CHEROKEE® 487.5SE gives the crop protection against a wide spectrum of important diseases of wheat and barley. It controls stem rust, Leaf Spot, Yellow Rust, and Septoria in wheat.
Active ingredient
375g/lt Chlorothalonil
62.5g/lt Propiconazole
50g/lt Cyproconazole
WHO classification
Mode of action
Cherokee® 487.5 SE contains 3 active ingredients. It contains both sterol biosynthesis inhibitors (SBI) and phthalonitrile fungicides. Cherokee® 487.5 SE has systemic and preventative properties for control of rusts, leaf spot and Septoria species on all commercial varieties of wheat. SBI’s inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis and cell wall production. The mode of action is different from other fungicides and there is no known cross resistance to this mode of action pathogens that have developed reduced sensitivity to other fungicide groups. Chlorothalonil is a multi-site fungicide and shows no cross resistance to other fungicide groups. Treatment at early stages of disease development will ensure the best results.
Rates of application
Apply at a recommended rate of 1.2lt /Ha
Rusts, Leaf spot, Yellow, rust, Septoria.
Main crops
Main product benefits
- Broad Spectrum Cheroke - gives the crop protection against a wide spectrum of important diseases of wheat and barley.
- Fast Assimilation - Cyproconazole and Propiconazole are absorbed by the plant within one hour after application this gives the crop good and fast protection against disease causing fungi.
- Crop tolerance - When used according to our recommendations Cherokee is well tolerated by both wheat and barley.
- Compatibility - Cherokee is compatible with major commonly used pesticides. Although no specific miscibility problems are known, it is generally recommended that this point be checked with the locally available partner formulation on a small scale
- Weather Stick (Rainfastness) - Effective spray deposits on the leaf before and after 10mm of rainwash in comparison with other generic chlorothalonil based products.
- A Growers Tool In Resistance Management – Cherokee is a co-formulated mixture of triazoles and chlorothalonil. These active Ingredients possess different modes of action thus form part of a resistance management strategy.
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