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Equation ® Pro fungicide is a preferred choice to inhibit crop diseases due to its multiple site of action, long duration of disease control and low PHI. Famoxadime 225g/Kg + Cymoxanil 300g/L  Famoxadone is potent inhibitor of mitochondrial electron transport, specifically...
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A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide (moult accelerating compound) for the control of insect pests on agricultural crops. Spinetoram/methoxyfenozide….……….. 360 g/l Withholding period - Minimum time between last application and harvest:...
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Zorvec®  Encantia® is a new fungicide that specifically targets late blight within potato production. Oxathiapiprolin 30g/L  +  Famoxadone 300g/L  PHI: 3days REI 12Hrs  500ml/Ha
Corteva Agriscience

We’re dedicated to protecting your yield, your land and the world’s food supply. Corteva Agriscience™ is the only major agriscience company completely dedicated to agricu...


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