AMISTAR XTRA® 280SC is a broad-spectrum foliar fungicide with systemic properties for control of STEM RUST, yellow & brown rust, Septoria, fusarium in wheat, barley blast, net blotch, scald, spot blotch yellow rust in barley.
Active Ingredients
200 g/ lt. Azoxystrobin
80 g/ lt. Cyproconazole
Soluble Concentrate
WHO Classification
Both active ingredients act as an inhibitor of mitochondria respiration by disrupting the energy cycle within the fungus and interrupting the biosynthesis of ergosterol. This interferes in the fungal life cycle mainly during spore germination, infection and hyphen growth. Both active ingredients are transported acropetally and translaminary inthe xylem and therefore gradual uptake in to the leaves of the plants. Due to its dual mode of action and high systemicity, AMISTAR XTRA® can be applied preventively and curatively.
AMISTAR XTRA is active against pathogens of the classes of Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetesm Deutromycetes and Oomycetes.The diseases it controls are Stem Rust, Yellow & Brown Rust, Septoria, and Fusarium in wheat. Barley Blast, Net Blotch, Scald, Spot Blotch and Yellow Rust in barley.
Rate of Application
AMISTAR XTRA® is best applied with tractor boom sprayers at water volume rates of 100-200 lt/ha (optimum 200 lt/ha). Use 110 flat fan nozzles at 2-5 bar pressure. Boom height should be 30-50 cm above crop canopy. With knapsack sprayers 150-250 lt/ha are recommended and reflex nozzles with pressure of 2-3 bars.
Main Crops
Wheat And Barley.
- Extra yield and quality means extra profit, due to the greening effect.
- Two modes of action therefore providing powerful preventative and early curative activity.
- Rapidly translocated with systemic and translaminar activity therefore protecting new growth.
- Prolonged leaf retention allows extended grain-fill hence increased yield and grain productivity.
- Excellent Stem Rust and Barley Blast control.
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