HUMIPOWER ® is a water soluble soil amendment and blend that contains potassium, Iron EDDHA, humates and fulvic acid in granular form. It is used in agricultural, horticultural and field crops, landscaping lawns, pot plants as well as gardening. It i
Crop | Rate | Conditions favouring use of HUMIPOWER® |
Maize, cabbages, onions, sugarcanes, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, lawns, pot plants, French beans, water melons, Ornamentals, fruit trees, etc. | Fertilizer blending: mix 1kg of HUMIPOWER® with 50kg bag of fertilizer (D.A.P, T.S.P, N.P.K, C.A.N, UREA etc.) and apply the fertilizer blend when planting or top-dressing. Transplanting: Soak roots overnight in 300g/20L solution. Soil drench: Dissolve and drench, spray 3kg/ha (60g/20L). Spray volume: 1000L of water | Over cultivated soils, highly alkaline or acidic soils, soils with a low carton exchange capacity (C.E.C), sandy soils low in organic carbon. |
Features & Benefits of HUMIPOWER®
- Addition of organic matter to organically deficient soils.
- Increases root vitality.
- High efficient in improving nutrient uptake.
- Excellent results on chlorophyll synthesis.
- Excellent results in seed germination.
- Excellent capacity to retain macro & micro nutrients and fertilizers.
- Excellent stimulation of beneficial microbial activity.
- Proven healthy plants and confirmed improved yields.
- Good for breaking up compacted soil and allowing for enhanced water penetration and better root zone growth and development.
- Capacity to make minerals and other nutrients assimilable by plants.
- Promotes electrochemical balance as donor or receptor.
- One of the most powerful natural free radical scavengers and antioxidants known.
- Complexes and dissolves mineral and trace elements.
- Excellent detoxifier.
- Increases assimilation as it stimulates metabolism.
- Excellent enhancer and of cell division and elongation.
- Has excellent capacity to prevent diseases.
STORAGE: Store HUMIPOWER® in moderate temperature and dry conditions.
How to apply HUMIPOWER®
Crop | Rate | Conditions favoring use of Humipower |
Maize, cabbages, onions, sugarcanes, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, lawns, pot plants, French beans, water melons | Fertilizer blending: mix 1kg of Humipower with 50kg bag of fertilizer (D.A.P, T.S.P, N.P.K, C.A.N, UREA etc.) and apply the fertilizer blend when planting or top-dressing. Transplanting: Soak roots overnight in 300g/20L solution. Soil drench: Dissolve and drench, Spray (60g/20L) i.e. Spray volume of1 000L of water | Over cultivated soils, highly alkaline or acidic soils, soils with a low carbon exchange capacity (C.E.C), sandy soils low in organic carbon. |
Components | Humic acid: 85%, Fulvic acid: 15%, Iron EDDHA 3%, Soluble Potassium (K20):15% |
Crops | All crops |
Benefit | Soil amendment |
Features | Water Solubility: 99 %; Color: Black flakes; pH value (in 5% aqueous dilution): 9-11 |