Fungicide for the control of soil-borne fungal diseases, including Rhizoctonia in flowers. Rizolex is fungitoxic to mycelia and sclerotia. It is both preventative and curative. It has high activity on soil born diseases.
(500gm/Kg) Tolclofos-Methyl. Wettable Powder.
W.H.O. Hazard Class III.
Rizolex is fungitoxic to mycelia and sclerotia. It is both preventative and curative. It has high activity on soil born diseases.
Rizolex may be used on a wide range of crops, such as vegetables, cereals, flowers and ornamental crops to control Rhizoctonia spp, Sclerotinia spp and Typhula spp.
Rizolex is compatible with many products except alkaline compounds.
- Rizolex is both preventative and curative.
- Rizolex has reasonable persistency in soil.
- Rizolex has no significant phytotoxicity to most crops at practical dosages.
- Rizolex does not accumulate in the soil.
- Flexible in application and may be used by soil incorporation, soil drenching, seed dressing, dipping and seed (bulb, tuber) spray.
- Offers the best available control of Rhizoctonia and Sclerotinia
Wear protective clothing, hat, face-shield, overalls and shoes. Avoid spraying into wind and ensure equipments do not leak. Wash hands and exposed skin after work.
If product is spilled absorb with wet sawdust or earth. Sweep and bury away from water sources Empty packets should be torn up and burned or buried away from sources of water
If in eyes, flush with copious amount of water. If on skin, wash with plenty of water.
If inhaled, remove to fresh air.
If ingested, give water if conscious and consult a physician immediately. Show the label.
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