REVUS® 250SC is the new standard in the control of downy mildew and blight in potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables roses and other Ornamental Crops.
- Protects the crop against new infections.
- Prevents disease infectionof new growth.
- Does not easily wash off hence continued protection against diseases.
Foliar fungicide for the preventive control of late blight in tomatoes, Potatoes and downy mildew in Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthemum, Statice and Gypsophila
Active Ingredient
Mandipropamid: 250 g/litre
Mode of Action
Mandipropamid is highly active against foliar Oomycete pathogens. A large proportion of mandipropamid is adsorbed into the waxy layer of plant surfaces after application assuring excellent rain fastness as soon as the spray liquid has dried. Mandipropamid is highly active against spore germination. Uptake into the leaf tissue assures good translaminar activity. Mandipropamid inhibits mycelial growth during the incubation period.
Crop Tolerance
REVUS 250 SC is highly selective in all field grown crops, where it is recommended. Like other plant protection products, selectivity in crops grown under cover must be carefully evaluated e.g. varieties, growing conditions. When used as recommended REVUS is safe for use in various rose varieties e.g. Valentiono, Cream prophyta, Golden gate, Candid prophyts, Ruti, Tropical Amazon, Escimo, Beach, Gold strike, Calibra, Dream, Chelsea, Red calypso, Sun beam, Arabia e.t.c. However due to often introductions of new varieties in the market, it is advisable to test phytotoxicity on a few plants before spraying.
Spectrum of Activity
REVUS 250 SC is highly active against foliar Oomycete pathogens such as late blight in potatoes and tomatoes (Phytophthora infestans), downy mildew in cucurbits (Pseudoperonospora cubensis), downy mildew in lettuce (Bremia lactucae) and ornamentals (Perenospora sparsa).
REVUS 250 SC is safe to beneficial insects and honeybees.
Directions for Use
REVUS 250 SC is recommended for preventive applications of diseases.
Tomatoes, Potatoes
Late blight (Phytophthora
0.6lt/ha (20ml/Knapsack)
Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthemum, Statice and Gypsophila
Downey mildew (Peronospora sparsa)
Pre-harvest Interval
Tomatoes and Potatoes: 3 days
Spray intervals
Start applications, when the risk of disease infections is high as a preventative spray. Apply REVUS at intervals of 7-10 days. Apply at 7 day intervals during conditions of high disease pressure, spray intervals can be extended to 10 days under conditions of low disease pressure.
A re-entry period in the sprayed areas of minimum 4 hours should be observed and before re-entry of the sprayed area when dry, wear protective clothing.
Resistance Management
REVUS 250 SC is recommended in spray sequence or alternation with products with different modes of actions. Blocks of 2-3 applications of REVUS 250SC can be applied in alternation with blocks of 2-3 applications of products with different modes of action e.g Ridomil Gold, Folio Gold and Ortiva.
For resistance management generally no more than 1/2 of all fungicide treatments per season should be made with REVUS 250 SC or with other products containing fungicides from the same mode of action group.
Make sure the equipment is properly calibrated to give even distribution at the correct spray volume. Tractor sprayers with boom and nozzles, knapsack sprayers and motorized mist blowers are recommended. Use at least 500-1000lt/ha thorough coverage of dense foliage is required
Whenever tank mixes are used first carry out a physical compatibility test. Fill the spray tank 1/4 full with clean water, start agitation, add the measured quantity of REVUS and continue to fill the spray tank. Use sufficient agitation during mixing and application to maintain a uniform suspension.
Sprayer clean-up procedure
Flush the sprayer with clean water after application or at the end of the day by spraying the rinsing at a dilution rate of at least 1:10 (spray mixture: rinsing) on the top.
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