Flower Dust is a 100% natural contact insecticide for agricultural use that is supplied in powder form. The active ingredient is pyrethrum at 0.25% w/w
Flower Dust is applied to the soil around the crop at a rate of 200kg per hectare. Kapi Limited agronomists will assist with training for your first application
The pyrethrum is absorbed into the soil and kills all insects within the soil (including pupae) as well as all insects on the surface (including caterpillars)
Flower Dust provides residual protection in and on the soil for over two weeks. As a natural pyrethrum product no residue will be found on the crop at or after harvest – perfect if you need to conform to Maximum Residue Levels for export crops.
Flower Dust is ideal for the control of thrips as it kills the pupae in the soil.
Flower Dust can be used on its own, but for exceptional results it may be used together with Flower DS 4EC (also supplied by Kapi Limited). Flower Dust controls the soil and soil surface whilst Flower DS 4EC controls insects on the crop
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