KALISOP® is a highly concentrated potassium sulphate fertiliser with 50 % K2O and 44 % SO₃ in sulphate form.
Potassium sulphate 50 (+44) gran.
50 % K2O water-soluble potassium oxide
44% SO₃ water-soluble sulphur trioxide (= 17,6 % S)
• is water-soluble, so that the nutrients potassium and sulphur are immediately available to the plant.
• is nearly chloride-free and is therefore the ideal potassium source for chloride-sensitive crops.
• has, in compared to other potash fertilisers, a lower salt index and is therefore especially suited for the fertilisation of valuable special crops in intensive cultivation systems.
• is the ideal fertiliser for crops with a high sulphur requirement.Sulphur improves the efficiency of the nitrogen fertilisation and has a positive impact on yield and quality.
• is not hygroscopic and therefore has a good storage stability.
• is certified for organic farming according to the regulations (EU) 2018/848 and (EC) No. 889/2008
KALISOP® for top quality in the cultivation of fruits, vegetables and tobacco.
The nutrients potassium and sulphur contained in KALISOP are decisive quality-enhancing factors. They play a key role in plant metabolism such as sugar and starch synthesis, protein production, transport of assimilates and activation of enzymes.
Improved appearance and taste
With KALISOP, fruits and vegetables have a more beautiful colouring. Sugar and acid content is increased and aroma intensified. Cash crops thus become more attractive to the consumer.
Increased storage and processing quality
KALISOP increases the firmness of plant tissue in fruits and vegetables, thus improving the storage life and transportability of the harvested products as well as their suitability for processing and preservation.
Top quality in tobacco cultivation
KALISOP improves the external properties like leaf size, specific leaf weight, leaf colour and increases disease resistance. The low chloride content ensures a long burn time in tobacco. In addition, KALISOP enables the optimal adjustment of potassium and nitrogen supplies in combination with singe nutrient nitrogen fertilisers.
KALISOP® as sulphur fertiliser
• Reduced Sulphur emissions from the atmosphere and the continued use of highly concentrated fertilisers with a low sulphur content lead in many regions to a sulphur deficiency in plants.
• Sulphur deficiency causes symptoms, mainly pale leaves, which are very similar to those with nitrogen deficiency. Depending on the nitrogen supply, chlorosis increasingly occurs in older leaves (in case of an inadequate nitrogen supply) or in younger leaves (in case of good nitrogen supply).
• Due to its high sulphur content (44 % SO3), KALISOP is especially suited for plants with a higher sulphur requirement (oil seed rape, sunflowers, different kinds of cabbage, onions, leeks, etc.). In addition, good sulphur supply increases the utilisation of nitrogen in plants.
• KALISOP contains sulphur in the watersoluble and immediately plant available sulphate form. The soil pH is not altered by KALISOP application.
KALISOP ® – For Crops Sensitive to Chloride and Salt
• Most fruit and vegetable crops are sensitive to chloride and are particularly sensitive to a high chloride supply during germination and early growth. The most important chloride sensitive crops include: Tobacco, soft fruits, stone fruits, grape vines, beans, potatoes, cucumbers, melons, onions, lettuce, early vegetables, greenhouse crops, conifers, flowers and ornamental plants. KALISOP is in principle chloride free.
• KALISOP has been particularly successful in starch potato cultivation. The assimilate transport from the leaves to the tubers can take place undisturbed, because KALISOP has only a very low chloride content. Therefore, the yield potential of the potato can be fully exploited with concurrent high starch contents.
• The salt concentrations in the soil solution in intensive cultivation systems under glass and in the field can vary depending on the water balance. Growth disorders and lower yields are often the result. Under these conditions, KALISOP is the ideal potash fertiliser due to its low salt index.
Fertilisation recommendations
• KALISOP enables a precise automatic application with the fertiliser spreader and is also suited for mechanical mixes (bulk blends).
• KALISOP is suitable for basic fertilisation as well as the top dressing of the crops. Potassium sulphate should be applied in spring to soils that are at risk for leaching to prevent losses.
• The optimal fertiliser amount depends on the potassium content in the soil, cultivation intensity and yield expectations. The following recommendations serve as general guidelines for the calculation of the fertilisation of soils with a good potassium supply and medium to high yield expectations. Regional experiences should always be considered when calculating the fertiliser application
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