MARSHAL contains carbosulfan as an active ingredient that acts by contact and stomach poisoning.it is also used as a drench through irrigation to control nematodes and other soil borne pests, at the same time control foliar pests through systemic action in the plant.
Carbosulfan 250g/l. Is active as an insecticide/miticide and nematicide on a wide range of crops including coffee, ornamentals, maize, cotton, vegetables. It controls mites, thrips, aphids, caterpillars, berry borer, leafminers, star scales, fired egg scales, berry moth and stalkborers.
METHOD AND RATE OF APPLICATION: Marshal® can be applied pre or post planting.
Generally, mix 75 mls/20L of water then spray affected crop to wet. When applying through irrigation, 25 mls/1L of water to control nematodes. The pH of the water should be controlled to a maximum of 7 to obtain good results.
TIMING OF APPLICATION: at the onset of pest infestation.
PRECAUTION: it is a pest control product and is toxic if swallowed. It is toxic to bees, fish and wildlife.
STORAGE: Store it in a tightly closed original container in a cool dark place away from children, livestock and fires.
Pre-Harvest Interval: 14 days in French beans