Vendor productsProducts found: 64

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KSh. 9,500
(VAT inclusive)
A short day onion with uniform red coloured bulbs. The variety produces bulbs with a suitable flat globe shape and is suited for the fresh market.                                        ...
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KSh. ‍870‍
ACTARA is a robust insecticide which is fast acting and therefore rapidly taken up by the plants, in any situation. ACTARA belongs to a new chemical class neonicotinoids, used for the control of Aphids, Whitefly & Jassids (sucking pests)
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KSh. 7,241
(VAT inclusive)
A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns yellow at full physiological maturity. Admiral is a medium late to late variety producing blocky fruits. The fruits have thick walls and excellent quality. Admiral is suitable for greenhouse and open field production.        ...
In stock
KSh. 2,913
(VAT inclusive)
A medium-dark green cylindrical hybrid traditional variety for open field cultivation. This is a vigorous variety, with medium-long internodes. Its high precocity yielding marketable fruits and its high productivity rate make it ideal for use in open fields, leading to excellent yields, even in...
In stock
KSh. 9,067
(VAT inclusive)
Alston F1 is an indeterminate saladette tomato with suitable bacterial wilt tolerance. Has high vigour with good fruit setting capabilities producing beautiful saladette fruits suited for the fresh market. Shelf life days Over 14 days Fruit shape Angular Fruit weight 130 -...
In stock
KSh. 1,750
ALTO® is a fungicide with systemic and curative properties for the control of leaf rust in coffee. Fungicide with systemic and curative properties for the control of leaf rust in coffee. Active ingredient 100g/l Cyproconazole Formulation SL (Slurry Liquid) WHO Classification...
In stock
KSh. 30,750
AMISTAR is a broad-spectrum fungicide ideally suited for use in IPM programs Amistar is a strobilurin fungicide based on naturally occurring substances found in certain species of wild mushrooms. The active ingredient in Amistar, azoxystrobin, controls a very wide spectrum of disease in wheat...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. 35,550
AMISTAR TOP® 325SC Fungicide for the control of Grey Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight and Common Rust in Maize. Rust, Angular leafspot and Anthracnose in French beans. Ascochyta leafspot and powdery mildew on snow peas and Powdery Mildew in Roses Fungicide for the control of Grey Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. 30,750
AMISTAR XTRA® 280SC is a broad-spectrum foliar fungicide with systemic properties for control of STEM RUST, yellow & brown rust, Septoria, fusarium in wheat, barley blast, net blotch, scald, spot blotch yellow rust in barley. Active Ingredients 200 g/ lt. Azoxystrobin 80 g/ lt....
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. 1,450
Ampligo is a broad spectrum insecticide that can be used to control Tuta Absoluta, Diamond Back Moth, Whiteflies, Leaf-hoppers and Fall Army Worm.  Active Ingredient 100g/lt Chlorantraniliprole 50g/lt Lambda-Cyhalothrin Formulation Encapsulated Soluble Concentrate...
In stock
KSh. 2,988
(VAT inclusive)
An early maturing fresh market variety that is a special type of Cauliflower. It produces curds that have a consistent white color which stays white even when the head is not covered by leaves. It has high plant vigour and high field holding capacity.            ...
In stock
KSh. ‍285‍
APRON  STAR is a seed treatment fungicide-insecticide mixture for controlling downy mildew, damping-off diseases as well as for protection of seeds and seedlings against early season insect pests and soil borne diseases in  beans, sorghum, maize, cotton and vegetables. ...
In stock
KSh. 24,025
ARTEA®  330EC is a broad spectrum foliar fungicide with systemic properties for the control of rust, leaf spots and other major diseases in wheat and barley. Active ingredient 250g/l Propiconazole   80g/l Cyproconazole  Formulation Emulsifiable concentrate...
In stock
KSh. 5,396
(VAT inclusive)
A Blocky Hybrid Pepper Turning Red at Maturity. Balta is a Strong, Open Growth Habit Plant with Good Foliage Cover. Continuous Fruit Setting and Production. Balta is Aimed at Areas Where Virus Pressure Might Be A Problem and Suited for Culture Under Plastic Uniform Fruit Size and...
In stock
KSh. 1,594
(VAT inclusive)
A hybrid suited for use in the fresh market. Bashaer is an early maturing variety that produces firm fruits                                                    ...
In stock
KSh. 47,250
Flowable concentrate. A seed dresser insecticide for treatment of wheat seeds against Russian wheat aphid.  Active Ingredient: 262.5 g/lt Thiamethoxam 25 g/lt Fludioxonil 25 g/lt Difenoconazole Formulation: Flowable concentrate. (FC)
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KSh. 11,925
CHEROKEE® 487.5SE gives the crop protection against a wide spectrum of important diseases of wheat and barley. It controls stem rust, Leaf Spot, Yellow Rust, and Septoria in wheat. Active ingredient 375g/lt Chlorothalonil 62.5g/lt Propiconazole 50g/lt Cyproconazole Formulation...
In stock
KSh. 12,000
CHESS® provides powerful control against aphids and whiteflies (vegetables, potatoes, stone fruits, and ornamentals) and of hoppers in rice and mangoes. It delivers immediate crop protection through permanent feeding inhibition. Active Ingredient: 500g/ltr Pymetrozine Formulation:...
In stock
KSh. 6,993
(VAT inclusive)
A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns red at full physiological maturity. Commandant is a medium late variety producing blocky fruits. The fruits have  thick walls and excellent quality. Commandant is suitable for greenhouse and open field production.        ...
In stock
KSh. 39,025
CRUISER® is a seed treatment insecticide for control of soil-dwelling, early leaf-eating, and sucking insects like aphids including the Russian wheat aphid, wire worms, thrips, leaf and stem feeding coleopteran species in wheat, barley and beanflies in beans.  Active Ingredient...
In stock
KSh. 1,405
DACONIL®  720SC is a preventative broad-spectrum fungicide with a unique multi-site mode of action. It is effective against fungal diseases that damage numerous economically important crops. DACONIL® is effective in the prevention of early and late blight in potatoes and vegetables and also...
In stock
KSh. 10,900
DIVIDEND® 030FS is a seed treatment fungicide for controlling seed and soil borne diseases such as bunts, smuts, dumping-off, seedling blights and root rots and delays infection of earlier foliar diseases such as leaf rusts and leaf septoria. Active Ingredient: 30g/L Difenoconazole...
In stock
KSh. 3,645
DUAL GOLD® 960EC is a pre-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grass weeds and some annual broad-leaved weeds in pulses, maize and Sugarcane. Active ingredient 960g/L S-metolachlor. Formulation Emulsifiable concentrate (EC) WHO classification III Mode of...
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KSh. ‍730‍
A broad spectrum insecticide/miticide. A superior solution for control of mites and leaf miners in ornamentals and vegetables.
In stock
KSh. 32,150
ELATUS™ Arc is a broad spectrum fungicide for the control against various fungal diseases in wheat, barley, maize, sweetcorn and soya beans. Fungicide Composition: 30g/L Solatenol (Benzovindiflupyr) 110g/LAzoxystrobin 125g/LPropiconazole Application; 0.8L - 1L Per Ha Formulation:...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. 1,170
ENGEO® is a broad spectrum insecticide offering both a quick knockdown and long lasting protection against sucking and chewing pests such as Aphids, Whiteflies, Jassids and lepidopteran pests like caterpillars Offering dual action of a quick pest kill as well as long-lasting efficacy....
In stock
KSh. 1,068
(VAT inclusive)
Fresh market cabbage for high yield and stronger resistance against pests and diseases                                                        ...
In stock
KSh. 3,663
(VAT inclusive)
Fahari F1 is a medium maturing Jubilee type of watermelon. It produces large fruit with sweet tasting red flesh. The fruits have a thin but tough rind that offers very good shelf life and hence good keeping quality to be transported to long distances            ...
In stock
KSh. 3,855
Fusilade Forte is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. Fusilade Forte is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. Fusilade Forte is applied when weeds are between 2- 8 leaf stage. Fusilade Forte...
Active IngredientsFluazifop-p-butyl
In stock
KSh. 4,820
(VAT inclusive)
A blocky hybrid pepper which eventually turns red at full physiological maturity     Color:  Green - red                                              ...
In stock
KSh. 4,840
A broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting, chewing and sucking insect pests in French Beans, Peas and Ornamental Flowers. Active Ingredient 50 g/L lambda-cyhalothrin Formulation Aqueous suspension of microcapsules. WHO Classification 11 Packaging...
In stock
KSh. 2,950
(VAT inclusive)
A determinate hybrid tomato for fresh market with excellent sweet taste.The variety is known for high production of oval shape and very firm fruits and is ideal for all local markets where elongated fruits are requested.                    ...
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KSh. 16,300
KRISMAT® 75WG A new broad-spectrum, post-emergence herbicide setting a new standard for weed control in sugarcane.For control of grass weeds and broad leaf weeds It's a powerful post-emergence herbicide for the control of all important broadleaf and grass weeds in sugar cane. Krismat is a...
In stock
KSh. 2,440
LUMAX® 537.5SE is a herbicide for pre and post- emergence control of grasses and broad leaf weeds in maize and sugarcane. Active Ingredients Lumax is a combination of: 125g/L Terbuthylazine herbicide (reliable, contact and residual) 37.5g/L Mesotrione (new Syngenta...
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KSh. ‍651‍
(VAT inclusive)
An early maturing kale variety that produces large sized leaves. Malkia also delivers excellent leaf quality. The variety is an open field type of plant that produces high quality leaves with attractive green colour. The variety is also known for high yield. The variety has tender leaves and is...
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KSh. ‍560‍
Mastercop 60 SC is a preventative fungicide for the control of of early blight and late blight on tomatoes, halo blight, angular leaf spot, anthracnose and rust in French beans, black rot, black leg and soft rot in broccoli, coffee berry disease and coffee leaf rust in coffee and downy mildew in...
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KSh. ‍430‍
For excellent control of Diamond-back moth, other caterpillars and thrips in Brassica and Ornamental crops. Match works by interrupting the life cycle of caterpillars. Active ingredient 50g/L Lufenuron Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) WHO Classification III...
In stock
KSh. 21,500
MAXIM XL® 035FS is a fungicide for seed treatment for the control of seed and soil borne diseases causing damping-off in maize caused by Fusarium spp . and Pythium spp . Enhances plant establishment with visible growth promotion effects Improved root systems - better fertilizer...
In stock
KSh. 1,365
A suspension concentrate systemic fungicide for the preventative control of foliar diseases in various crops. It combines the action of a new active substance Adepidyn™ with Difenconazole. New A.I. Adepidyn ™   has prolonged residual effect, thus the protecting the leaves,...
In stock
KSh. 2,008
(VAT inclusive)
A medium early hybrid for production in both cool and warm weather. Montop is a vigorous hybrid for fresh market consumption. The plants are very uniform, have a good vigour and produce dark green, dome-shaped heads of high quality.                ...
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KSh. ‍643‍
(VAT inclusive)
A dwarf hybrid Okra variety with shorter internodal length. The variety is suited to the open field and cultivated for the fresh market. OH 102 F1 produces pods with an attractive dark green colour, excellent quality and long shelf life. It exhibits high yield and high intermediate field...
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KSh. 1,750
A Soluble Concentrate (SC) Fungicide for the control and suppression of Oomycete diseases (Down Mildew, late blight, Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora infestans) in Tomatoes, Cucurbit vegetables, and specialty crops.. ORONDIS™ Ultra is a step change fungicide for oomycete control in...
In stock
KSh. 1,190
ORTIVA® 250 SC is a broad spectrum contact and systemic fungicide for the control of rusts, leafspots, botrytis and powdery mildews in vegetables, watermelon, fruit trees, roses, carnations, statice and ascochyta, anthracnose, rust in peas and beans. Active Ingredients 250g/l Azoxystrobin...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. 11,380
Ortiva Top is the green and anti-stress top choice fungicide against powdery mildew, leaf spots & rust in ornamental crops, peas & beans. ORTIVA TOP is a high performance, broad spectrum, new fungicide mixture with systemic, translaminar and contact properties. The strong combination of...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. ‍780‍
Insecticide for the control of Diamond backmoth, Cabbage butterfly, White butterfly and Cabbage moth Lesser armyworm in Cabbage,kales, Broccoli and Cauliflower. Also for control of thrips and black bean aphid in french beans and mites, whiteflies and aphids in roses and other...
In stock
KSh. 7,000
PIRIMOR is a fast acting specific aphicide for use on a wide variety of agricultural crops. It has fumigant action, which aids its distribution within the crop. It does not harm bees and other beneficially useful insects and therefore very useful in integrated pest management (IPM). Active...
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KSh. 2,150
PRIMAGRAM® GOLD 660SC is a pre - emergence herbicide for broad spectrum annual weed control in maize. Active Ingredient 290 g/L S-metolachlor 370 g/L Atrazine Formulation Soluble Concentrate (SC) WHO Classification III Mode of Action S-metolachlor is mainly taken...
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KSh. ‍425‍
QUADRIS® 50WG is a broad spectrum foliar fungicide with systemic properties for broad spectrum disease control in coffee. Quadris is active against the following diseases in coffee: Coffee Berry Disease( Colletotrichum kahawae ) and Coffee Leaf Rust ( Hemileia vastatrix ) QUADRIS® 50WG...
Active IngredientsAzoxystrobin
In stock
KSh. 1,005
(VAT inclusive)
A medium head size cabbage suitable for all markets. Quisor is a blue-green cabbage with a compact medium head for dryer and cooler areas or periods. The variety is known for the round shaped compact heads which is ideal for most domestic markets. The variety also has good trans-portability due...
In stock
KSh. 1,140
REVUS® 250SC  is the new standard in the control of downy mildew and blight in potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables roses and other Ornamental Crops. Protects the crop against new infections. Prevents disease infectionof new growth. Does not easily wash off hence continued protection...
In stock
KSh. 2,700
RIDOMIL GOLD® MZ 68 WG is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the Oomycete fungi. RIDOMIL GOLD controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton. RIDOMIL GOLD is a highly effective...
In stock
KSh. 1,794
(VAT inclusive)
A Fresh market hybrid red cabbage variety that shows exemplary performance throughout all seasons.  The variety exhibits good field standing ability and ensures production of cabbage heads with an attractive colour. It is a medium maturing variety with round to high round head shape ...
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KSh. ‍785‍
SCORE 250 EC is a  broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that provides outstanding control of Leaf Rust and Leaf Spots in vegetables and ornamentals. Score is a systemic fungicide for long-lasting preventive and strong curative action. It has broad-spectrum disease control against...
In stock
KSh. 1,820
SERVIAN® 75WG is a selective early post-emergence herbicide for control of yellow nutsedge, purple nutsedges and certain broadleaf weeds in barley, wheat, maize and sugarcane. Active Ingredient 750g/kg Halosulfuron-methyl Formulation Wettable Granules (WG)  WHO Classification...
Out of stock
KSh. 11,855
SWITCH® 62.5WG is a fungicide with combined contact and systemic properties for the control of Botrytis (Grey Mold) in ornamentals. Combined contact and systemic activity for reliable control of Botrytis. New chemistry - no cross-resistance provides a solution where resistant fungi has...
In stock
KSh. 10,600
The broad spectrum curative and systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in ornamentals. Formulation Suspension Concentrate Active Ingredient Thiabendazole 500g/Litre WHO Class : III Mode of Action Thiabendazole is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative activity....
In stock
KSh. ‍920‍
Thiovit Jet provides superior contact, fumigant and residual activity against mites and powdery mildew, due to its optimum particle size. It is used in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, coffee, tea, cashews and field crops  Active ingredient 80g/lt  Sulphur...
In stock
KSh. 19,475
TOPIK® 080EC is a post-emergence wheat herbicide for control of annual grasses like love grass ( Setaria spp. ), wild oats ( Avena spp. ), wild finger millet ( Eleusine indica ), Guinea grass ( Panicum maximum ) among others. It's a unique selective herbicide that provides reliable control...
In stock
KSh. 1,570
TOUCHDOWN FORTE® 500SL with Hitech technology is a systemic post-emergence non selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and perenial weeds The new TOUCHDOWN with "hi-tech" technology is a systematic post-emergence non-selective herbicide for control of virtually all annual and...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
In stock
KSh. 22,425
TRAXOS® 045EC is a post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses in wheat. Active ingredient 22.5 g/L Pinoxaden 22.5 g/L Clodinafop-propargyl (as safener-5.63g/L Cloquintocet-methyl) Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) WHO classification III Mode of...
In stock
KSh. 3,044
(VAT inclusive)
A Variety for the Fresh Green and Red Market with a Good Disease Pack and Additional Resistance to TSWV. Technical Data Plant Strong Plant, Good Canopy Earliness Medium Fruit Blocky and Thick - Walled Average Fruit Size is Extra - Large Average Fruit Weight 250gm Yield 35 -...
In stock
KSh. 1,068
(VAT inclusive)
Uniform, bigger head size cabbage with excellent head coverage that guarantees freshness to the market. Triperio is a blue-green cabbage with a compact large head. Has a strong stem elevation above ground with very high uniformity in the field Color: Blue- green      ...
In stock
KSh. 4,468
(VAT inclusive)
An indeterminate hybrid for fresh market with excellent sweet taste. The variety is known for high production of oval shape and very firm fruits and is ideal for all local markets where elongated fruits are requested. A very vigorous plant with good cover that produces high yields of high...
In stock
KSh. 1,090
Insecticide for Control of Diamond back moth on cabbage, spider mites, leaf miners and caterpillars on tomatoes and leaf miners and thrips on squash. Insecticide for Control of Diamond back moth on cabbage, spider mites, leaf miners and caterpillars on tomatoes and leaf miners and thrips...

Syngenta East Africa Limited strives to bring “plant potential to life” through innovative solutions to maximise yields, enhancing quality and limiting post harvest losses.


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