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Afrikelp is a plant growth stimulant, foliar fertilizer and soil improver with natural nutrients that enhances root development increases the number of flowers, reduces flower & fruit drop and increases the size of fruits leading to overall increased crop yields. Benefits at a glance...
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A broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of a wide range of insect pests in ornamentals, vegetables, field crops, cereals and fruit trees. Alphasin 100EC™ Properties Alphasin 100EC™ is a contact insecticide with quick know-down effect. Suitable against both sucking and chewing...
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Ambar 480SC is a systemic selective herbicide for the control of a variety of annual broad leaf weeds and grasses in potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, sugarcane and maize. Ambar 480SC Benefits A broad spectrum of efficacy It’s reliable activity via root and leaf with a quick penetration...
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Bactergent is a powerful combination detergent and bactericide for washing and sterilizing dairy utensils and equipment. Bactergent dairy cleaning chemicals makes cleaning easier, more thorough and prevents subsequent development of bacteria on the dairy equipment. Composition Bactergent...
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BAMAKO 700WG  is a systemic insecticide for the control of sucking insects in ornamentals, vegetables and tobacco. BAMAKO 700WG  is a highly concentrated water dispersible granule formulation that is easy to handle and measure. Because of its superior formulation, Its granules...
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Bravecto ® is a chewable tablet for the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs. Bravecto ® is a chewable tablet for the treatment and prevention of tick, flea and mite infestations in dogs. 1 Tasty Chew 3 Months Tick and Flea Protection 0 Worries With...
CKL Milking Salve is an off-white medicated milking jelly with antiseptic, non-tainting and non-staining properties. Composition It contains Dichlorophene 0.55% w/w and Lanolin (2% w/w). Indications It is indicated for application on the milker’s hands, Cow’s Udder and teats...
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Diamond V helps stimulate production of both fibre digesting  and lactic acid  utilizing bacteria by providing essential metabolites  which enhances bacterial reproduction and fermenting ability. It is a feed ingredient containing nutritional metabolites  created through an...
DCP is a livestock dietary supplement used to combat Calcium and/or Phosphorous related deficiencies in all livestock. CKL DCP is a high-quality granulated DCP with the correct ratio of Phosphorus and calcium that ensures High Biological Potency   making it more bioavailable for both...
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Grenade is an emulsifiable concentrate ectoparasiticide dip & spray for the control of ectoparasites on livestock. It is a clear, yellow liquid containing 5% w/v Cyhalothrin. Dosage and administration Grenade EC 5% must be diluted with water before use and may be used in dips, spray...
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Harmony is a liquid organic fertilizer which is high in fulvic acid and organic matter, thus supplying plant nutrients and stimulants directly to the crop while releasing soil nutrients in unproductive soils. Characteristics of Harmony High levels of Fulvic acid. Fulvic acids carry trace...
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IMAXI 200SC is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide that can be applied to control sucking and soil pests in vegetables and flowers. It is highly effective in controlling pests such as aphid, thrips, whiteflies, cucumber beetles, bean flies, termites, leaf miners, leafhopper, sawfly and mealy...
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JACKPOT 50EC is a broad-spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting and sucking insect pests in crops. It has a quick knock-down and repellency effect through contact, residual and stomach activity and therefore stopping pest damage to crops immediately. JACKPOT 50EC...
Kupacide Disinfectant is effective in killing bacteria, mycoplasmas, fungi, coccidian and inactivating viruses. It acts in less than five minutes of contact time. Kupacide Disinfectant is a potent, rapid and long-acting disinfectant for general use in disinfections of premises and equipment to...
Kupakula Advanced is designed for lactating cattle with a high protein requirement, for “Steaming “ in the last two weeks of pregnancy and for livestock consuming moderate to low quality pasture. For dairy cattle Milk production in dairy cows is greatly limited by reduced protein...
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Kupakula Gold is designed for lactating cattle with high protein requirements, for “Steaming “in the last two weeks of pregnancy and for livestock consuming moderate to low quality pasture. Fortified with Diamond V, it contains all essential nutrients and amino acids required for...
Kupakula Nutrition Formula is a premium supplement containing readily bioavailable energy, by-pass protein, Phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A and all the essential amino acids including methionine and lysine. It is designed for livestock with a high protein requirement, for “steaming”...
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Lipidol a nutrient absorption accelerator based on highly concentrated functional Lysophospholipids. LPLs are made from enzymatic hydrolysis (by phospholipase A) of the phospholipids by removing one of the fatty acid chains. Phospholids naturally exist in small proportion in the cell membranes....
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Maclik Super is a mineral supplement specifically designed for the dairy cow to provide her with all the necessary requirements of Phosphorus and Calcium for maintenance and production of both calves and milk. All the basic trace minerals are present at appropriate levels and provided this...
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Maclik Beef is a composition of mineral salts specially designed to meet the mineral requirements of beef stock. Composition  (%w/w and/or ppm) Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 29.52% Calcium (Ca) 26.64% Phosphorous (P) 2.59% Magnesium (Mg) 1.00% Copper (Cu) 1100 Manganese...
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Maclik Dry Cow is specifically made for expectant cows that are nearing birth. It contains nutrients for optimum pregnancy maintenance Composition (w/w and/or ppm) Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 23%, Calcium (Ca) 5% Phosphorous (P) 9% Magnesium (Mg) 14% Copper (Cu) 2500...
Maclik Mineral Brick is a highly convenient background salt suitable for all classes and species of livestock. Composition Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 27 Calcium (Ca) 16 Phosphorous (P) 6.3 Magnesium (Mg) 1.5 Iron (Fe) 0.2 Copper (Cu) 0.12 Manganese (Mn) 0.15 Zinc (Zn)...
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Maclik Plus is a mineral supplement specially formulated for heifers (6 months of age up to the 7th month of the gestation period). Maclik Plus provides all the essential requirements and contains vital elements for improved health, heat enhancement and prepares the heifer for conception....
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 Maclik XP is a new, advanced mineral supplement for dairy cattle. In addition to the 15 mineral elements, it also contains Xtra Phosphorous, Bioplexes and Vitamin E for Xtra production and Xtra profits Xtra Phosphorous The phosphorous in Maclik XP has a 95% bioavailability to the...
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METRO 200SC is a termiticide recommended for the treatment of soil for control of subterranean termites Benefits METRO is a termiticide that offers a quick, long-term and complete solution to termite infestation. METRO is a non-repellent termiticide and hence cannot be detected....
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MILOR ™ 720 WP is a systemic and contact most effective fungicide for the control of early and late blight on potatoes and tomatoes, downy mildew in crops including roses; fungal leaf spot diseases and damping off in vegetables. Metalalxyl is a systemic fungicide which is rapidly taken...
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Natuzyme is a high-quality and multi-activity feed enzyme formulated specifically for broiler, layer, duck, turkey, ruminant and aqua feeds to enable better nutrient utilisation, resulting in more high-quality meat, eggs or milk with lower total cost. 9 key enzymes Improve feed conversion...
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Nefluk is a broad-spectrum suspension  Dosage and administration Cattle: Nefluk suspension should be administered to cattle at the recommended dose rate of 7.5 mg of Albendazole/10 Kg body weight (0.75ml per 10kg body weight) for control of nematodes and tapeworms. To control Liver...
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Nefluk 2.5% is a broad-spectrum suspension. Dosage and administration Cattle: Nefluk suspension should be administered to cattle at the recommended dose rate of 7.5 mg of Albendazole/10 Kg body weight (0.75ml per 10kg body weight) for control of nematodes and tapeworms. To control...
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20 boli pack  Nefluk Bolus is a broad spectrum dewormer tablet that targets lungworms, tapeworms and liver flukes in cattle, sheep and goats.  It is administered at the rate of 2 boli for an adult cow, 1/2 for calves and 1/4 for sheep and goats. 
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High-quality Levamisole dewormer. Composition Levamisole Hcl B.P 1.5% w/v. Dosage and administration Cattle, sheep and goats: 5ml per 10kg. Nilverm is safe for use in cattle sheep and goats at any time of the year and can be used on young, pregnant and lactating animals. Nilverm is fast...
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Nilzan Bolus is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic bolus for the treatment and control of roundworm and tapeworm liver fluke infestations in cattle. Composition Each Bolus contains: Levamisole Hydrochloride BP (Vet) 1g Oxyclozanide BP (Vet) 1.4 g Indications Nilzan Bolus is a broad...
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Nilzan Super is a broad spectrum double strength dewormer for cattle, sheep and goats which contains cobalt for improved growth and performance. Composition Contains: 6.0% w/v Oxyclozanide BP (vet) 3.0 w/v Levamisole Hydrochloride BP (vet) 0.764% Cobalt Sulphate Dosage and administration...
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RODAZIM 50SC can be used to control a wide range of diseases in French beans, rice, melons, butternuts, courgettes, cucumber, tomatoes, flower(roses and carnations) and fruit trees (mangoes, citrus, pawpaw). Dosage and administration RODAZIM can be applied by spray method with equipment...
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ROMECTIN is highly translaminar insecticide and has excellent performance on mites and leaf miners on flowers and vegetables. ROMECTIN activates arthropod species such as mites by stimulating the presynaptic release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GA-BA) binding to...
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Stop Bloat is a clear, colourless, viscous liquid containing a powerful non-toxic surfactant ( Simethicone 10% w/v ) agent. Dosage and administration Cattle – 10ml of concentrate. Calves – 5ml of concentrate. Sheep &Goats – 2.5 ml of concentrate.
Triatix Stock Spray is an ectoparasiticide for use in Dips or as a Spray for the control of ticks, mange and lice on cattle, sheep, goats, camels, pigs and dogs. Composition Each litre of Triatix contains 125 g of Amitraz. Triatix is a straw-coloured emulsifiable concentrate (EC) liquid....
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Trilk allows the calf to get all the energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements it needs, without stressing the rumen development of the calf. Although genetic improvement in dairy cattle has led to a higher production of milk with higher fat and protein content, the levels of...
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(VAT inclusive)
Tsavorite is a tropical hybrid cabbage well adapted to heat and rain.
CKL Africa Ltd


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