Thiabendazole include: botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctoria spp, and several other fungi.
- Does not leave unsightly residues on treated produce
- Reliable and broad-spectrum disease control reduces crop losses
- Post-harvest applications help prevent storage diseases and extends crop shelf life
- No negative impact on either the taste or smell of treated crops
- Flexible application either as a drench, a dip or foliar spray
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