Crop ProductionProducts found: 4

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Contains products related to crop propagation, production and health.

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KSh. 1,650
Selective post-emergence herbicide for killing grasses and broad leaved weeds in beans Bentazone 480g/L Application Rate; 1L/acre | 200ml/20L
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KSh. 1,650
Pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in Maize. Atrazine 200 g/L + Metolachlor 300 g/L Pre-emergence application; Dose at 200ml on 20L water for clay or loam soil or 1 - 1.5 Litres per acre. Dose at 150ml on 20L water for...
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KSh. 2,200
Oxyfen is a super selective  post & pre emergency  herbicide for onions. Target crops: Onions /Gallic/Spring onions Target weeds :  Both broad leave weeds grass weeds . Spray Stage &Dosage: Big weeds : 50 ml/20 liters water.          ...
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KSh. ‍850‍
Weedal is a  powerful non selective herbicide for killing all growing weeds. Glyphosate 480g/l TARGET crops: All the crops for preparing the shamba TARGET WEEDS : All the weeds including   couch grass, kikuyu-grass, blackjack, knotgrass, amaranthus, etc.  Spray Stage...
Active IngredientsGlyphosate
Hangzhou Agrochemical Industries E.A Ltd

Hangzhou Agrochemical East Africa Industry limited was established in the year 2004 as a supplier of agrochemical products and other farm inputs.


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