AMISTAR TOP® 325SC Fungicide for the control of Grey Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight and Common Rust in Maize. Rust, Angular leafspot and Anthracnose in French beans. Ascochyta leafspot and powdery mildew on snow peas and Powdery Mildew in Roses
Fungicide for the control of Grey Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight and Common Rust in Maize. Rust, Angular leafspot and Anthracnose in French beans. Ascochyta leafspot and powdery mildew on snow peas and Powdery Mildew in Roses
Active ingredient
250 g/litre Azoxystrobin
125 g/litre Difenoconazole
Soluble concentrate (SC)
WHO classification
Active ingredient
250 g/litre Azoxystrobin
125 g/litre Difenoconazole
Soluble concentrate (SC)
WHO classification
Mode of action
Azoxystrobin inhibits spore germination at the early stages of fungal development, this confers excellent protection against invasion by fungal pathogens. It is also active against post-germination stages of the life cycle in a broad range of fungal species. Azoxystrobin also confers anti-sporulant activity against a wide range of diseases.
Difenoconazole is taken up by the plant and acts on the fungal pathogen during penetration and haustoria formation. It stops development of the fungi by interfering with the biosynthesis of sterols in cell membranes. Although the mode of action permits protective and curative use, it is recommended to apply the product early enough to avoid irreversible crop damage and build-up of the disease.
Rates of application
Apply at a recommended rate of 0.5L/Ha in Maize with a 14 days PHI
Grey Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight and Common Rust in Maize.
Rust, Angular leafspot and Anthracnose in French beans.
Ascochyta leafspot and powdery mildew on snow peas
Powdery Mildew in Roses
- Systemic and contact mode of action
- Broad spectrum control of diseases on leaves and fruits
- Resistance management by combining two compounds of different chemical class and different modes of action
- Timing: preventative and curative
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